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Ngo 1

Jenny Ngo
Professor Sheri Gabrielsson
English 1A Section # 9113
April 16, 21!
Personal Responsibility
"hro#gh o#t $y e%#cational career, & contin#e to learn a lot abo#t $yself' & fin%
$yself %elighte% at en(oying $y solit#%e rather than )or*ing in gro#ps' "here are
pros an% cons )ith )or*ing in gro#ps beca#se it can ca#se a hin%rance if others %o
not acti+ely participate in the pro(ect' & a$ the type of person )ho en(oys %oing
pro(ects on $y o)n beca#se & %o not )ant to rely on others for help' ,ith $y
pro(ects, it is $y %#ty an% responsibility to e-ec#te the plan beca#se #lti$ately,
e+erything falls #pon $e to get the )or* %one' & fear that & )ill fail if the )or* is not
finishe%' "hro#gh trials an% trib#lations, & a$ able to achie+e )hat is necessary to get
ahea% for $y f#t#re by ha+ing self $oti+ation an% a gro)th $in%.set' &n or%er for $e
to recei+e a higher e%#cation, & #n%ergo a constant battle )ith $y social an%
econo$ic str#ggles b#t the *no)le%ge gaine% fro$ learning is priceless an% contin#es
to bring forth great en%ea+ors' & )ill bring forth insight of $y e%#cational e-periences
in high school an% co$$#nity college, )e )ill e-a$ine the challenges an% obstacles
in p#rs#ing $y career in psychology, an% lastly )e )ill %e+ise a strategy for f#t#re
Ngo 2
s#ccess )ith /)ec*0s concept of $in%sets an% /o)ning0s concept of 1icti$ +s'
/#ring $y fresh$an year at Abraha$ 3incoln 4igh School in 2!, & %i%
pheno$enal )ith $y gra%es an% $y social life' & )as acti+e in t)o sports, +ery
socially connecte%, )or*e% part ti$e, recei+e% a !' GPA an% earne% an aca%e$ic
scholarship' & )as recogni5e% by $y fello) peers for $y har% )or* an% $y teachers
)ere fon% of $e' E+erybo%y tho#ght & ha% a bright f#t#re ahea% of $e b#t then there
)as a %rastic change' 6y gra%es %eteriorate% )hen & starte% to en%#re constant
b#llying fro$ others )hile & %ealt )ith $y internal relationship proble$s' 7nce & lost
$y self $oti+ation, & isolate% $yself an% beca$e %epresse%' &t beca$e har% for $e to
foc#s on $y )or* an% to $o+e for)ar%' & starte% ha+ing proble$s in $y social life
an% the altercations )orsene% o+er ti$e' "hese iss#es ca#se% $e to transfer to another
high school #ntil it )as o*ay for $e to transfer bac*' "hese e+ents relin8#ishe% $y
pri+ileges )hen it ca$e to $aintaining $y aca%e$ic scholarship' ,ith the iss#es that
presente% before $e, & ha% a r#%e a)a*ening' "his triggere% an epiphany in $y $in%
an% opene% $y eyes to the $ere fact that & sho#l% not allo) $yself to be hel% bac* no
$atter )hat circ#$stances & $ay face' & al$ost %i% not gra%#ate %#e to $y gra%es'
Altho#gh & %i% ha+e so$e set bac*s, & %i% not )ant to be strippe% a)ay fro$ $y
%iplo$a' & p#t forth $y effort )ith e+ery assign$ent an% l#c*y eno#gh & $a%e it
thro#gh' En%#ring the challenges & face% )as a h#ge lesson learne%' & )ill no longer
allo) $yself to act as a +icti$ of circ#$stance nor allo) others to p#sh $e to those
%ar* $o$ents in $y life'
Ngo 3
So$e stri+e to be s#ccessf#l )hile others %o not' & ta*e the initiati+e in p#tting
effort in school, )or*, an% $y social life' After gra%#ating high school, & ha+e been in
an% o#t of co$$#nity college' 7ne $a(or factor that hel% $e bac* is $y financial
instability' 6y sche%#les an% $y (obs )ere not consistent )hich $a%e school
co$plicate% to atten%' As the years progresse%, & %eci%e% to $a*e a change in $y life'
& )ante% to f#rther $y e%#cation an% in %oing so, & nee%e% a stable (ob in or%er to
$o+e for)ar% )ith $y aca%e$ic career' Jobs %e$an%e% $e to be $ore than a f#ll
ti$e )or*er b#t & %eci%e% that those (obs )ere not right for $e' E%#cation opens
$any opport#nities an% e-periences in )hich & can prosper fro$' & %i% not )ant to let
that opport#nity pass by again'
&n retrospect, & ha% a $a(or assign$ent that )as presente% to $e in the fall
se$ester of 213' & nee%e% assistance in the %e+elop$ental portion )ith the +i%eo
pro%#ction for $y English assign$ent' & #n%erstoo% the $eaning of the i$portance
for o#r assign$ent b#t & felt the pro(ect )as a bit ri%ic#lo#s beca#se $a(ority of the
class %i% not *no) ho) to e%it an% c#t +i%eos that nee%e% to e-cee% #p to an ho#r of
footage' & ha% a colleag#e na$e% 6anfre%o )ho e%its, c#ts, an% ren%ers +i%eos'
,hen & ha% to shoot pict#res or +i%eos, & )as short on ti$e %#e to the )eather or
en%#re% conflicts )ith his sche%#le' & %i% $y part in )hat nee%e% to be %one b#t &
)aite% for hi$ to help $e finish it' & appreciate% his ti$e an% effort beca#se he ha% to
%o the sa$e pro(ect as $e )ith another gro#p' & al$ost t#rne% in $y )or* late
beca#se $y files nee%e% to be ren%ere% an% c#t properly'
Ngo !
