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Section A
[20 marks]
[Time Suggested : 15 Minutes]
Questions 1-10 are based on the text. The first and last lines are correct. For the remaining lines, there is
one grammartical error in each line.
Underline the error and write the correct word in the space provided. An example has been given. The
correct word must not change the meaning of the sentence. There are no spelling errors in this text.

Tom work at a bank. He is the manager. He
starts work every day at 8:00 am. He finish work every
day at 6:00 pm. He lives very close at the bank. He
walk to work every day. His brother and sister also
works at the bank. But, they do not live close to the
bank. They drive cars to work. They starts working at
9:00 am. In the bank, Tom is the boss. She helps all the
worker and tells them what to do. He likes his job. He is
also very good at his job. Many customer like Tom, and
they say hello at him when they come to the bank. Tom
likes to talk to the customers and make them feels
happy. Tom really likes his job.

e.g. works
06. ___________________


[20 marks]
Section B
[20 Marks]
[Time Suggested : 15 Minutes]
Questions 11-19 are base on the newsletter below
Please Log On to for more information


Exhibition Period: 1 January-28 Febuary 2014
Time: 10 a.m-10 p.m
Venue: Nikon Photo Gallery, Nikon Centre
Kuala Lumpur, Berjaya Times Square.

Nikon Photographers of the year 2013 have
impressed the judges and stood out from
thousands of other great photographers. This
exhibition features selected works from the
winners of our Nikon Annual Photo Awards


Two groups of Nikon Shooting Stars
photographers came together to
capture the other side of Kuala Lumpur

Exhibition Period: 1 March-28 April 2014
Time: 10 a.m-10 p.m
Venue: Nikon Photo Gallery, Nikon Centre
Kuala Lumpur, Berjaya Times Square.

Nikon Shooting Stars photographers
participated in an international blogging
project for a year and in 2013, a new group of
Nikon Shooting Stars photographers tackled
the same issue of Urban Living under the
Nikon mentoring program. This exhibition will

Exhibition Period: 19 January - 3 Febuary 2014
Time: 10 a.m-10 p.m
Venue: Groud Floor, Phase II, Boulevard

shopping Mall, Jalan Datuk Tawi Sli, 93250
Kuching, Sarawak.

This exhibition features the best work from
Nikon Club Members in Sarawak. The
exhibitions will not only feature the great local
talent in photography but also provide the
opportunity for viewers to appreciate the many
local subjects that inspire our many members
to create visually stunning photographs
showcased in our exhibitions.

showcase selected works from these two
groups of photographers portraying the
familiar issues of city living in Kuala lumpur.

Question 11-15: Based on the newsletters, identify whether the following statements
11. Nikon Photo Gallery is situated in Kuching, Sarawak. ____________ [
1 Mark]
12. Nikon Club Photo Exhibition in Kuching only features works from Sarawakian members. ____________ [
1 Mark]
13. Nikon Annual Photo Awards Winners Showcase is the longest exhibition among
the three exhibition.
____________ [ 1 Mark]
14. Urban Living is one of Nikon mentoring programmes.
____________ [ 1 Mark]
15. The exhibitions starts on January and ends at the end of April.
____________[ 1 Mark]
Questions 16-20 : Read the newsletter carefully and answer all the questions below.
16. How many groups of Nikon Shooting Stars that come together to capture pictures of Kuala Lumpur?
____________________________________________________________________________ _______ [
1 Mark]
17. Where can you find more information on the exhibitions?
____________________________________________________________________________ _______ [
1 Mark]

18. Fill in the table with an appropiate phrase from the newsletter
Meaning Phrase
a. chosen
b. person who watches

19. Why do you think the word stunning is used to describe photos showcased at the nikon Photo Club
Exhibition in Kuching?
____________________________________________________________________________ _______ [
1 Mark]
20. This coming school holidays, you would like to ask your friend, Peter, to attend the Nikon Annual
Photo Awards Winners Showcase. In about 50 words, write a postcard to encourage him to come with
you to the showcase. Give reasons why he should go to the exhibition. You may use the information
from the newsletter for your writing.




Section C
[15 Marks]
[Time Suggested : 25 Minutes]
Questions 21-27 are based on a letter below.


