Change Writers Essay

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Ngo 1

Jenny Ngo
Professor Sheri Gabrielsson
English 1A Section # 9113
March 4, 214
Academic Equality
Peo!le go abo"t their #aily li$es by an agen#a% &heir !lans 'ay consist of (or),
school, !aying bills, hobbies, an# etc% Peo!le (ho go to the 'alls ten# to (al) aro"n#
an# 'in# their o(n b"siness, !ossibly not e$en (on#ering abo"t the !erson*s lifestyle or
"!bringing of (ho is ne+t to the'% ,or instance, so'eone 'ay go to the foo# co"rt an#
see that they*re s"rro"n#e# by a h"ge cro(# of ci$ilians (ho are either in line or eating at
the tables% &hey 'ay not reali-e that those !eo!le in the sa'e central s!ace, 1 o"t of 2.
!eo!le are illegal i''igrants% &hose (ho are illegal aliens ty!ically lac) e#"cation% /n a
broa# !ers!ecti$e, (e are an o$ercro(#e# !o!"lation consisting of o$er 310 'illion
resi#ing in the 1nite# States an# o"t of the inhabitants2 o$er 12 'illion are illegal aliens
3P 24% /llegal i''igrants co'e to A'erica to obtain a better li$ing beca"se they (ant to
!ossess a s"!erior 5"ality of life an# achie$e a higher e#"cation% 6a$ing a higher
e#"cation can be a str"ggle for illegal i''igrants beca"se of social an# econo'ic
&hro"gho"t one*s str"ggle co'es obstacles% 7ne obstr"ction that is !resente# to
the "n#oc"'ente# in#i$i#"als is o$erco'ing the challenge of being fl"ent in the English
lang"age% English as a secon# lang"age is ro"gh for illegal i''igrants beca"se they ha$e
a to"gh ti'e fitting into society being ri#ic"le# by their accent an# ha$ing a lac) of
)no(le#ge in the !re#o'inant lang"age% &hey ha$e to (or) t(ice as har# to fit in (ith
Ngo 2
the co''"nity an# (o"l# be scr"tini-e# if they #i# not e+cel in their aca#e'ics% So'e
(ill feel asha'e# an# scare# to s!ea) the English lang"age beca"se they feel li)e an
o"tcast, not feeling (elco'e# into this co"ntry%
&here co'es fr"stration an# #iscri'ination (hen /llegal i''igrants are ri#ic"le#
an# attac)e# for not )no(ing a lang"age that*s "nfa'iliar to the'% 8earning a secon#
lang"age is har#, ta)es !ractice, an# can be conf"sing% &he A'erican lifestyle 'ay be
#iffic"lt for illegal i''igrants (ho are not fl"ent in the English lang"age beca"se they
can be tease#, sh"nne#, e'barrasse#, asha'e#, afrai#, conf"se#, (orthless, an# an
o"tcast beca"se of they #on*t f"lly "n#erstan# or are ca!able of inter!reting the English
!ro!erly% 9eing tease# for not s!ea)ing English only brings #o(n oneself% /llegal aliens
en#"re h"'ility fro' others for being an o"tsi#er% &he beha$iors they bear are inh"'ane
an# are a res"lt of in:"stice% /t*s not the greatest e'otion (hen one feels "n(ante# in this
co"ntry% &here*s constant !re:"#ice an# hostility fro' other in#i$i#"als (ho #isa!!ro$e
the stat"s of illegal i''igrants ca"sing a hin#rance for the' to be 'oti$ate# in reaching
their aca#e'ics an# being acce!te# in society%
9eing #e!ri$e# of an e#"cation affects e$erybo#y li$ing in the 1nite# States% /t is
a societal !roble' beca"se co"ntless foreigners (ant the sa'e e#"cation syste' an# ha$e
the ability to !"rs"e a better o!!ort"nity in (hich they (ere not gi$en in their ho'e
