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Group the following words under the following headings:
machinery stationery furniture
Can you add other words to the three columns?
Choose the most suitable word or phrase and fill in the blanks:
1. The needs changing on your typewriter; otherwise we wont be able to read a word.
a! letter b! key c! oil d! ribbon
". #rite in pencil and out any mistakes.
a! rub b! clean c! scratch d! wipe
$. The paper was so thin that the of the pencil went right through it.
a! edge b! end c! point d! top
%. #ith a word you can produce a document much faster than with a typewriter.
a! computer b! processor c! copier d! printer
&. 'he up the sheet of paper and dropped into the waste paper basket.
a! bent b! crumpled c! broke d! curled
(. )aper clips* drawing pins and safety+pins were . all o,er her desk.
a! scattered b! sprayed c! separated d! dispersed
-. . need a to fasten the sheets of paper in this file.
a! stapler b! ribbon c! tie d! bolt
/. Ted is in charge of the cupboard in the office.
a! stationary b! pen c! pencil d! stationery
0. 1lice hurriedly the message on a scrap of paper.
a! wrote up b! scribbled away c! dashed off d! 2otted down
13. The word processor of a keyboard* a monitor and a printer.
a! composes b! consists c! comprises d! constitutes
photocopier window envelope desk filing cabinet
franking machine word processor carbon paper
paper clip swivel chair telex appointments diary
anglepoise folder parcel scales calculator note
4atch the descriptions a! to 2! with the e5planations 1! to 13!:
a! 1manda was headhunted by a multinational
1! 'he is always busy.
b! 'amantha is at the end of her tether. "! 'he doesnt ha,e the chance to become
c! 4onicas assistant was gi,en the sack. $! 'hes working hard.
d! 6ennifer really has her nose to the grindstone. %! 'he didnt get promoted.
e! 'onia was gi,en a golden handshake. &! 'he was offered a better 2ob.
f! Claire took on a new secretary. (! 'he has become successful.
g! 1lison is on the go all day. -! 'he was dismissed.
h! 7renda was o,erlooked. /! 'he recei,ed a cash bonus on lea,ing her 2ob.
i! Christine has made good. 0! 'he has run out of patience.
2! 8llens boss keeps her on her toes. 13! 'he ga,e someone a 2ob.
Put each ! the !""#$%& #'() a%( *h'a)e) $%t $t) c''ect *"ace $% the *a))a&e +e"#:
1. 9now the right number before making a . #hen in doubt* consult a * your
personal number list* or the information .
". 1llow time to . Gi,e the person you are calling enough time to his telephone.
1 little patience may you a second call.
$. 'peak distinctly and in a normal of ,oice. :our lips should be about an inch away from
the .
%. 1nswer promptly. Try to answer your telephone on the first . ;therwise the
may hang up and you might miss an important message.
&. yourself when you answer the . <o not merely say =>ello?. Gi,e your name*
your telephone * or the name of your firm.
(. Take messages for people who are not there. #rite down the name and telephone number of the
person calling. )lace the where it can be seen.
-. gently. 'lamming the down is discourteous. 7e sure the recei,er is always
properly. ;therwise no calls can to you.
ca"" ha%& u* c.e th'u&h '$%& a%)#e' 'ece$/e'
($'ect'0 t%e *e'at' .e))a&e .uth*$ece )a/e
%u.+e' 'e*"ace( $(e%t$!0 'each te"e*h%e ca""e'
>ere is a simplified representation of a telephone con,ersation. @ollow the orientation on the
arrows and you will get out of the =labyrinth?.
Good morningAafternoon.
This is Bname of company!.
Can . help you?
CouldA Can . speak to Bname of
person!* please?
CouldA CanA #ould you put me
through to Bname of person!* please?
#hos calling please?
4ay . ha,e your name?
>old the line* please.
;ne moment* please.
This is Bname! speaking.
4y names Bname!.
.m Bname!.
The'e $) % a%)#e'1
Yu' ca"" $) c%%ecte(1
.m afraid:
+ the line is engaged.
