Pseudo Code Made Tails

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Screen Name : MA Details

Code Behind:
Global Variables:
clsOperation _objBAL = new clsOperation();
//Declaring and instantiation Business Layer
_int!eturn"alue as #nteger;
//$o %old content o& data &ro' BAL
_ds as Data(et;
//$o %old t%e returned )alue as indicator &ro' BAL
_dt as Data$able;
//$o %old t%e returned )alue as indicator &ro' BAL
Class Name : &r'MADetails
Member Variables:
Member Functions:
//Loads t%e re+uired data &or ,# and binds all drop down lists
//-alls t%e &unction to sa)e t%e MA Details
//-alls t%e BAL &unction and passes re+uired para'eters to sa)e t%e MA Details
//-%anges t%e status to "oid &or particular MA Order
//-%anges t%e status to Appro)e &or particular MA Order
///ilters t%e selected outlet peoples and calls a &unction to generate 'ail
//Binds t%e list o& outlet people to listbo0
//Assigns all t%e dates &or MA Order (creen
//Add t%e products &or particular MAL 1o in t%e database
Method No. 1: *age_Load
Local Variables:
Input Parameters:
utput parameters:
1eed to c%ec. user id session e0ist or not and redirect to login page
1eed to c%ec. &or user pri)ileges &or t%is screen and redirect to login page i&
#nitiali2es t%e instance o& global datatable )ariable as &ollows3
_dt = new Data$able();
-alls t%e BAL &unction and passes $able 1a'e para'eter *rocedure 1a'e
and _dt to t%e &unction o& BAL
_obj-o''on&n40ecute(*(5spMADetails67 _dt);
$%is &unction will return a dataset w%ic% will be stored in )iewstate and used
to bind t%e data to t%e re+uired controls
1eed to c%ec. t%e MA (tatus #& it is 5Appro)ed6 t%en Appro)e button will not
be )isible

1eed to %andle 1ull 40ception
1eed to %andle 8eneral 40ception
1eed to %andle ,ser 40ception
1eed to write t%e log by calling 4rror Log &unction o& BAL
Method No. $: btn(a)e_-lic.
Local Variables:
int#ndicator as #nteger
// $o .eep t%e indicator w%et%er t%e data is stored in database or not
Input Parameters:
utput parameters:
-alls t%e &n(a)eDetails &unction to sa)e t%e MA Details in database #t
returns an indicator integer #& t%e integer is 9 t%en t%e data is not inserted
ot%erwise t%e data is inserted in database
#& int#ndicator is greater t%an 9 t%en do t%e &ollowing3
(%ow t%e ot%er sections to t%e user by calling t%is
tblDetails"isible = true;
call t%e &nOutletList &unction to bind t%e outlet list in t%e listbo0

