Ismailia Governorate El Taef Language School English Language Task 1

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Ismailia Governorate

El Taef Language School

English Language Task 1 First Term
English Language : A – Level
Fourth Primary
Name ------------------------------------- Class ------4c--------------------

1 – Vocabulary and structure;

A – Underline the correct word in brackets :
1..(Would-Can-Do) I have some chocolates, please?
2..The train (at-to-on) Clifton leaves at 1o:30.
3,Go ( street-straight-start) along El Montazah street.
4.There are lots of (bites-roses-chocolates) in the garden
5.The bank is (next-opposite-between) the newsagent’s
6-I go to the ( bakery- tailor –shoemaker)to buy cakes.
7-They (are –were –be )happy yesterday.
8-The teacher stands (in front of-between –in )the blackboard. .

B Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets :

1.Don’t drop the baby. (mustn't)
2.He doesn’t do his homework. (Last night)
3. I want to go to the police station. (Where)
4-Reem cleaned her room yesterday. (Now)
2- Language function:
C –Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue;
Reem ;Hello Rana ,………………………………..?
Rana : I'm wearing my trainers.
Reem :……………………………………………..?
Rana :I'm going to the club.

3-Reading comprehension:
Read the following passage and answer the questions below:-
It was a cold winter's afternoon .Roaa was walking on the bridge.
Suddenly , she looked down the river. She saw a small boy sailing in a boat
.Then she heard a cry ,Help! Help! She saw the boy in the water and the boat
floating away . Roaa was a good swimmer . So, she jumped into the water and
saved the boy . When they got out of water ,the people on the bank were
angry .One of them said ,"You spoiled our film" .Roaa looked and saw a
large camera.
a-Answer the following questions:
1-When did the story happen?----------------------------------------------------
2-What did Roaa hear?--------------------------------------------------------
1-When Roaa heard a cry for help ,she was……
a)walking on the bridge . b)looking for the river.
c)diving in the river.
2-Roaa jumped into the water to …………………… a)have a swim .
b)get her coat.
c)save the boy.

2.Pictorial Composition
Write a paragraph of five sentences describing this picture: : ( My town)

Guiding words -past-large-buildings-streets-cars-people-shops-air-cleaner

3– The Link Reader
Answer the following questions:
1.What were the children going to do ?
2-How were the children going to the woods ?
1-Kevin was worried about the ……………………………….
2-The children lived about…………….away from the forest.
4-Supply the missing letters:
The ch.ld.en read b..ks and the helps them .

4.Hand Writing
Write the following sentence in joint script:
A good book is a good friend.

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