+ sAhes not in.
+ sAhes not here at the moment.
+ theres no reply.
Can . take a message?
Can . get himAher call you back?
Could . lea,e a message?
#ould you ask himAher to call me back?
.ll try later again.
.ll get himAher to call you back.
.ll pass the message on.
Sa0 &(+0e1
Sa0 &(+0e1
Cead the te5t below* about different ways of organiDing companies and then label the diagrams*
according to which of these they illustrate; the underlined words may pro,e useful in your final
line structure matri5 structure
functional structure staff structure
A 2 C D
++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++
++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++
4ost organiDations ha,e a hierarchical or *0'a.$(a" )t'uctu'e* with one person or a group of
people at the top* and an increasing number of people below them at each successi,e le,el. There
is a clear line or chain of command running down the pyramid. 1ll the people in the organiDation
know what decisions they are able to make* who their superior Bor boss! is Bto whom they report!*
and who their immediate subordinates are Bto whom they can gi,e instructions!.
'ome people in an organiDation ha,e colleagues who help them: for e5ample* there might
be an 1ssistant to the 4arketing 4anager. This is known as a staff position: its holder has no line
authority* and is not integrated into the chain of command* unlike* for e5ample* the 1ssistant
4arketing 4anager* who is number two in the marketing department.
:et the acti,ities of most companies are too complicated to be organiDed in a single
hierarchy. 'hortly before the first world war* the @rench industrialist >enry @ayol organiDed his
coal+mining business according to the functions that it had to carry out. >e is generally credited
with in,enting functional organiDation. Today* most large manufacturing organiDations ha,e a
!u%ct$%a" )t'uctu'e* including Bamong others! production* finance* marketing* sales and
personnel or staff departments. This means* for e5ample* that the production and marketing
departments cannot take financial decisions without consulting the finance department.
@unctional organiDation is efficient* but there are two standard criticisms. @irstly* people
are usually more concerned with the success of their department than that of the company* so there
are permanent battles between* for e5ample* finance and marketing* or marketing and production*
which ha,e incompatible goals. 'econdly* separating functions is unlikely to encourage
:et* for a large organiDation manufacturing a range of products* ha,ing a single production
department is generally inefficient. ConseEuently* most large companies are decentraliDed*
following the model of 1lfred 'loan* who di,ided General 4otors into separate operating
di,isions in 10"3. 8ach di,ision had its own engineering* production and sales departments* made
a different category of car Bbut with some o,erlap* to encourage internal competition! and was
e5pected to make a profit.
7usinesses that cannot be di,ided into autonomous di,isions with their own markets can
simulate decentraliDation* setting up di,isions that deal with each other using internally determined
transfer prices. 4any banks* for e5ample* ha,e established commercial* corporate* pri,ate banking*
international and in,estment di,isions.
1n inherent problem of hierarchies is that people at lower le,els are unable to make
important decisions* but ha,e to pass on responsibility to their boss. ;ne solution to this is .at'$3
.a%a&e.e%t* in which people report to more than one superior. @or e5ample* a product manager
with an idea might be able to deal directly with managers responsible for a certain market segment
and for a geographical region* as well as the managers responsible for the traditional functions of
finance* sales and production. This is one way of keeping authority at lower le,els* but it is not
necessarily a ,ery efficient one. Thomas )eters and Cobert #aterman* in their well+known book
In Search of Excellence, insist on the necessity of pushing authority and autonomy down the line*
but they argue that one element F probably the product F must ha,e priority; four+dimensional
matrices are far too comple5.
1 further possibility is to ha,e wholly autonomous* temporary &'u*) ' tea.) that are
responsible for an entire pro2ect* and are split up as soon as it is successfully completed. Teams are
often not ,ery good for decision+making* and they run the risk of relational problems* unless they
are small and ha,e a lot of self+discipline. .n fact they still reEuire a definite leader* on whom their
success probably depends.
