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Amanda Johnson

Professor Brown
English 1103

Reflection Essay for Annotated Bibliography

For my Annotated Bibliography, I chose to research the missing Malaysian Airplane,
Flight 370, in which disappeared on March 8
with 239 people aboard. My reasoning for
choosing this topic was because it baffled me how difficult it was for people all over the world,
with the best technology, to track down a giant airplane. Another reason why I chose this topic
was because I wanted to discuss and learn about other aviation disappearances, not to mention I
appreciate researching mysteries. Because there is so many people missing, and families and
friends grieving off of so little evidence, I thought it would be worth examining.
I define power as a strong, wicked, forceful advantage a person, place, or thing can have
over something or someone. This evokes an ideal of a power topic because whatever happened to
that Malaysian Airplane involved power. Whether that power be a forceful fire that arose on the
plane, taking control of this massive transporter and taking it down mercilessly, or a powerful
hijacker that fooled everyone including the airport into believing they were just a normal
passenger, and then took control of the plane with a motive. Someone or something had enough
power to take control of an enormous airplane, and take it down. Power was also lost. The pilot
and copilot lost power to the plane (unless they are involved in taking it down) , the innocent
passengers lost all of their power, and countries all over the world probably felt and still feel
powerless in the sense that they have not found much evidence, or that plane itself yet.

In my research, I used website articles, articles from a journal, a video, a graphic, and a
few archives. I found most of these either by using Google Scholar or just of prior knowledge as
to of what some reliable resources were, such as CNN. It was difficult trying to distinguish what
would be considered a positive and negative article, because most of these sources only stated
facts, updates, and theories on what happened to this plane, so it was hard to say what was
positive and what was negative. Also, I could not find an exact essay on this topic, however I
found a website in which covered what an essay would cover according to our rubric, it just was
not set up like an essay would be.
In researching this topic, I have been updated and informed on exact details going on in
the case of the Missing Malaysian Plane, as well as learned about other aviation disappearances
that I had never heard of. Flight 370 was a scheduled flight that disappeared on March 8
on its
journey from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The plane lost contact with air traffic control less than
hour after take-off. For weeks, several countries worked together to try and track evidence of the
plane. There were false leads such as debris that didnt belong to the plane, and objects found in
the ocean that brought up hope that it could be a part of the plane, but it wasnt. Finally, after a
few weeks, the Malaysian Prime Minister announced that satellite imagery and tracking proved
that the Malaysian plane had crashed somewhere in the Indian Ocean, and presumed everyone on
the plane dead. With lack of evidence, and hearing of the news via text message or by the
television, families were grief- stricken, angry and demanded more evidence. In the first week of
April, a pinger locater picked up signals that could be coming from the black boxes that were in
the Malaysian plane, so Australian officials are sending a submarine to help track these signals
and find the plane in the Indian Ocean. Those are all of the facts regarding the Malaysian plane,
while most of the other things I found were theories. I also learned that 83 aircraft have been

declared missing since 1948.
My perspective on this topic has changed after researching this topic in the sense that I
wanted to believe that the reasoning for this missing plane would be discovered, and the plane
itself. I wanted to believe that there would be some interesting, crazy story, and that it was just
taking a while for people to figure it all out. However, after doing my research, I realized this
very well may never happen. Unfortunately, it has happened in history before, and as large as an
airplane is, oceans cover about 71% of Earths surface. Also, anything could have happened to
that airplane that day, it may have been a technical issue, or it could have been a hijacking.
People may never know.
The article that was the least helpful in my research would be the article on bizarre
conspiracy theories. This article was the least helpful because some of these theories had
absolutely no evidence, and quite frankly not relevant at all. Some of them were almost
humorous. I would say all of my other sources were relevant and helpful in my research.
The processes that I have used in this project have taught me the importance of using
credible, reliable, sources in my research. Not only does using credible resources keep me more
informed and builds up more useful background information and knowledge for my research, but
it appears more impressive and professional to an audience. After this project, whenever I am
assigned any research project or paper, I will be sure to use reliable resources, rather than use the
quickest, easiest source to find.