(Sourced from The Star,
Dec. 2012)

Questions 21-24 : Read carefully the letter and answer the questions below.
Dear Editor,
When I was a child, my parents decided to send me for art classes because they thought
I had no interest in reading and that I might find myself another path of life to pursue
in the future. As a six-year-old and an only child, it was real struggle for me to be left
alone in the totally new enviroment every weekend which took me awhile to get used
to. When I saw the beautiful pieces painted by the other children, I felt really sad as I
did not have the skills other children had.
I still remember when I was nine, my self-confidence was further challenged
when my teacher raised his voice at me because I did not colour the clouds correctly. I
began to draw and paint. The worries worsened my acedemic results in school. My
confidence was affected even more when I had public speaking competition around
that time and I did not do well.
Despite the challenges I did not gave up and was determined to practise my
drawing skills. Through determination and perseverance, I regained my confidence
after I won a school drawing competition. From then on, I was selected for various
poster drawing competition held at district, state and national levels. I realised that I
was just capable as the next person.
Though I am now pursuing a course of studies that has nothing to do with my
interest in art, I am hoping that this message would serve as an encouragement to all
readers, especially children who are struggling with their work. I want to encourage all
of you that each and everyone of us has our own talent. Do not look down on yourself
for you are valuable!

21. Why was the writer sent for art classes when she was a child?
___________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 Mark]
22. Give one reason why the writer found it a struggle to attend the art classes.
___________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 Mark]
23.Why did the writer feel sad when she saw the art pieces of the other children?
___________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 Mark]
24. What was the writer reprimanded for in the art class when she was 9 years old?
___________________________________________________________________________ [ 1 Mark]
Question 25: Fill in the table with appropiate word/phrase from the letter.
Meaning Word/Phrase
a. by yourself
b. a contest for some prize
c. the end of a week

Question 26: Fill in the blanks with the appropiate words from the passage
a. When the writer was reprimanded in the art class at nine years old, it challanged her
____________________ and she began to doubt her ______________________.
b. The writer took part in ______________competitions which were held at
______________________, ___________________ and ___________________ levels.
27. In the letter, the writer managed to overcome her loss of confidence. State three ways that you
overcome your loss of confidence.
i. ___________________________________________________________________________ [
1 Mark]
ii. ___________________________________________________________________________ [
1 Mark]
iii. ___________________________________________________________________________ [
1 Mark]


Section C
[45 Marks]
[Time Suggested : 55 Minutes]
Questions 28: Part 1: Shorter writing task [15 Marks]
d 20
completethe following task.

Bees are small flying creatures that most people associate with honey. They
are social insects just like ants and termites. Bee live in hives and mostly as large
family groups. Each hive has a queen who is the mother of all the bees. The queen
may live for about five years. She lay eggs that are taken care by the infertile
female worker bees.

Worker bees change their job as they get older. The first job is to clean
empty cells in the honeycomb to get them ready for eggs or honey and pollen.
Then, they feed the developing larvea. Next, they produce wax to make new
honeycomb. Later, theybecome guards or beat their wings at the nest entrance to
drive fresh air through the hive. Finally, they fly among flowers to collect pollen
and nectar to make honey.

A small number of the bees in a hive are males and called the drones. The
drones only duty is to mate with the queen. After this, they die.

Write a summary on the different types of bees found in a bee hive.
Your summary must:
not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below
be in continuous writing (not in note form)
be written in one paragraph
Use your own word as far as possible without changing its original meaning.
Begin your summary as follows:
In each bee hive, there is a queen who is

Question 28: Part II Longer Writing Task [30 Marks]
Read the dialoge below. Then write a letter to Carol congratulating her and telling her how you
admire her wide vocabulary. Your letter should be more than 120 words.

Natalia : Did you hear? Carol won the Spell It Right competition.
Anna : Really? Thats fantastic! When was the competition held?
Natalia : Last Monday at 1Borneo Hypermall. There were 30 other contestants from all over
Anna : She is really good at it. How does she do it?
Natalia :Carol reads a lot. When she comes across a word she doesnt know she looks it up and
jots it down.
Anna :Well, she deserves to win. Im going to follow her lead and make good use of my

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