4ost business organiDations ha,e a hierarchy consisting of se,eral le,els and a clear line of
command. There may also be staff positions that are not integrated into the hierarchy. The
organiDation might also be di,ided into functional departments* such as production* finance*
marketing* sales and personnel. Garger organiDations are often further di,ided into autonomous
di,isions* each with its own functional sections. 4ore recent organiDational systems include
matri5 management and teams* both of which combine people from different functions and keep
decision+making at lower le,els.
4atch up the words on the left with the definitions on the right:
1. aut%.u) 1. a system of authority with different le,els*
one abo,e the other
". (ece%t'a"$4at$% 7. a specific acti,ity in a company* e.g. production*
marketing* finance
$. !u%ct$% C. independent* able to take decisions without consulting
a higher authority
%. h$e'a'ch0 <. people working under someone else in a hierarchy
&. "$%e auth'$t0 8. di,iding an organiDation into decision+making units
that are not centrally controlled
(. 'e*'t t @. the power to gi,e instructions to people at the le,el
below in the chain of command
-. )u+'($%ate) G. to be responsible to someone and to take instructions
from him or her
The te5t mentions the often incompatible goals of the finance, marketing and production
Bor operations! departments.
Classify the following strategies according to which departments would probably fa,our them.
1. a factory working at full capacity
". a large ad,ertising budget
$. a large sales force earning high commission
%. a standard product without optional features
&. a strong cash balance
(. a strong market share for new products
-. generous credit facilities for customers
/. high profit margins
0. large in,entories to make sure that products are a,ailable
13. low research and de,elopment spending
11. machines that gi,e the possibility of making ,arious different products
1". self+financing Busing retained earnings rather than borrowing!
This is an e5ample of part of a company organiDation chart:
The .)t c..% /e'+) !' (e)c'$+$%& )t'uctu'e a'e:
e.g. The company consists of fi,e main departments.
The marketing department is made up of three units.
The sales department is di,ided into two sections.
Othe' /e'+) !'e5ue%t"0 u)e( t (e)c'$+e c.*a%0 '&a%$4at$% $%c"u(e:
e.g. The marketing department is in charge of the sales force.
The marketing department is responsible for ad,ertising* sales promotions and market research.
The fi,e department heads are accountable to the 4anaging <irector.
7oard of <irectors
with a Chairman BG7!
or )resident BH'!
4anaging <irector BG7! or
Chief 85ecuti,e ;fficer BH'!
Cesearch I
1d,ertising I
consists of contains includes
is composed of is made up of is divided into
to be in charge of to be responsible for
to support or to be supported by to assist or to be assisted by
to be accountable to
Hsing the abo,e mentioned structures* comment upon the company organiDation chart* trying to
figure out* at the same time* the domain of interest and acti,ities of each department and the ne5us
of relationships e5isting among them.
Choose among the three options gi,en for each and e,ery sentence the most appropriate one. 1fter
you ha,e decided on the correct answer* make up definitions using the same structure as in the
following e5ample:
e.g.: 1 'eta$"e' is a person whoAthat sells goods to ultimate consumers* usually in small Euantities.
1! The employees responsible for carrying out general office duties* filling in forms and keeping
statistics are:
a! clerks b! accountants c! super,isors
"! The employees who sell a companyKs products are the sales representati,es* usually known as:
a! ,endors b! renters c! reps
$! The employees who decide what to purchase* and who make the purchases of finished goods or
components to be made into goods* are the:
a! choosers b! procurers c! buyers
%! The employees who are responsible for seeing that the finished goods are well made are the:
a! packers b! Euality controllers c! financial staff
&! The clerical workers who use typewriters or word processors and who produce letters* memos or
other documents* are:
a! secretaries b! editors c! copywriters
(! The employees who check a companyKs financial affairs are the:
a! statisticians b! accountants c! counters
-! The employees who are responsible for preparing checks* pay packets and pay lips are the:
a! wages clerks b! filing clerks c! paying clerks
/! The workers who process data* under the control of managers and super,isors* are the computer:
a! hackers b! operators c! screeners
0! The person who gets a ,isitor and tells him or her how to get to the right office is the:
a! manager b! president c! receptionist
13! The employees who deal with the companyKs telephone calls are the:
a! L<H operators b! tele5 operators c! switch operators
Gi,e your own definitions of the following =positions? in a company; then check your own
answers with a dictionary:
a! a wholesaler
b! a secretary
c! a chairperson
d! an auditor
e! a managing director
f! a shareholder
g! a :uppie
h! >uman Cesources 4anager
a memo is an internal company document;
its purpose: to inform or remind the recipient of some company acti,ity or decision that need to
be brought to their attention;
it is not necessary to write the address of the sender or recipient* as they are in the same company*
although you may find a company heading on a memo form;
there is no official salutation B<ear 4r.A4rs!