Annotated Bibliography
Missing Malaysian Plane Mysteries and Other Aviation Disappearances

1. Gosling, Tony. "Malaysia MH370: Who Has Means & Motive to Take a Plane Full of
People? - RT Op-Edge." Malaysia MH370: Who Has Means & Motive to Take a
Plane Full of People? - RT Op-Edge. RT, 04 Apr. 2014. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.
Web Link:

The source listed above is a website that is discussing some theories on why
the Malaysian Plane has disappeared. People are in disbelief that the plane just
crashed into the ocean due to very little evidence being found; not to mention the
plane itself has still not been discovered. A theory discussed is that because Malaysia
does not have the greatest technology, another country was able to hack in to the
Malaysian plane system and steer the plane off of its course. Who would do such a
thing and why? According to this piece, NATO or even possible the United States.
With Malaysia and China being such independent countries, this could possibly be
about geopolitics. I believe that this website is a credible source because there is an
author, background information about the author, a publication date, and does not
raise any question on reliability of information. My opinion on the source and what is
has to offer is that it was interesting to read the possibility/theory of my own country
possible being involved in the disappearance, but I also believe that the plane very

well may have just crashed and people may be looking too far into it.

2. Grief, Anger and More Questions after Malaysia Declares Flight 370 Crashed.
CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 24 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

Web Link:

The next source I used was an article and a video, but my primary focus
was on the video. This video emphasizes the grief of the family of the victims that
were on Flight 370 after the Prime Minister of Malaysia announced that the
Malaysian plane had crashed and that everyone on the plane was pronounced dead
after analyzing satellite data that the plane could only have crashed into the Indian
Ocean. The families were extremely upset, angry, and still in disbelief demanding
more evidence. Not to mention some of the people found out via text message or saw
on the news before being informed by the Prime Minister. This source is a credible
source because CBS news is a very well accredited news station, and there is a date of
when video was posted. In my opinion, I think it is extremely inappropriate that
families of the victims were informed of this big new through a text message, and that
some people heard on the news. That is absolutely ridiculous, and I would be
demanding more evidence if I were them too.

3. Martinez, Michael, Wen-Chun Fan, Thom Patterson, and Catherine E. Shoichet.

"Theories Abound from Experts and Amateurs Alike on Fate of Flight." CNN. Cable
News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.

Before the Malaysian Prime Minister made his announcement that Flight 370
had definitely crashed, CNN had come up with some other theories, which is my next
source. The theories on the Malaysian plane proposed in this piece were a possible
pilot suicide, or someone entering the cockpit, commandeering, which is a political
act demanded by the hijacker, mechanical failure, such as electrical failure, a random
bizarre event, such as a meteor hitting the plane, military from some country shot it
down, it landed on a remote island, or was abducted by aliens. I believe this is a
credible source because CNN is widely known news station that is accredited to be
reliable, not to mention there is an author and a date is was written. My opinion on
this piece is that some of these theories can now be shot down after the Prime
Minister releasing that the plane must be crashed in the Indian Ocean somewhere,
such as the idea that the people landed on a remote island, but some of the others
could still be possibly such as a pilot suicide.

4. Mason, Margie. "Robotic Submarine Deployed in Search for Malaysia Plane."
Journal Star. N.p., 14 Apr. 2014. Web. 14 Apr. 2014.


This journal entry is discussing how the Australian search crew is sending
down a submarine, Bluefin 21 on March 14th to search for the missing Malaysian
Plane in the Indian Ocean where the pinger locator found signals that may have
possible come from black boxes in the plane. This submarine can create a three
dimensional sonar map of any debris on the ocean floor. Each mission the Bluefin
does will take up to 24 hours considering the seafloor is 15,000 feet below the
surface, which is the deepest the Bluefin is able to go. I know that this is a reliable
source because there is an author, the date it was posted, and it was linked to the
Associated Press. My opinion of this article is that it is amazing that we have such
technology that is able to travel 15,000 feet below the surface and create three
dimensional maps. Also, I really hope that they find the plane in this experience.

5. Merril, Dave, Chloe Whiteaker, and Alex Tribou. "Vanishing Planes Since 1948." Bloomberg, 20 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.