At that ti$e, $y $in% spirale% )ith constant )orrying beco$ing afrai% that $y
pro(ect )o#l% not be %one on ti$e %#e to the lac* of ti$ely arri+als an% not ha+ing
the proper e8#ip$ent in or%er to procee%' 6y reactions to this e-perience bro#ght
forth an-iety beca#se & )as afrai% that $y gra%e )o#l% %rop if $y pro(ect )as not
%one on ti$e' & trie% to be as patient as possible b#t as ti$e )ent on, & starte% to feel
on e%ge' & felt li*e a +icti$ of this sit#ation an% & %i% the best & co#l% to $aintain the
#p*eep in $y pro(ect' &n act#ality, & a$ the creator in $a*ing %ecisions )ith $y
e%#cation' "his affecte% $y )or* beca#se & relie% on help fro$ another person' &
belie+e & $a%e the $ost effecti+e choice at that ti$e by getting help fro$ $y
colleag#e beca#se it )as free an% & %i% not ha+e the financial $eans to pay a
professional to assist $e )ith $y )or*' "his sit#ation affecte% $e both short ter$
an% long ter$ by opening $y eyes in allo)ing the challenge )ithin $yself' &f & )as
to be gi+en another opport#nity to %o it o+er again, & )o#l% ta*e initiati+e in learning
the necessary steps in or%er to s#ccee% in acco$plishing $y tas*' &nitially it )o#l% be
ti$e cons#$ing, b#t it )o#l% eli$inate $y responsibilities to)ar%s others' 3earning
an% gro)ing fro$ e-periences %e+elops ones $in% bringing en%less possibilities'
Acti+ely p#rs#ing a $a(or or career can pertain to a social an% econo$ic str#ggle'
School is costly an% it ta*es ti$e a)ay fro$ $aintaining a social life' &n the fiel% of
psychology, it )o#l% re8#ire so$eone to be precise an% analytical in *no)ing abo#t
the h#$an beha+ior, s#ch as9 en+iron$ental an% social beha+ior, )hich are essential
for this career' As %escribe% on E:PA, ;"he fiel% of psychology is a broa%, one )ith
a )i%e range of career options an% the steps to beco$ing a psychologist )ill %epen%
Ngo <
on the specific fiel% of psychology an in%i+i%#al )o#l% li*e to speciali5e in= >E:PA
Par 1?' "here are se+eral s#b.specialties in the fiel% of psychology )hich incl#%es,
organi5ational psychology, in%#strial psychology, clinical psychology, cogniti+e
psychology, an% ne#ropsychology )hich re8#ire an e-tensi+e a$o#nt of research an%
essays' /efine% by the A$erican Psycological Association >APA?, ;"he fiel% of
2linical Psychology integrates science, theory, an% practice to #n%erstan%, pre%ict,
an% alle+iate $ala%(#st$ent, %isability, an% %isco$fort as )ell as to pro$ote h#$an
a%aptation, a%(#st$ent, an% personal %e+elop$ent' 2linical Psychology foc#ses on
the intellect#al, e$otional, biological, psychological, social, an% beha+ioral aspects of
h#$an f#nctioning across the life span, in +arying c#lt#res, an% at all socioecono$ic
le+els= >APA Par 1?' 2linical Psychology is $y preferre% choice beca#se & )ant to
#n%erstan% the %iffic#lties that others ha+e face% an% to help the$ cope )ith their past
or present iss#es' & )ant to be able to help others )ith their personal %e+elop$ent an%
to help enco#rage the$ to $a*e the right %ecision for their f#t#re' So$eone )ho
%el+es into this career nee%s to *no) e-actly )hat they )ant to acti+ely p#rs#e' &n
e+ery co$$#nity college, general e%#cation is a $an%atory re8#ire$ent as )ell as
fin%ing o#t )hat other co#rses sho#l% be obtaine% in transferring into a fo#r year
#ni+ersity' A beneficial factor that one $ay consi%er is to +ol#nteer in a si$ilar fiel%
to get the han%s on e-perience' & ha+e face% so$e set bac*s p#rs#ing $y career' &
)or* f#ll ti$e an% ha+e to ta*e classes that %o not conflict )ith $y sche%#le' & )ant