co"ntry% /t is i'!ortant beca"se they (ere not allo(e# nor gi$en the access to a higher
e#"cation% So'e !eo!le in thir# (orl# co"ntries only e+cee# their highest e#"cation le$el
(ith a 'i##le school e#"cation% &hey (ere "nfort"nate an# (ere not gi$en the !ri$ilege
to ta)e a#$antage of their e#"cation syste', "nli)e the one that A'erica !ro$i#es%
Ngo 3
;eyna Gran#e ha# to a#a!t to the stan#ar# (ay of li$ing in Me+ico% Since they
(ere str"ggling thro"gh !o$erty, r"ral cities in Me+ico #i#n*t !ro$i#e !restigio"s schools
for the lo(<inco'e areas% &he a"thor e'!hasi-es that, =My school (as s'all% /t ha# t(o
bathroo's, one for the boys an# one for girls, b"t no r"nning (ater> 3Gran#e 494% 9eing
gi$en restricte# li'itations to restroo' "sage, the chil#ren ha# to i'!ro$ise (ith their
"n#erlying (ater sit"ation% Gran#e also referre# to the #ifference (ith e#"cation in both
A'erica an# Me+ico by e'!hasi-ing that, =/ !ee)e# insi#e the 'ain #oors, an# / (as
o$er(hel'e# by all the #oors, the hall(ay that see'e# to ne$er en#? My school in
Me+ico #i#n*t ha$e hall(ays% /t #i#n*t ha$e so 'any #oors> 3104% Gran#e (as s"r!rise#
an# bro"ght to o"r attention that the lac) of e#"cation !ost!one# their ability to learn in
the )in#ergarten le$el 3494% 6ere in A'erica, (e !ro$i#e a strong architect"ral str"ct"re
(hich (as also i'!le'ente# as a !reca"tionary safety 'eas"re for the chil#ren an#
a#"lts% 7"r schools offer chil#ren an a#$ance# higher learning an# a'enities s"ch as2
a#'inistration office, toilet !a!er, r"nning (ater, n"rses, school s"!!lies, !ro!er
f"nctional toilets, fa"cets, stalls, 'irrors, after school !rogra's, t"toring, $en#ing
'achines, an# etc% /n !oor neighborhoo#s in (hich Gran#e li$e# in #i#n*t ha$e the basic
necessities co'!are# to (hat the 1nite# States !ro$i#e# for their st"#ents%
&he schools in the 1nite# States !ro$i#e goo# health care% /n Me+ico, the schools
#i# not ha$e n"rses or health care% /f a st"#ent ha# ba# hygiene that co"l# be #etri'ental
to other st"#ents2 s"ch as ha$ing lice or a !in) eye, that st"#ent (o"l# not be allo(e# to
atten#@ret"rn to school "ntil the iss"e (as resol$e#% &he school asse'blage in the 1nite#
States care abo"t their st"#ents* (ell being by 'a)ing s"re that their i''"ni-ation
Ngo 4
recor# is "! to #ate an# enforcing reg"lations so that the st"#ents 'aintain their health in
or#er to f"rther their e#"cation, "nli)e the syste' in Me+ico%
/ ha$e a frien# na'e# Abraha' Gra:e#a (ho is a 2A year ol# tall an# h"s)y
yo"ng gentle'an (ho (as born an# raise# in Me+ico% 6e see'e# !leasantly o!en in
sharing his e+!erience an# )no(le#ge abo"t the str"ggle he ha# s"staine# in both
A'erica an# Me+ico% / belie$e he felt at ease (ith sharing his tho"ghts (ith 'e beca"se
/*' a goo# frien# of his% 6e #oesn*t ty!ically con$erse (ith others abo"t this s"b:ect
"nless he )no(s the other in#i$i#"al% 6e sl"'!e# a little bac)(ar#s into his chair as he
state# that, =My fa'ily an# / 'igrate# to the 1nite# States (hen / (as 12 years ol# in
or#er to be grante# a better life>, (hen / notice# he a!!eare# a bit sa##ene# to ha$e