The next source that I used is an info graphic/ map of planes that have
vanished dating back to 1948, including the Malaysian Flight. Some of these planes

were discovered after a good amount of time, while others still have not been
discovered. Back in 1957, a United States Air Force Boeing C-97C-35-BO
Stratofreighter flying from California disappeared 200 miles Southeast of Tokyo, and
the 67 people aboard were never found. It blows my mind that I have never heard of
this incidence. I believe that this is a credible source because there are authors, the
date it was published, and I do not question whether it is reliable or not. I was
extremely surprised after viewing this source about just how many planes have
disappeared in the world, and Im surprised I had never heard of some of these

6. Mullen, Jethro, Jethro Mullen Reported, Wrote From Hong Kong, Journalist Ivy
Sam Reported from Kuala Lumpur. Ralph Ellis, and Ben Brumfield. "Malaysia Flight
370: Searchers Race to Try to Trace Sounds Detected in Ocean." CNN. Cable News
Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 06 Apr. 2014.

The next source is an article and a video with the primary focus being on the
article. This article talks about how a pinger locator in the Indian Ocean has detected
signals which may have come from black boxes in the Malaysian Plane. This is a
significant lead, but Australian officials do not want the people to get their hopes up,
because it may not necessarily be from the boxes, and the signals coming from the
black boxes lose battery and stop signaling after about 30 days, which has now
passed. I know that this is a credible source because CNN is a reliable news station,

not to mention there is a publication date as well as an author. In my opinion, this is a
very hopeful lead. Only problem is even if they do find the plane, there is still
unanswered questions as to why it is there. This is why it would be great for it to be
found so that they can investigate these things more thoroughly.

7. Prichard, Tom. "12 Of The Most Bizarre Flight MH370 Conspiracy Theories."
Gizmodo Australia. N.p., 24 Mar. 2014. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.

This resource brings about more conspiracy theories, but these are more
outrageous theories that have no or very little evidence. For example, there is a theory
that the plane had a large load of lithium ion batteries, that caused a fire and fumes
that knocked everyone on the plane out. Two more bizarre theories are that the plane
was taken down as a life insurance scam, or to get ahold of patent rights because there
were 20 employees from Freescale Semiconductor. I believe that this is a reliable
source because there is an author listed with a publication date, and it is not
questionable. In my opinion, some of these theories are a bit ridiculous, but they are
just theories. Everyone has their own ideas and opinions.
8. The Associated Press. "Mystery of Missing Jet Recalls Past Experiences." Century
Link. N.p., 10 Mar. 2014. Web. 25 Mar. 2014.


This next source is now an article discussing different aviation
disappearances; some that were eventually found and some that are still missing to
this day. This source shows me that unfortunately, it is just possible that it could take
a long time for a missing plane to be discovered. For example, there was the Air
France Flight 447 where it took searchers two years to find the main wreckage on the
Atlantic Ocean Floor, and all of the 228 people who were on the airplane died. I know
this is a credible source because it is a website that can connect you to other reliable
archives, and there is an author and publication date. In my opinion article is a
reminder that missing aviation experiences have happened in the past and it should
not be an extreme shock to the world.

Extra Credit
1. "Malaysian Plane Was 'deliberately' Diverted: Report." N.p., 14 Mar.
2014. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. <>.
The source above was an article and a video, but my primary focus was on
the video clip. This video clip discusses how people believe that the plane may have
been deliberately diverted because after the plane lost contact with air traffic control,
it kept making strange changes and altitudes and taking different routes, as if
someone may have purposely been avoiding radars and signals. The video makes a

claim that one of the pilots has a flight simulator in their home which may raise
questions to others. The video says that a hijacking had not been ruled out, and
questions why the plane got so off course. I believe this is a reliable source because
there is a date it was published and it was up to date, and also CNBC is a well-known
and accredited news station. My opinion on this video is that if it was hijacking or a
terrorist attack, I think that people would know about it by now because there would
be some reasoning exposed. Also, I think that it is not uncommon for pilots to have
flight simulators, so I feel bad for him that people think it may have been him at fault.

2. Petrecca, Laura, and John Bacon. "Australia: Signal 'consistent' with Black Boxes."
USA Today. Gannett, 07 Apr. 2014. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.

The next source in which I used was a video from USA Today that discussed
how a pinger located signals that seemed to be consistent with signals from black
boxes from the missing Malaysian plane. This was much like the article I wrote about
signals being detected, but the video clip shows other details. This is finally giving
the families some hope, although it could still take several days for the plane to be
located, and the danger of this is that the boxes in the plane stop sending signals stop
sending signals after 30 days. I know that this is a legitimate source because USA
Today is known for being a reliable source, and there is an author as well as
publication date. My opinion on this video is that I am so happy that families of the

victims may finally be getting some answers. I just truly hope that they are successful
in trying to do this.

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