to be a f#ll ti$e st#%ent b#t & ha+e to *eep $yself financially stable' @oo*s an%
school s#pplies contin#e to b#rn a hole in $y poc*et beca#se & %o not recei+e
Ngo 6
financial ai%' @eing b#sy )ith )or* an% school is an obstacle beca#se it ta*es ti$e
a)ay fro$ $e ha+ing a social life as )ell as sacrificing sleep to con%#ct ti$e to st#%y
or to %o ho$e)or*' & contin#e to be %e%icate% )ith $y e%#cation so & can be
s#ccessf#l )hen reaching $y goals'
3ife is a contin#o#s battle )hen a person challenges the$sel+es to o+erco$e their
financial stability an% social gatherings to possess a higher learning for a greater
f#t#re' 6y strategy for s#ccess is to e-ert e+ery effort to)ar%s $y goals, be open
$in%e%, fin% sol#tions, an% ne+er gi+e #p' ,hen & feel li*e gi+ing #p, & loo* bac* at
)hy & starte% )or*ing to)ar%s $y goals an% & #se it as a re$in%er' 2arol /)ec*
ill#strates that, ;"he fi-e% an% gro)th $in%.sets create t)o %ifferent psychological
)orl%s= >/)ec* Par A?' People )ho ha+e a fi-e% $in%.set are confine% to one )ay of
thin*ing' "hese types of in%i+i%#als %o not allo) the$sel+es to e-pan% their
*no)le%ge to learn' People )ho ha+e a gro)th $in%.set are open.$in%e% )ith
fin%ing %iffic#lt sol#tions to proble$s an% challenge the$sel+es to beco$e s#ccessf#l
in their aca%e$ic career' 2arla Bogers e-e$plifies the $eaning of responsibility
stating, ;& accept responsibility for creating $y life as & )ant it= >Bogers Par 1?' &t is
easier for people to play a role as a +icti$ for fail#re in their o)n s#ccess rather than
p#tting bla$e on the$sel+es for their set bac*s' ,ith +icti$i5ation, this person has a
fi-e% $in%.set for their personal reasoning instea% of gro)ing fro$ this e-perience in
fin%ing possible resol#tions for their long ter$ goals' As an e-a$ple, 6eagan C#nert,
playe% a +icti$ in the fail#re of her o)n s#ccess an% as she state%, ;& too* i$ages that
)eren0t $ine' & slappe% $y )ater$ar* on the$, poste% the$ on $y )ebsite, an%
Ngo D
passe% the$ off as $y o)n )or*= >C#nert Par <?' She )as the creator for her s#ccess
b#t she sabotage% her career by %iscre%iting other people0s )or* as her o)n' She
learne% her lesson the har% )ay an% co$$ente% that, ;"he only thing & can %o no) is
ta*e responsibility for )hat & %i% an% $o+e on= >Par 1A?' So$eti$es p#tting oneself
thro#gh a pre%ica$ent helps a person pre+ent ne) occ#rrences to arise' C#nert face%
the conse8#ences that she presente% to herself b#t learne% a ne) life e-perience an%
$o+e% on'
4a+ing a gro)th $in%set is the *ey to an e%#cational achie+e$ent' 3ife is not
easy an% the only person )ho can hol% the$ bac* fro$ s#ccee%ing is the$sel+es'
Aca%e$ic achie+e$ents %o not happen o+er night beca#se it ta*es ti$e an%
co$$it$ent to e-ec#te the plans' ,hat e$po)ers $e to s#ccee% are being
*no)le%geable an% accepting that & a$ the creator of $y o)n path' & a$ able to grasp
the fact that & a$ hel% acco#ntable for $y f#t#re' Going thro#gh financial str#ggles
an% being %epri+e% fro$ a social life is $y $oti+ation in *no)ing that this is )hat &
a$ )or*ing har% for' 3earning fro$ pre+io#s e-periences, being open.$in%e%, an%
$y )illingness to fin% the best sol#tions for a better o#tco$e $a*es $e one step
closer in achie+ing $y goals' "hro#gho#t $y life ti$e, & )ill be facing $any
obstacles that $ay $a*e $e %o#bt $yself or $y abilities to s#ccee%' & ha+e an #rge
insi%e of $e to %ri+e $yself to a )orl% & ha+e yet to e-perience' & )ill not allo) $e to