reli$e# those terrifying 'o'ents% / can only i'agine the i'ages flo(ing ra!i#ly thro"gh
his 'in# being fearf"l of getting ca"ght an# #e!orte# bac) to his nati$e co"ntry% 6is
eyes starte# to tear "! an# he cho)e# "! at the 'ere fact that he al'ost #i#n*t 'a)e it
across the bor#er% ,ro' his e+!ressions, it #i#n*t loo) li)e he 'isse# Me+ico beca"se it
bro"ght "! horrible 'e'ories% 6e recalls going to a school by the na'e of =/#olina
Gaona%> As he re'inisce# abo"t his ol# life, he sai# =&he b"il#ings (ere r"n #o(n an#
'a#e o"t of (oo#% &he fo"n#ation (as b"ilt li)e a (areho"se (ith $ery little occ"!ancy%
/f (e #i#n*t bring o"r o(n chairs to school, (e ha# to sit on the #irt floor% &he school #i#
not !ro$i#e any tables, healthcare, !a!ers, !ens, or any school s"!!lies% Nobo#y
s"!er$ise# "s, so (e co"l# #o (hat (e (ant%> Bhen he retol# his story abo"t the
school*s con#ition, he loo)e# #o(n as if e'barrasse# to ha$e gone thro"gh s"ch
a#$ersity% 6e*s $ery !ro"# to be Me+ican, b"t not for the lifestyle he (ent thro"gh% 6e
Ngo A
(as a bit sha)y as he sai#, =/t too) 'e o$er A years to learn English an# / "se# to get
'a#e f"n of all the ti'e fro' e$erybo#y beca"se of 'y accent%> ,ro' his tone, he #i#n*t
a!!reciate others e'barrassing or harassing hi', (hich see'e# to ha$e lo(ere# his self<
estee'% 6e contin"e# to say that, =/ (ante# nothing 'ore than to e+cel in school an# to
be acce!te# fro' others> (hich tells 'e that he also (ante# to fit in (ith the cro(#%
Peo!le sho"l#n*t be so 5"ic) to :"#ge others (hen they only (ant (hat*s best for the'%
&he fact that illegal i''igrants (ere not allo(e# to a!!ly for citi-enshi! !ose# as
an iss"e "ntil the 1%S% in 109C !asse# the Nat"rali-ation Act% /n or#er to be a nat"rali-e#
citi-en, illegal aliens '"st ha$e resi#ency in A'erica for 14 years "ntil it (as re$ise# to
A years% &he go$ern'ent contin"es to fear granting illegal aliens* citi-enshi! beca"se
so'e t"rn to gang $iolence, co''it ho'ici#e, co''it se+"al offenses, an# !ose as a
national threat to the society% &o this #ay, it is still to"gh for illegal i''igrants to obtain
a citi-enshi! if they #o not ha$e a green car# $ali# for at least A years (ith !roof of
resi#ency% /llegal i''igrants (ill ha$e to "n#ergo a thoro"gh bac)gro"n# chec) an# any
#iscre!ancies can #eny the' citi-enshi!% &hese reg"lations coinci#e (ith the D;EAM
Act to hel! enforce e#"cation (ith "n#oc"'ente# st"#ents% /f the D;EAM Act can be
!asse# as a la( in all A states, it (o"l# be beneficial for the 1nite# States cons"'ers,
generating :obs that (ill !ositi$ely affect the econo'y% 3Mc,ay#en P 2,.,04
/f the go$ern'ent is fearf"l for granting illegal i''igrants citi-enshi!, they
sho"l# re'e#y this iss"e by f"n#ing thir# (orl# co"ntries that are in "n#er!ri$ilege#
societies% &here are non<!rofit organi-ations an# ci$ilians (ho :oin together to hel! thir#
(orl# co"ntries !rofit for a better e#"cation syste'% /f the 1nite# States can ta)e o"t a
s'all !ercentage of the E1 trillion F "se# in o"r e#"cation syste', it (o"l# greatly affect
the (orl#% /t*s a (on#erf"l thing to contrib"te to higher nee#s an# to gi$e a hel!ing han#