the senders name and position may be written either at the top or at the end;
there is a heading at the top with all the essential information labeled clearly* with a different
lay+out from that of a letter;
the date should be specified* as the recipient needs to know how recent the information is in case
it reEuires action; at the same time* it will probably ha,e to be filed* which makes the date more
a memo* basically* contains three parts:
1. introducing the notion at stake
". states the e5act actions it demands
$. notifies the staff of their responsibilities
there is no ending B:ours faithfullyAsincerely! as long as the salutation is missing too.
F'.: K0"e R%)%: O!!$ce Ma%a&e'
Su+;ect: Ne# Secu'$t0 S0)te.
Date: 26 Ma0 2<<1
1 new security system has been established for the safety of the employees and of all office
eEuipment due to the recent increase in robberies from companies in the area. The new security guards
are now employed by the company and will take it in shifts B/am+"pm* "pm+/pm! to guard the front
door. They will be introduced to all the employees when they start work ne5t 4onday.
The guards will ha,e the following duties:
to e5amine any large bags brought in or taken out by
to Euestion the purpose of anyone they think looks
suspicious entering the building and check by phone with the employee being ,isited
to lock the building once all the employees ha,e left*
i.e. at /pm and set the burglar alarm
to take responsibility to e,acuate the building in the
e,ent of the fire alarm being sounded
#e hope you will enable them to do their work as efficiently as possible by respecting the closing
time of the office and by informing them of any ,isitors or deli,eries you are e5pecting after &.$3pm.
'hould you ha,e any complaint about the way they do their work* then please report it to me directly.
Jow try to write a memo yoursel,es* filling in the following format:
T: . @inancial 4anager
F'. :
Rea( the !""#$%& .e.) a%( (ec$(e % the$' )u+;ect:
T;: 4embers of the Cesearch <epartment
1''.'T1JT <.C8CT;C 1));.JT48JT
.t is a pleasure to announce the appointment of George 7lack as assistant director in our Cesearch
<epartment. >e will fill the position left open by 6ane Clark* who recently mo,ed to 1tlanta.
George* who has worked in market research for more than a decade* is familiar with all stages of
acti,ity in our department* ha,ing once handled each ma2or function from Euestionnaire
de,elopment to product testing. >is solid background and full understanding of our ,aried needs
and problems make him e5ceptionally well Eualified to handle the challenges that characteriDe his
. know that George will welcome your full cooperation and consideration as he assumes his new
duties. #e all wish him much success.
T;: 1ll <epartment >eads
1)C.G 488T.JG
The ne5t meeting of department heads will be on #ednesday* 1pril 11* from 13 a.m. until $ p.m.
in the Conference Coom. Gunch will be pro,ided in the 85ecuti,e <ining Coom.
1n agenda will be mailed on 4arch "/. )lease send any items to be included to my secretary by
4arch "&.
. would appreciate hearing from you right away if you are unable to attend. Thank you ,ery much.
There are two kinds of relati,e clause in 8nglish:
+ Defining Bor identifying! relati,e clauses tell us which person or thing the speaker is
talking about: The people who live next door ha,e bought a dog.
#heres the book that I lent you?
