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Toll Tax Automation Using RF

This project is being designed to bring the RF technology (range limited wireless
communication) in use that is widely used wireless communication system. It is used
in different applications in different forms like security systems, attendance system,
wireless control unit etc. In this system we are using this technology to make a
wireless remote through which has inbuilt uniue identity and can be used notify and
define any person, object etc.
Today, we li!e in an age of wireless re!olution where e!ery effort is directed towards
getting rid of wires. Remo!ing wires not only makes things easy but also impro!es
speed of operation. For e"ample no one wants to stop at a toll ta" and then
mechanically deposit money rather there needs to be mechanism through which the
car needn#t be stopped and still the ta" gets deposited. This will help in both
achie!ing customer satisfaction as well as impro!ing the efficiency of whole system.
$imilarly identification of different things has also achie!ed new heights. It is !ery
important to keep track of one#s assets and hence uniue identification has a major
scope of de!elopment. This uniue identification system will impro!e the o!erall
efficiency of the system and will bring more social security. Through this technology
we can keep track of our pets, clothes, cars and !arious other things. This
technology has application ranging from commercial purposes to e!en for an
RF%I& technology merges wireless communication with uniue identification method,
in which e!ery source emits its uniue Identification 'ode ((I') and then after
recei!ing it, a recei!er decrypts the signal and identifies the particular transmitter.
Then this information about the source is displayed and stored for future use.
This project has been designed as a simple implementation of the toll collection process
automatically in a model form. This should not be considered as a real toll collection system
which requires much more considerations, tests and huge amount of money, before they are
actually put into use.
Note: ere !e are designing a s"stem !#ic# !ill identi$" t#e tag t#us t#e user
and c#ec% $or t#e account &alance i$ &alance is a'aila&le t#e (rede$ined
amount !ill &e detected and t#e toll gate !ill o(en else not) ere !e #a'e used
4*&it tagging #ence num&er o$ users is +,) E'er" user !ill #a'e its uni-ue TAG
.a &inar" se-uence/)
0loc% 1iagram:
Transmitter remote .or tag/:

Toll control 1e'ice:
DIP switch s
DIP switch s
0loc% in &rie$:
In(ut 2ection:
). 4*0it 1I3 2!itc#: (sed for *%bit tagging
+. RF transmitter Inter$ace: RF based wireless communication scheme.
,. Encoder: 'onsists of -T)+. encoder I' that * bit parallel data of the
switch matri" into serial data.
*. RF transmitter 434 45: /odulates the serial data and transmit it
o!er carrier freuency of *,* /-0.
1. Antenna: This is simple wire which will transmit the data through it and
recei!e the data at recei!er end.
2. RF recei'er 434 45: Recei!e the modulated serial data.
3. 1ecoder: 'onsists of -T)+& decoder I' that con!erts the serial data it
*% bit parallel data same as at the transmitter end.
3rocessing 2ection:
4icrocontroller: 4rogrammed by the user to monitor the input and generate
proper output for the output unit. In general this is the brain of the system.
6ut(ut 2ection:
4otor 1ri'er: I' 5+6,& will be used which can dri!e the motor for change
of direction as well as pro!ide proper !oltage and current.
1C 4otor: /otor as gate control prototype.
+7x8 LC1: (sed as display de!ice for reuired data.
There are two sections of this system7 one is transmitter end and other one is
receiver end. At transmitter end there is an encoder IC which encodes the 4 bit data
and transmits it with a wireless device working at 315/434 MHz. At the receiver end
! receiver receives the data with antenna and "eeds these data to the decoder IC.
#he decoder IC decodes the data in 4 bit mode and microcontroller checks the data
se$%ence with these 4 bits. &is'la( %nit is an )C& o" 1*+, sizes. It is %sed "or
'ro'er %ser interaction. #he control will identify the tag thus the user and check for
the account balance if balance is a!ailable the predefined amount will be detected
and the toll gate will open else not. -ere we ha!e used *%bit tagging hence number
of users is )1. .!ery user will ha!e its uniue T89 (a binary seuence).
ard!are Com(onents:
-T)+. encoder I'
*%bit &I4 switch
RF transmitter
RF recei!er
8T:6$:+1, microcontroller
/otor &ri!er (5+6,&)
/otors For door lock
5iuid 'rystal &isplay
4ower supply block
4 *&it 1I3 2!itc#es : This is simple integrated switch combination interface with
the encoder unit. This will assign different tag to the buses using *%bit tagging
that is )2 tags.
T+8E Encoder: T+8E is an encoder integrated
circuit of +
series of encoders. They are paired with
series of decoders for use in remote control system
applications. It is mainly used in interfacing RF and
infrared circuits. The chosen pair of encoder;decoder
should ha!e same number of addresses and data
format. $imply put, -T)+. con!erts the parallel inputs into
serial output. It encodes the )+ bit parallel data into serial
for transmission through an RF transmitter. These )+ bits
are di!ided into : address bits and * data bits.-T)+. has a transmission enable
pin which is acti!e low. <hen a trigger signal is recei!ed on T. pin, the
programmed addresses;data are transmitted together with the header bits !ia an
RF or an infrared transmission medium. -T)+. begins a *%word transmission
cycle upon receipt of a transmission enable. This cycle is repeated as long as T.
is kept low. 8s soon as T. returns to high, the encoder output completes its final
cycle and then stops.