1eed to %andle 1ull 40ception
1eed to %andle 8eneral 40ception
1eed to %andle ,ser 40ception
1eed to write t%e log by calling 4rror Log &unction o& BAL
Method No. %: &n(a)eDetails
Local Variables:
int#ndicator as #nteger
// $o .eep t%e indicator w%et%er t%e data is stored in database or not
-reates a object o& datatable as &ollows3
Data$able dt*ara's=new Data$able();
Input Parameters:
utput parameters:
1eed to add two colu'ns in t%is Data$able
1eed to add all t%e para'eters na'e and )alues to t%is datatable
1eed to call t%e &unction o& BAL to e0ecute t%e (* w%ic% will ta.e *rocedure
na'e and t%e datatable as para'eters and it will return a dataset wic% will
contain t%e MAL nu'ber &or t%e MA Details
MAL 1u'ber will be s%own to t%e label And indicator will be returned as
1eed to c%ec. t%e supplier nu'ber is selected or not
1eed to c%ec. t%e (eason -ode is selected or not
1eed to c%ec. t%e -urrency is selected or not
-%ec. &or !e'ar.s lengt% is :99 c%aracters
1eed to %andle 1ull 40ception
1eed to %andle 8eneral 40ception
1eed to %andle ,ser 40ception
1eed to write t%e log by calling 4rror Log &unction o& BAL
Method No. &: btn"oid_-lic.
Local Variables:
int#ndicator as #nteger
// $o .eep t%e indicator w%et%er t%e data is stored in database or not
Input Parameters:
utput parameters:
*repares a string s+l +uery to update t%e status as )oid &or particular MAL
1eed to call t%e &unction o& BAL to e0ecute t%e string s+l +uery w%ic% returns
int as indicator #& t%e status will be updates a 'ail will be t%rown to t%e
outlet peoples and t%e user will be redirected to &r'MA(earc% page
1eed to %andle 1ull 40ception
1eed to %andle 8eneral 40ception
1eed to %andle ,ser 40ception
1eed to write t%e log by calling 4rror Log &unction o& BAL
Method No. ': btnAppro)e_-lic.
Local Variables:
int#ndicator as #nteger
// $o .eep t%e indicator w%et%er t%e data is stored in database or not
Input Parameters:
utput parameters:
*repares a string s+l +uery to update t%e status as Appro)e &or particular
MAL 1u'ber
1eed to call t%e &unction o& BAL to e0ecute t%e string s+l +uery w%ic% returns
int as indicator #& t%e status will be updates a 'ail will be t%rown to t%e
outlet peoples and t%e user will be redirected to &r'MA(earc% page
1eed to %andle 1ull 40ception
1eed to %andle 8eneral 40ception
1eed to %andle ,ser 40ception
1eed to write t%e log by calling 4rror Log &unction o& BAL
Method No. (: btnAdd_-lic.
Local Variables:
Input Parameters:
utput parameters:
1eed to call t%e &unction o& BAL to insert t%e selected outlet areas in t%e
database wit% t%e MAL 1u'ber
Binds t%e grid below to s%ow t%e added outlet areas &ro' database
1eed to c%ec. t%e outlet area list selected or not
1eed to %andle 1ull 40ception
1eed to %andle 8eneral 40ception
1eed to %andle ,ser 40ception
1eed to write t%e log by calling 4rror Log &unction o& BAL
Method No. (: &nOutList
Local Variables:
Input Parameters:
utput parameters:
#nitiali2ing t%e global dataset )ariable as &ollows3
_ds = new Data(et();
/etc%ing t%e )alues &ro' )iewstate in data set as &ollows
_ds ="iew(tate;5Data6< as Data(et;
Binds t%e outlet list ListBo0 using t%is dataset
1eed to %andle 1ull 40ception
1eed to %andle 8eneral 40ception
1eed to %andle ,ser 40ception
1eed to write t%e log by calling 4rror Log &unction o& BAL
Method No. ): &nAssignDates
Local Variables:
Input Parameters:
utput parameters:
Assigns t%e date to t%e date controls($e0tBo0es)
MA -reated Date s%ould be current date
(%ip'ent date s%ould be plus = days &ro' MA -reated date
Deli)ery date s%ould be plus = days days &ro' s%ip'ent date
40piry date s%ould be plus :> days &ro' Deli)ery Date
Method No. (: &nAdd*roduct
Local Variables:
str-arton as string // $o collect carton no &ro' ,# 8rid
strArticle-ode as string // $o collect article code &ro' ,# 8rid
str-olor as string // $o collect color &ro' ,# 8rid
int,nit-ost as integer // $o collect cost o& product &ro' ,# 8rid
str!cp as string // $o collect !-* &ro' ,# 8rid
str,OM as string // $o collect ,OM &ro' ,# 8rid
int?ty as string // $o collect ?uantity o& *roduct &ro' ,# 8rid
intOrder?ty as string // $o collect ?uantity orderd &ro' ,# 8rid
int$otalA't as string // $o collect $otal A'ount o& *roduct &ro' ,#
Input Parameters:
utput parameters:
#nitiali2ing t%e global dataset and datatable )ariable as &ollows3
_ds = new Data(et();
_dt = new Data(et();
/inds t%e &ooter control o& grid g)Add*roduct and stores it in t%e local
-alles t%e BAL &unction and passes t%e para'eters to insert t%e data w%ic%
returns dataset wit% t%e new data as &ollows
ds=obj-o''on40ecute(*(5sp#nsert*roduct67 _dt);
Binds t%e g)Add*roduct wit% t%e new data ,ser can add 'ultiple product
wit% t%e speci&ied cartons
1eed to %andle 1ull 40ception
1eed to %andle 8eneral 40ception
1eed to %andle ,ser 40ception
1eed to write t%e log by calling 4rror Log &unction o& BAL

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