+ Non-defining Bor non-identifying! relati,e clauses 2ust gi,e us more information
about the person or thing: 4rs. 'mith* who lives next door* has bought a dog.
.m reading =The .diot?* which is a novel by
.f the relati,e pronoun is the ob2ect of the relati,e clause* it can be left out:
+ 'hes the person you met on 'aturday. B M whoAthat you met!
+ #heres the book . lent you? B + whichAthat . lent you!
.n more formal 8nglish* we use whom as an ob2ect pronoun to refer to people:
+ >e is the man whom . admire greatly.
.f the relati,e clause contains a preposition* it can be left =hanging? at the end of the clause:
+ 1re you the person . spoke to yesterday?
+ This is the chair . usually sit in.
.n more formal 8nglish* the preposition comes before the relati,e pronoun:
+ 1re you the person to whom . spoke yesterday?
+ The ,illage in which . grew up no longer e5ists.
Jon+defining relati,e clauses are used to gi,e additional information. Compare:
+ 4y best friend 1nna has 2ust mo,ed to Clichy.
+ 4y best friend 1nna* who I went to school with* has 2ust mo,ed to Clichy* which is
a town !ust near #aris
They are always separated from the main part of the sentence by commas.
.n non+defining relati,e clauses we can use who, which, whose or where, but not that. .t is not
possible to lea,e out the pronoun:
+ 4y grandmother* who is /3 ne5t month* has 2ust gone into hospital.
+ 4y oldest possession is my camera* which . was gi,en at my tenth birthday.
Bnot: that . was gi,en!
+ .n 100$* 'te,en 'pielberg made ='chindlers Gist?* for which he recei,ed an
+ The shop at the end of the street* where . usually buy my bread* has closed down.
.n more formal 8nglish* we can use whom as an ob2ect pronoun or after prepositions:
+ )rofessor 6ohnson* whom you may already know* will talk to us about butterflies.
+ >er brother* to whom she dedicated her first no,el* is still ali,e.
#e use cleft sentences to gi,e emphasis to a particular part of the sentence. Compare:
$he %mericans landed on the 4oon* not the Cussians.
N .t was the 1mericans who landed on the 4oon* not the Cussians* or:
.t wasnt the Cussians that landed on the 4oon. .t was the 1mericans.
. admire )eters honesty.
N The thing . admire most about )eter is his honesty.
Cleft sentences with It:
.t was 6ohn who spoke to you*
Bwho you met!
not 1le5.
.t wasnt 1le5 that spoke to you.
Bthat! you met.
.t was 6ohn.
Cleft sentences with What or The thing (that):
The thing
. really en2oy is eating outside.
The thing
. hate about 4ondays is getting up early.
A(( 'e"at$/e c"au)e) (e!$%$%& the #'() $% $ta"$c): u)$%& c%tact c"au)e) #he'e a**'*'$ate1
e.g.: >es the sort of person.
>es the sort of person that must always be doing something new
There was nothing.
There was nothing I could do to help. BContact clause!
1. 1ny man should be sent to prison.
". &aws should be repealed.
$. The yacht arri,ed first.
%. the house has been demolished.
&. #ould you like to see the photographs?
(. >e will do anything
-. >es the most intelligent man
/. The man was her uncle.
0. Thats the third telephone call.
13. >e en2oys talking to anyone
11. . always feel confidence in someone
1". Nothing is e,er a success.
A(( %%>(e!$%$%& c"au)e) 'e"at$%& t the #'() $% $ta"$c): u)$%& #h$ch: #h ' #h.1 I%)e't
the a**'*'$ate *u%ctuat$%1
eg.: The 'oreign (inister held a short press conference at the airport.
The @oreign (inister, who was besieged by reporters when his plane landed* held a short
press conference at the airport.
1. >is latest book is about his ad,entures in 1frica.
". The )oyal Shakespeare *ompany is world famous.
$. 7ritish Geylands latest sports car should boost 7ritish e5ports.
%. >is father has offered him a partnership.
