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Clean Drinking Water

Executive Summary: YAM-CDWI Strategic Plan At A Glance
Statement of Strategic direction
Vision Statement
Mission Statement
Core values
Organizational Chart
Governing Board of Trustees Composition
Management Board Composition
Country Staff Composition
Strategic Goals, Objectives, programs and Activities
Resources and Operation Plan
Resources needed
Financial plan/Fundraising
Policy and Procedures

Executive Summary

YAM-CDWI At-A-Glance






Name of Organization:
The organization is named YOURS AND MINE Clean Drinking Water Initiative because we believe that
together we can provide water and sanitation for all.
For this strategic plan year 2013-2018, Sidama region in Ethiopia has been targeted.
Literature review of the health issue in this region: See Environmental Assessment/Health
Assessment for details.

Statement of Strategic Direction
Background: Yours and Mine- Clean Drinking Water Initiative (YAM-CDWI), a non-profit organization was
founded in 2010. YAM has provided various programs in Northern Ethiopia. In February 2014, YAM-







Vitality through clean water: Clean Water to save lives
To improve sanitation, health and life of households in
Ethiopia through technical assistance and education
Support and

Health and
Support and

CDWI, developed a new strategic plan. YAM-CDWI set a time frame of four months and called for the
engagement of Board of Trustees and management board through a participatory process. During the 4-
month period, YAM-CDWI collected inputs from members of the team to inform the development of the
strategic plan. YAM developed its strategic plan in five parts namely: executive summary, statement of
strategic direction, organizational chart, strategic goals, objectives, programs and activities, and Resources
and operational plan. The statement of strategic direction consists of YAMs vision, mission, and value
statements. These are the key elements that provide an overarching framework for what YAM wants to
accomplish and why it wants to accomplish the goals.
Vision Statement
Vision: This is a statement of what YAM strives to achieve in the future. YAM trusts that clean water is life
in itself. YAM is dedicated to partnering with other international organizations such as Aqua for All: Water
& Sanitation, Millennium Water Alliance: Bringing Water & Sanitation to millions, AMREF: Better health
for Africa, Partners for Water: Tackling MDG, and the Government of Ethiopia mapping and monitoring the
countries water supply. YAM is committed to ensuring that every community member appreciates -
Vitality through clean water. Clean water to save lives
Mission Statement
Mission: YAMs mission states the core reason for YAMs existence, the population that it plans to serve and
how it plans to do so. The mission differentiates its functions and expertise from other similar organizations
in Ethiopia that are working in different ways towards the same vision. We at YAM believe in providing
technical assistance and capacity building to other community-based organizations in Ethiopia for production
of clean drinking water. Therefore, YAMs mission statement is: To improve sanitation, health and life of
households in Ethiopia through technical assistance and education
Core Values
Core Values: The values are the important guiding principles that YAM focuses on while undertaking its
work. They include Quality, Availability, Sustainability, Transparency, Excellence, Accountability,
Collaboration, and Honesty (QAS-TEACH). QAS-TEACH encompasses all that YAM will teach in order to
achieve its work. YAM believes that everyone has a right to social amenities of which water is one. High
quality clean water, which will be available at all times, will be made sustainable through excellent,

transparent, honest collaboration and accountability is the main belief of YAM. Quality: YAM maintains
high quality clean water for community members in every community in Ethiopia. Availability: Without
constant availability of clean water, the goal of the organization is defeated. YAM fosters the availability of
clean water. Sustainability: YAM maintains the growth and success of YAM for all communities in Ethiopia.
With the growth of YAM, availability of water is sustained in Ethiopia. Transparency: We foster clear and
openness in implementation of programs, creating positive outcomes for further funding and replication.
Excellence: We uphold a passion for excellence to maintain quality clean water and quality programming in
YAM and other community-based organizations that would be trained. Accountability: We continue to be
responsible and accountable to all activities of the organization. Collaboration: We facilitate teamwork and
participate in partnerships across disciplines and cultures. Honesty: We advocate for Trustworthiness in
relationships with partners and funders.