to those (ho are s"ffering% /f the 1nite# States hel!e# thir# (orl# co"ntries, there (o"l#
be less of an econo'ical !roble' in to#ay*s society an# (o"l# ca"se a !eacef"l alliance
(ith other co"ntries%
&here are a#$ocates (ho s"!!ort the i''igration refor' beca"se they belie$e
that it can hel! i'!ro$e the i''igration e!i#e'ic as (ell as i'!ro$e o"r econo'y% &he
Presi#ent of the A'erican Go"ncil on E#"cation 3AGE4, Molly Gorbett 9roa# belie$es
=o"r long<ter' econo'ic gro(th by !ro$i#ing these yo"ng !eo!le a (ay o"t of the
sha#o(s an# into o"r (or)force> can s"bse5"ently i'!act the f"t"re of the 1nite# States%
/n allo(ing the "n#oc"'ente# st"#ents the access to e#"cation, it (ill hel! refor' o"r
econo'y (ith :ob o!!ort"nities in (hich nee#s to be f"lfille#%
Pro$i#ing illegal aliens a'nesty (ill o!en #oors for their a#$antage in learning
the English lang"age% /n #oing so, they (ill be biling"al an# benefit co'!anies (ho are
in nee# of those (ho s!ea) both lang"ages fl"ently% A 6is!anic insights s!ecialist (ith
SE2, a Den$er<base# co''"nications fir', Abraha' Morales agrees that =8earning ho(
to s!ea) an# (rite English hel!s "s not only to s"r$i$e, b"t to a#$ance as (ell%> ,ro' his
e+!erience, he has #ealt (ith =talente# ne( citi-ens (hose le$el of English li'its their
ability to !"rs"e career o!!ort"nities, to be ore engage# in their chil#ren*s e#"cation, or
to better "n#erstan# co'!le+ 1%S% syste's s"ch as health care%> &he 1nite# States
contin"es to flo"rish yearly (ith biling"al in#i$i#"als an# reiterates the i'!ortance of
)no(ing 'ore than one lang"age for the !"r!ose of f"rthering co'!anies% 39lanton P 94
6a$ing no e#"cation can be a hin#rance for f"t"re s"ccess% /t is a high sta)es
sit"ation to not ha$e an e#"cation beca"se 'a:ority of the a$ailable !ositions offere# in
the (or) force often re5"ire a college #egree% /t (o"l# be beneficial to the 1nite# States
for granting a'nesty for illegal i''igrants beca"se it (ill hel! A'erica sec"re !ositions
that are lac)ing to#ay% /f the illegal aliens (ere grante# !er'anent nonciti-en resi#ency,
they (o"l# all be #oc"'ente#, !ay ta+es, an# !ay a higher fiscal cost% /n these efforts,
there sho"l#n*t be any #eficit to(ar#s A'erica*s econo'y%
Work Cited
9lanton, &o'% Immigration reform would help undocumented pursue education.
!"rs"e<e#"cation<2@% 10 J"ly 213% Beb% 4 March 214%
Mc,ay#en, Jennifer% The History of Naturalization Requirements.
htt!H@@i''igration%abo"t%co'@o#@"si''igrationhistory@a@Nat"rI6istory%ht' ND% Beb% 4
March 214
Morales, Abraha'% &he Den$er Post2 8earning English can hel! i''igrants s"r$i$e%
s"r$i$e#i+--2$4JEef+8. 11 March 213% Beb% 4 March 214%
NP Illegal Immigration: Costs, Crimes, Related !ro"lems #$.%.&.
14 ,eb% 2A% Beb% 4 March 214%
S)erry, Peter% ' third way on immigration( Instead of deportation or amnesty, the $.%.
should adopt legalization without citizenship.
212121.% 1. Dec% 212% Beb% 4 March 214%
1nite# Sates Gens"s 9"rea", Borl# 9an), $nited %tates !opulation.
ND, Beb% 4 March 214%

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