&. The new highway code should make for grater safety for all road+users.
(. The missing womans bicycle has been found in the ri,er.
-. The Company didnt reply to his letter of application
/. $he +oat )ace takes place annually from )utney to 4ortlake on the Thames.
0. last nights meeting broke up in disorder.
13. 'pring flowers are a delight to the eye.
C.*"ete the !""#$%& )e%te%ce) #$th #h: #h$ch: that: ! #h$ch: #h)e: ! #h)e: $!
%ece))a'01 Ma@e )u'e 0u $%c"u(e c..a) #he'e )u$ta+"e1
1. ;ne reason for using TL ad,ertising OOOOOOOOOOOOO is ,ery e5pensi,e is to reach the
customers OOOOOOOOOOOOOO dont read magaDines.
". ;ur model is the only one OOOOOOOOOO can do word processing* stocktaking and mailing
OOOOOO is a great help to the secretary OOOOOOO time can now be spent more efficiently.
$. This is the agency agreement OOOOOOOOO . brought back from ;saka.
%. Their profits this year ha,e risen to P"3.333.333 OOOOOOOO is an increase on last years
results OOOOOOOOO were much lower because of the moderniDation programme OOOOOOO
they were carrying out.
&. The 2ob OOOOOOOOO is based in central Gondon but OOOOOOO reEuires some tra,eling would
be suitable for a young woman OOOOOOOOO has e5perience in this field and OOOOOO is
between "& and $& years old.
(. Could . speak to someone OOOOOOOOOO could gi,e me some information on your after sales
ser,ice as .,e got a brand new washing machine OOOOOOOOO has broken down OOOOOO is
,ery annoying.
-. The letter OOOOOOO the main point is a complaint about goods OOOOOOOO were deli,ered late
also mentions that the consignment arri,ed in a damaged condition OOOOOOOOOOOOO .
find particularly surprising.
/. 8ach time a consignment OOOOOOOOOO is co,ered by an open policy is despatched a
declaration form is filled in OOOOOOOOOOOO informs the insurers on the ,alue of the goods;
an amount OOOOOOOOOOOOOO includes freight charges is then deducted from the amount of
co,er OOOOOOOOOO is pro,ided by the policy.
6oin the sentences by changing the second sentence of each pair into a defining or non+defining
relati,e clause. The structure of your relati,e clause should reflect the structure of the original
e.g.: The headmaster spoke to the boys. $heir work was below standard.
The head master spoke to the boys whose work was below standard. B<efining!
#e came within sight of 8,erest. Its summit has attracted so many climbers.
#e came within sight of 8,erest* whose summit has attracted so many climbers.
#e came within sight of 8,erest. $he summit of Everest has attracted so many climbers.
#e came within sight of Everest, the summit of which has attracted so many climbers.
1. 7ertrand Cussel died in 10-3. his philosophical writings made a profound impact on
philosophers all o,er the world.
". The H' )resident is unlikely to seek a second term of office. >is administration has been
under constant fire during the last eighteen months.
$. Lery few people understood his lecture. The sub2ect of his lecture was ,ery obscure.
%. The car dri,er was sent to prison for si5 months. The entire blame for the accident rested
on his shoulders.
&. Gord Jelson was famous for his na,al e5ploits. 1 column was erected in his memory in
Trafalgar 'Euare in Gondon.
(. =. ha,e pleasure in introducing to you the man. #ithout his generosity your society would
cease to e5ist.?
-. 'ir F 4r. 6ack 'mith should check his facts more carefully. >is letter was published in our
columns yesterday.?
/. The fire started on the first floor of the hospital. 4any of its patients are elderly and infirm.
0. The latest model of this car gi,es much more passenger room. .ts e5terior dimensions
remain unchanged.
13. #e would not ad,ise buying shares in this Company. .ts results last year were worst e,en
than forecast and its long+term reco,ery must remain a matter of doubt.
11. . inter,iewed se,eral of the men. Their contracts had been terminated by the company at
short notice.