Organizational Chart
Governing Board of Trustees Composition

Governing Board of Trustees Composition
Board of Trustees (BOT) Composition: BOT is the governing board of YAM located at its headquarters in
Los Angeles, California, US. This board acts as the owners of YAM and hence receives semi-annual and
annual reports, reviews and evaluates to ensure that YAM is upholding the vision and mission of the
organization. The board meets twice a year December and June every year. It is composed of the
Chairman, secretary, and five other board members (who may or may not be apart of the management team).
The Chairman: Johnny Appleseed presides over the BOT meetings. Ensures that the board supports both
funding and protects the interest of YAM at the Governmental and corporate level. The Secretary: Sandra




Lee is the scribe of the board. She maintains reports and documentation of proceedings and discussions of
board meetings. Five Board members Bill Gates, Mercy Ajuonu, Christopher Johansen, Donna Schaller
and Yazan Amireh contribute to the survival and protection of YAM.
Management Board Composition

Management Board Composition: This board conducts the day-to-day running of YAM and is located at the
headquarters in Los Angeles, California, USA. It is composed of the Chief Executive Director and six
Directors: of finance, Human resources, public relations, fund raising, technical and quality control, and
health. Other members of the management team which include the deputy directors who are directly in
charge of country offices. Each duty is further explained as follows: Chief Executive Director (CEO):
Oversees human resources, and global workplace resource teams. Directors of finance (DOF): Oversees
financial operations and budget including grant money, donations, etc. Director of Human resources
(DOHR): Oversees human resources, and global workplace resource teams. Director of Public Relations
(DPRO): Oversees the promotion and awareness of YAM's vision and goals. Director of Fundraising (DFR):
Source and obtain streams of income as well as donors. Director of Technical and quality control (D-TECH):
Oversees YAMs technical support and quality control of technical assistance. The position also oversees
field operations. Director of Health (DOH): Consults and advises on all matters pertaining to health and
water sanitation.

Chief Executive Director


Country Staff Composition

YAM has a country office located at Sidama community in Ethiopia. The deputy directors also called Chief
of Party (COP) oversee the countrys staff, which includes country managers of administration/human
resources, PRO, finance, technical/distribution, program, quality control, monitoring and evaluation, health
and Legal Adviser. The deputy COP is in charge of personnel and other managers some of whom are shown
on the table above while others are described below. Country Manager Administration/Human Resources: In
charge of hiring and organizing training for employees and volunteer. Country Manager Operations: In
charge of day-to-day operations in the field. This manager also oversees technical support and distribution of
technical resources in Ethiopia. Country Manager PRO: Oversees the promotion and awareness of YAM's
vision and goals in Ethiopia. Country Manager Finance: Oversees day-to-day financial transactions. Country
Manager Quality Control: Oversees quality control in Ethiopia. Country Manager Monitoring and
Evaluation: In charge of evaluating and monitoring day-to-day operations. Country Manager Health: In
charge of health and water sanitation in Ethiopia. Legal Adviser/Conflict resolution: Provides legal counsel
and serves as mediator in conflict resolution.
Strategic Goals, Objectives, Programs and Resources
YAMs goals are to provide technical support and partnership, community health and education, community
support and resources, and leadership and communication. Objectives include: providing support for drilling,
support of construction, water resource management, hygiene education, social marketing and capacity
building of local staff. Programs have already been implemented in Northern Ethiopia with collaboration of
various NGOs that YAM will continue its partnerships with as well as build new partnerships. This current
program will build on past programs successes in Southern Ethiopia.
Deputy Director (Chief of
Assistant COP
Human resource
Technical &
Field Operations
Public Relations
Finance &
Fund Raising