sell $yself short fro$ $y f#ll potential' 4a+ing a gro)th $in%.set )ill get a person
far in life' 3ife co$es )ith e-perience, *no)le%ge, learning, an% gaining insight to
fin%ing o#t )hat is best for f#t#re s#ccess' ,or*ing to)ar%s a $a(or or career can
Ngo A
%epri+e a person financially an% socially' "he str#ggles that one #n%ergoes to)ar%s
their career )ill be )orth the battle' "o get a positi+e en% res#lt there are co#ntless
tas*s to go along )ith one0s career choice )hich can be ti$e cons#$ing' 7ne $#st be
able to sacrifice a portion of their life to get ahea%' "he )orl% belie+es that the h#$an
e-istence enco#nters life li*e a roller coaster ri%e' &t has #ps an% %o)ns b#t it *eeps
$o+ing for)ar%' &n life people sho#l% be creators an% ta*e control of their o)n path
by ta*ing responsibilities for their actions' Goals sho#l% be set for f#rther
achie+e$ent' S#ccess co$es to those )ho tr#ly )ant it an% )or* har% for it' ,hat
gro#n%s $e to *eep $o+ing for)ar% is self $oti+ation, %e%ication, co$$it$ent,
fin%ing sol#tions, being open $in%e%, an% reaching $y f#ll potential by not selling
$yself short to)ar%s $y aca%e$ic career'
&n p#tting forth effort, it allo)s a person to reach ones initial goals' @y not
trying, the )orst thing that can happen is fail#re' An in%i+i%#al )ill not *no) if he or
she )ill fail #nless that person has gi+en it a shot' &f a person %oes not try to s#ccee%,
it can lea% to fail#re' "his reasoning applies to people in all aspects of their li+es' "he
only )ay an in%i+i%#al can fail is if he or she %oes not act #pon it' ,e sho#l% not
listen to others an% fear o#r fail#res' ,e )ill en%#re fail#res in o#r li+es b#t )e
sho#l% not stop reaching to)ar%s o#r goals' &n or%er to achie+e, )e )ill face obstacles
that $ight $a*e #s feel #nco$fortable or #neasy' 3ife )ill al)ays present challenges
b#t )e sho#l% not let fear o+erco$e #s' :ear of fail#re )ill %oo$ #s #nless actions
are ta*en to better o#r f#t#re'
Ngo 9
,e sho#l% not #n%er$ine o#r abilities in being s#ccessf#l' ,e are the *ey to o#r
o)n s#ccess' S#ccess is not gi+en b#t rather )or*e% for' E+erybo%y has the potential
to gro) an% )ith gro)th one $#st ta*e f#ll responsibility of their actions to get ahea%
in life' ,e are the creators of o#r f#t#re an% )e )ill st#$ble thro#gh obstacles in
or%er to achie+e o#r goal' 3ife is a learning process an% )ith $y e%#cation, & ha+e
learne% to fin% %ifferent sol#tions in the challenges & face%' ,e ha+e e-plore%
%iffic#lt e%#cational e-periences & en%#re% in $y life, e-a$ine% the total aspects of
p#rs#ing $y career in psychology, an% lastly & ha+e for$#late% strategies in relation
to being a creator in $y o)n s#ccess' "he only ones to c#t o#rsel+es short fro$
reaching o#r f#ll potential'
Work Cited
A$erican Psychological Association, /i+ision 12' Abo#t 2linical Psychology'
httpEFF)))'apa'orgF%i+isionsF%i+12Fabo#tcp'ht$l' N/' ,eb' 2D April 21!'
/)ec*, 2arol' E%#cational 3ea%ershipE The Perils and Promises of Praise' 7ctober
2D' 1ol#$e 6<' N#$ber 2' 1D April 21!'
E:PA' 4o) to @eco$e a Psychologist' httpEFF)))'efpa'beFbeco$e.psychologist'ht$'
N/' ,eb' 2D April 21!'
C#nert, 6eagan' People of the Secon% 2hanceE How I Ruined My Career'
httpEFF)))'secon%chance'orgFpotscFho).i.r#ine%.$y.careerF' 2

J#ne 212' ,eb' 2D
April 21!'
Bogers, 2arla' Strategies for 2reating S#ccess in 2ollege an% in 3ifeE The Language of
Responsibility' Si-th E%ition' S*ip /o)ning' 211' 1D April 21!'

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