1". 4any back+benchers are finding it difficult to support the Go,ernment. They ha,e
considerable misgi,ings o,er some of the Go,ernments policies.
Cewrite the sentences so as to emphasiDe the words in italics using It is or It was:
1. #e need ,uality, not Euantity.
". The Go,ernment now needs a new sense of purpose
$. 1n inEuest re,ealed that poisonous mushrooms had caused his death.
%. . didnt realiDe the ,alue of education until after I left school
&. :ou learn a foreign language only by constant practice
(. $wo persistent !ournalists unco,ered the scandal.
-. >e takes after his mother rather than his father.
/. *heap rented accommodation is now desperately needed in Gondon and other large cities.
0. Cheap rented accommodation is now desperately needed in &ondon and other large cities.
13. The trouble started when the police arrived
11. >e doesnt pass his e5ams because he doesn-t work hard enough
1". . telephoned you in order to warn you about what was happening
<ecide whether it is possible to lea,e out the word or words underlined in each sentence:
1. .t was the first car that . e,er dro,e.
". >e was the first man who landed on the 4oon.
$. 'he was the first woman who was elected to parliament.
%. >arry isnt the kind of person who gets on with e,erybody.
&. .n the whole book there was only one chapter which interested me.
(. There is only one Greek island which . ha,ent ,isited.
-. .ts the long winters here that really depress most people.
/. <o you like the person who sits ne5t to you in class?
0. The letter that arri,ed this morning contained ban news .m afraid.
13. There is no one whom . would prefer to you as a co+dri,er.
a +a'( ! ($'ect') A consiliu de administratie
a cha$'.a%B a *'e)$(e%t A presedinte
a ch$e! e3ecut$/e A presedinte Bdelegat!
a (e*ut0 cha$'.a% A ,icepresedinte
a h$&h !"$e' A persoana cu ambitii foarte inalte
a .a%a&$%& ($'ect' A director general
a )u+)$($a'0 A sucursala
a #atch(& A organism de supra,eghere
a Yu**$e A tanar functionar ambitios
a&e%c0 a&'ee.e%t A contract de repreDentare
a&e%(a A ordine de Di
a% e3ecut$/e A director* administrator* un cadru cu functie inalta
a% !!)ht A sucursala
a%%ua" &e%e'a" .eet$%& A adunare generala anuala
a%%ua" 'e*'t A raport anual
a't$c"e) 8! a))c$at$%9 A statutul societatii
a't$c"e) ! $%c'*'at$% 8.e.'a%(u. ! a))c$at$%9 A statutul unei societati
au($t') A re,iDori contabili
+a"a%ce )heet A bilant
c.*a%0 )ec'eta'0 A secretar general
(e+e%tu'e A obligatiune
!$%a%c$a" 0ea' A e5ercitiu financiar
h"($%& c.*a%0 A societate+mama
"$.$te( *a't%e')h$* A societate in comandita
.e'&e' A fuDiune
.$%ute) A proces ,erbal
%e>.a% +u)$%e)) A intreprindere indi,iduala
*a't%e')h$* A societate de persoane
*"c A societate pe actiuni B'.1.!
*u+"$c c.*a%0 A societate anonima
'e&$)te'e( 8hea(9 !!$ce A sediul social
'e"$e! a&e%c0 A organiDatie caritabila
'eta$"e' A detailist
)ha'e ca*$ta" A capital social
)ha'eh"(e') A actionari
)ha'e) A actiuni
)"ee*$%& *a't%e') A comanditari
)"e a&e%t A concesionar* agent e5clusi,
)tc@ e3cha%&e A bursa de ,alori
ta@e/e' A preluare
t !$"e %eC) accu%t 8#$th the C.*a%0 Re&$)te'9 A a depune la Cegistrul Comertului documentele de
t h"( a *)$t$% A a detine si e5ercita o poDitie
t $%c'*'ate A a se constitui in societate
t $))ue A a emite actiuni
#h"e)a"e' A engrosist

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