Lesson Plan 2

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ECED Lesson Plan Format

Your Name: Haylie Walden

Lesson Title: Green Collage
Age Group: 2 1/2 year olds
Category/Subject Area: Literacy, Math, Art Time: 30-45 min
Indiana Foundations Behavioral Objective(s):
Write the correct number
in the box next to the
foundation designation
-The children will listen and respond to a story, "Pot of Gold."
-The children will demonstrate gluing skills by gluing pieces of green paper to a piece
of construction paper.
ELA. 2.2
Materials/Necessary Preparation:
Book- "Pot of Gold"
various shades of green paper,glue, larger construction paper, wipes/clean up
Math M.5.1
Social Studies
Physical Educ. Anticipating and Planning for Challenges:
Music Challenge: Children may not want to participate in the activity because they would
rather play in the classroom
Proactive Measure: Children will be given the choice to participate or not.
The children may not understand how to put the glue on the paper.
The children may not know what the color is that we are studying.

Fine Arts
Activity Procedure/Concept Exploration:
We will sit on the carpet and sing our "Hello, how
are you?" song to get the children engaged.
Then, we will read the book "Pot of Gold" which
talks about the color green. We will discuss why
we are talking about the color green, and I will
point to various objects while asking the children
what color it is. Lastly, I will explain to the
children that we are going to do an art project. I
will show them the different shades of green
paper and glue, explaining our materials to
them. I will then call the children over to the
Children will choose a shade of green
construction paper from the stack. Pre-cut scraps
of different shades of green paper will be on the
table for the children to pick from to glue on their
paper. We will talk about the color green and
what it means from the book.
X Knowledge


Learning Styles/Domains
Explain how this activity is DAP:
Children are naturally curious. This activity will
allow children to explore the color green and
apply their knowledge in a creative manner.It
also gives children the hands-on, fine-motor skills
of gluing The project is open ended and
process based.
X Visual/Spatial
Auditory Inquiry/Open-ended questions: (List at least 3)
Kinesthetic What color did you see inn the book?
What colors do you like best?
What colors do you see in the sky?
Why do you think there are different shades of green?
X Creative
X Naturalist
X Cognitive
If children seem very
interested in different
shades of green, we will
go around the room and
find all the different
shades of green around
the room.
As the children finish, they will put their collage on the drying table. They will get
cleaned up if messy and the children can continue to play in the center of their
The teacher will observe the children and document through the use of anecdotal
notes the abilities of the children to listen to the story, discuss their observations, and
apply their knowledge of gluing the different shades of green through the art project.

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