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Small Lace Bag

The stitch pattern for the lace when working in pieces is taken directly from the
Big Book of Knitting Stitch Patterns, I have converted it for knitting in the
round for the knit in the round section.
Since releasing this design, several people have adapted it to be knit in the
round. This seemed a great idea to me, as it reduces the amount of finishing, so
now the pattern includes both knit flat and in the round instructions.
Sl-k-psso : slip one stitch as if to purl, knit one stitch, pass the slipped stitch
over the one you just knit.
ptogtbl : purl two stitches together through the back loops
To knit fat in pieces
!ast on " stitches and knit five rows of garter stitch #knitting in both directions$
%nit & repeats of the pattern.
%nit " rows of garter stitch.
Eyelet Row: k, yo, ssk, k, yo, ssk, k, yo, ssk, ktog, yo, k&, ktog, yo, k,
ktog, yo, k
%nit ' more rows of garter stitch.
(ind off.
!ast on " stitches and knit five rows of garter stitch
%nit ' rows of stocking stitch #knit on the right side, purl on the wrong side$
%nit " rows of garter stitch.
Eyelet Row: k, yo, ssk, k, yo, ssk, k, yo, ssk, ktog, yo, k&, ktog, yo, k,
ktog, yo, k
%nit ' more rows of garter stitch
Lace Pattern for kni tti ng fat:
). p, k*, ktog, yo, k), yo, p), yo, k), yo, sl-k-psso, k*, p
. k, p+, ptogtbl, p&, k), p&, ptog, p+, k
&. p, k", ktog, k), #yo, k)$ twice, p), k), #yo, k)$ twice, sl-k-psso, k", p
'. k, p', ptogtbl, p", k), p", ptog, p', k
". p, k&, ktog, k, yo, k), yo, k, p), k, yo, k), yo, k, sl-k-psso, k&, p
+. k, p, ptogtbl, p*, k), p*, ptog, p, k
*. p, k), ktog, k&, yo, k), yo, k&, p), k&, yo, k), yo, k&, sl-k-psso, k), p
,. k, ptogtbl, p-, k), p-, ptog, k
Chart for knitting fat
To make up:
Seam bottom and sides of bag.
, h h F z h z J h h
h h F j j h j j J h h *
+ h h F z h z J h h
h h F j j h j j J h h "
' h h F z h z J h h
h h F j j h j j J h h &
h h F z h z J h h
h h F j j h j j J h h )
knit on right side, purl on wrong side
h .url on right side, knit on wrong side
z /o Stitch
Sl-k-psso on right side, ptog on wrong side
ktog on right side, ptog tbl on wrong side
To knit in the round
for knitting in the round, the first section should read:
0sing provisional cast on, cast on " stitches
1ork in 2arter stitch for two rows - i.e. work back and forth for these two rows.
3ou should now have a small garter stitch rectangle
.ick up one stitch between the rows, and then pick up the cast on stitches. pick
up one more stitch between the rows and 4oin to work in the round. I5d
recommend placing a marker to mark the start of the round, and the half-way
point. #" stitches on the needles$
!ontinue working in the round from this point onwards
6ound ). purl
6ound . knit
6ound &. ptog, p', ptog, p'
6ound '. knit
Pattern Section
%nit the pattern between the markers #the first " stitches$, then knit all stitches
for the rest of each round.
%nit & repeats of the pattern.
Lace Pattern for knitting in the round:
). p, k*, ktog, yo, k), yo, p), yo, k), yo, sl-k-psso, k*, p
. p, k+, ktog, k&, p), k&, sl-k-psso, k+, p
&. p, k", ktog, k), #yo, k)$ twice, p), k), #yo, k)$ twice, sl-k-psso, k", p
'. p, k', ktog, k", p), k", sl-k-psso, k', p
". p, k&, ktog, k, yo, k), yo, k, p), k, yo, k), yo, k, sl-k-psso, k&, p
+. p, k, ktog, k*, p), k*, sl-k-psso, k, p
*. p, k), ktog, k&, yo, k), yo, k&, p), k&, yo, k), yo, k&, sl-k-psso, k), p
,. p, ktog, k-, p), k-, sl-k-psso, p
Chart for knitting in the round
note: when knitting in the round, all rounds start on the right of the chart.
h h F z h z J h h ,
h h F j j h j j J h h *
h h F z h z J h h +
h h F j j h j j J h h "
h h F z h z J h h '
h h F j j h j j J h h &
h h F z h z J h h
h h F j j h j j J h h )
h purl
J ktog
z /o Stitch
Top section !"
6ound ): knit
6ound : purl
repeat round ) and once more #four rounds total$
Eyelet row: 7k), yo, ssk, k&, yo, ssk, k, yo, ssk, ktog, yo, k&, ktog, yo, k&,
ktog, yo, k)7 repeat between 7 once more
Top Section #"
6ound ): purl
6ound : knit
repeat rounds ) and once more each #four rounds total$
!ast off loosely.
$inishing %oth methods"
8ightly block the bag to open up the lace.
Thread a length of ribbon through the eyelets in a manner which pleases you.
.op some cedar balls in to protect your stash9
If you wanted to use lavender instead, I5d recommend lining the bag.

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