Resources and Operation Plan

Resources needed and plan for how to attain them through fundraising etc
For each financial year a financial report is prepared. The current fiscal year will end June 30, 2014 (July
June financial year) the annual report and financial statements for the past five years are available. Our
organization expects in 2013/14 an amount of approximately $ 94 million to provide support to the Ethiopian
people . In the selection of the various target projects, we aim to support the target groups in order to not only
access clean drinking water, but promote a good sanitary condition.
Revenue: Finance and the website
Through the website PayPal and Ideal pay, YAM raises funds towards administrative expenditure. The
website would also provide a transparent financial accountability. This is achieved through a yearly summary
of all income and expenditure of our organization.
Fund-raising activities:
The fund raising manager ensures that there are two big events for fundraising. These events involve award
ceremonies to highly respectable and reputable philanthropists.
Donations from board members & other philanthropic, and charity organizations.
These donations come in cash and kind. Join-the Pipes have pledged to donate 100,000 filters and drinking
cups to students in the schools where our WASH activity will be carried out.
Program specific funds:
Gates Foundation has approved the funding of the first WASH activity for this strategic plan to the tune of
$25 million dollars. Five other grants have been written towards the WASH project as well as other water
purification programs.
Matching Funds
Walk for water
This is a specific campaign to raise funds from different parts of the world especially in the developed
countries where water and sanitation is not an issue. Rotary clubs and individuals who appreciate YAMs
efforts match these funds. Children between the ages of 8 and 12 walk 6 kilometres with 6 liters of water to
demonstrate their solidarity with children in other parts of the world without water. Their family and friends
sponsor the children.
Global Giving

This is another crowd funding organization that matches any funds raised through their Global Giving
Chase Bank
In addition to Chase bank being the official bank of the organization, it also helps YAM in funding the
Pennies for WASH program in Africa an initiative by YAM-CDWI.
List of programs, services, product, resources provided and to whom.
YAM evaluated its work in Northern Ethiopia for the past five years on water purification and still noted high
incidence of diarrheal diseases due to the dismal sanitation situation in the country as a result of pollution of
streams and lakes from defecation in the bushes and farmlands. Child mortality is still high and the young girls
dropped out of school due to their inability to take care of their sanitary needs. YAM decided to diversify its
activities from purifying existing water outlets and streams to Water and Sanitation (WASH). This 5-year
strategic plan will be focused on WASH programs and activities for school children and women in schools and
Since 2013, YAM has incorporated water and sanitation as one of its focus activities based purely on the
experience of working in more than 10 communities in two states in Ethiopia and the inside knowledge of the
poor situation of water and sanitation in most of the communities. Under this new strategic plan and focus
activity, YAM in Sidama is collaborating with Stichting Rural Women Foundation (SRWF) in the Netherlands
to raise funds in the Netherlands and other EU countries which will be used to install solar powered boreholes
and flush toilet buildings for communities in Sidama. The first activity under this collaboration with SRWF in
the Netherlands is the construction of a solar-powered borehole and a male/female toilet block at two schools.
This first project at the schools commenced in October 2013 was completed in March 2014. The projects will be
commissioned in May 2014. During 2014, YAM intends in collaboration with its partners in the US and the
Netherlands to provide solar-powered boreholes and toilet buildings to two hospitals and two primary schools in
one selected community in Sidama as its second project under this strategic plan. YAM continues in its efforts
to provide as many schools as possible with clean water and access to good and decent latrines.
The beneficiaries of the services and products are the entire community, but school children in particular. YAM
will have a presence in the hospitals with our health coordinator contributing to hygiene education for the
women maternity department of the hospital. The product of the WASH programs and activities include solar-

powered boreholes, flush toilet blocks for boys and girls with wash hand basins, water reservoirs, trained
personnel in the communities and community based NGOs, children educated on hygiene education and peer
educated youths.
Partnerships: YAM will work with previously partnered NGOs in Northern Ethiopia. These NGOs are: Aqua
for all, Millennium Water Alliance, Water 4 Ethiopia,, Wateraid, Waves for Water, Project
Ethiopia, Charity Water and Living Waters for the World. In addition YAM will collaborate with Hassawa
University and Claremont Graduate University for evaluation purposes.

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