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Nicole Willis Management Plan Fall 2013

Ms. Willis Classroom Management Plan

I. My teaching subject area is Biology and my anticiated grade le!el is se!enth
II. My rocedural e"ectations are outlined as #ollo$s%
1.& 'tudents are to raise their hand $hen as(ing a )uestion or gi!ing an ans$er*
and $ait to be called on+ in order to ensure success#ul classroom discussions.
2.& 'tudents are to enter the classroom and romtly get out materials listed on
the board+ and ut the rest o# their belongings a$ay ,under their chairs* in the
lab des(&. -hey $ill $rite do$n the $arm+u )uestion and ans$er in their
drill boo(s.
3.& When class comes to a close* students $ill be in their seats and $ait to be
..& 'tudents are to $ait until instruction is #inished to obtain lab materials. /ab
materials $ill be re+set on the bac( table ,all materials #or one grou in a lab
tray& and grous $ill send one member to obtain their tray.
0.& 'tudents $ill not as( to go to $ater #ountain or restroom during instruction.
1nce they ha!e sho$n that they ha!e started on the acti!ity* they $ill be
allo$ed to use the restroom.
2.& When alicable* let me (no$ be#orehand i# you $ill be late to class or
lea!ing early. I# tardy or dismissed early* lea!e class $ith minimal disrutions
and obtain ma(e+u $or( $hen you return ,i# you did not do so in ad!ance&.
3.& When home$or( is gi!en* it $ill be turned in at the beginning o# class. /ate
assignments $ill be acceted* but it $ill dro a letter grade #or e!ery day that
it is late.
III. 'tudent Beha!ior 4"ectations ,on a oster in the #ront o# the classroom&
a. 5esect ,mysel# and each other&
b. 5esonsibility ,academically* #or your o$n success&
c. 5eadiness ,to learn* articiate* ha!e #un6&
I7. 8onse)uences o# bro(en rules%
8onse)uences #or bro(en rules $ill be determined based on the se!erity o# the
o##ense. 9o$e!er* the rocedure #or handling bro(en rules $ill be the same. -he
student $ill be as(ed to lea!e the class* a#ter instruction is gi!en and the rest o#
the class is $or(ing indeendently* I $ill go and tal( to the student in the hall$ay.
Beha!iors $ill be discussed and conse)uences ill be gi!en
7. 9o$ rules:conse)uences $ould !ary%
5ules $ill not !ary because I thin( that e"ectations should be consistent
throughout all o# schooling so that students are not con#used as to $hat is
accetable and not accetable in school. 9o$e!er* I thin( conse)uences may be
modi#ied based on grade le!el taught because I thin( middle school can be gi!en a
little more lee$ay* but a lot more strict in high school ,because by that time they
should (no$ $hat is accetable and not&.

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