T+81 decoder: T+81 is a decoder
integrated circuit that belongs to +
series of
decoders. This series of decoders are mainly
used for remote control system applications, like
burglar alarm, car door controller, security
system etc. It is mainly pro!ided to interface RF
and infrared circuits. They are paired with
series of encoders. The chosen pair of
encoder;decoder should ha!e same number of
addresses and data format. In simple terms,
-T)+& con!erts the serial input into parallel
outputs. It decodes the serial addresses and
data recei!ed by, say, an RF recei!er, into
parallel data and sends them to output data
pins. The serial input data is compared with
the local addresses three times
continuously. The input data code is
decoded when no error or unmatched codes
are found. 8 !alid transmission in indicated
by a high signal at =T pin. -T)+& is capable
of decoding )+ bits, of which : are address
bits and * are data bits. The data on * bit
latch type output pins remain unchanged
until new is recei!ed.
4icrocontroller 1etail s: This unit is the
brain of the system. This is responsible for the full control of the system. The
microcontroller used here is a common : bit 8tmel microcontroller 8T:6s:+1,.It
is a low%power, high%performance '/>$ :%bit microcontroller with)+? bytes of
In%$ystem 4rogrammable (I$4) Flash program memory and +? bytes of
..4R>/ data memory. It has ,+ programmable input output lines.
Features @
A )+? Bytes of In%$ystem 4rogrammable (I$4) Flash 4rogram /emory
A $4I $erial Interface for 4rogram &ownloading
A .ndurance@ )C,CCC <rite;.rase 'ycles
A +? Bytes ..4R>/ &ata /emory
A .ndurance@ )CC,CCC <rite;.rase 'ycles
A +.3= to 1.1= >perating Range
A Fully $tatic >peration@ C -0 to +* /-0 (in ") and "+ /odes)
A Three%le!el 4rogram /emory 5ock
A +12 " :%bit Internal R8/
A ,+ 4rogrammable I;> 5ines
A Three )2%bit Timer;'ounters
A Dine Interrupt $ources
A .nhanced (8RT $erial 4ort with Framing .rror &etection and 8utomatic
8ddress Recognition
A .nhanced $4I (&ouble <rite;Read Buffered) $erial Interface
A 4rogrammable <atchdog Timer
RF transmitter 9recei'er: This RF
module comprises of an RF Transmitter and
an RF Recei'er. The transmitter;recei!er (T";R")
pair operates at a freuency of 434 45. 8n RF
transmitter recei!es serial data and transmits it
wirelessly through RF through its antenna
connected at pin*. The transmission occurs at the
rate of )?bps % )C?bps.The transmitted data is
recei!ed by an RF recei!er operating at the same
freuency as that of the transmitter.
4otor 1ri'er @ (sed to dri!e the &' motors as directed by the microcontroller. This is
the >(T4(T block. Here we used L29! to dri"e the motors .whate"er signals it recei"es
from the microcontroller on the basis of that it will dri"e the motors.
An H-"#i$%& is an electronic circuit which enables a "oltage to be applied across a load in
either direction. These circuits are often used in robotics and other applications to allow !#
motors to run forwards and bac$wards. H%bridges are a"ailable as integrated circuits, or can
be built from discrete components.
46T6 R: For the gate prototype we will be using a motor. The control of this motor
will show opening and closing of gate. 8 direct current
(&') motor is a fairly simple electric motor that uses
electricity and a magnetic field to produce torue, which
turns the motor. 8t its most simple, a &' motor reuires
two magnets of opposite polarity and an electric coil,
which acts as an electromagnet. The repellent and
attracti!e electromagnetic forces of the magnets pro!ide
the torue that causes the &' motor to turn.
Li-uid Cr"stal 1is(la": This is )2"+ B;< 5'& for the display of the data.
3o!er 2u((l" 0loc%: The power supply consists of
a step down transformer +,C;)+=, which steps down
the !oltage to )+= 8'. This is con!erted to &' using a Bridge rectifier. The ripples
are remo!ed using a capaciti!e filter and it is then regulated to E1= using a !oltage
regulator 3:C1 which is reuired for the operation of the microcontroller and other
Note: Remote unit is 1C &atter" (o!ered)
2o$t!are Com(onents -
This unit consists of the
programming unit that is the
compiler used.
The &'()* # for +,-.
#ompiler is a powerful feature%
rich de"elopment tool for Atmel/s
+,-. microcontrollers. 't is
designed to pro"ide the user with
the easiest possible solution for
de"eloping applications for
embedded systems without
compromising on performance.
't0s highly ad"anced integrated
de"elopment en"ironment 1'!23,
broad set of library routines,
ready%to%run and comprehensi"e
documentation should be more
than enough to get anyone off to a
great start when de"eloping +,-. applications.
&oderni4es the entire trac$ing system.
't is a "ery user friendly and can e"en be used by children0s.
5imple to operate and can be installed in a short time.
#an be used to trac$ "irtually e"erything.
6o scope for error in detection of )7%'! tags.
7acilitates quic$ and accurate detection and trac$ing is possible instantaneously.
)e%usable by simply attaching the tag to some other object.
<La&sGuru Tec#nologies3't) Ltd) !!!)la&sguru)com
4I=R6 C C643ILER
Code Editor
Menu Bar
2asier to manage with "ery less demand on man%power.
't has a "ariable range of operation and hence it can be used at almost all places.
This )7 '! tagging system can used to $eep a trac$ of shipping goods and "ehicles in
a completely automated manner. The transport "ehicle can be trac$ed at the shipping
and the recei"ing organi4ation to automatically update deli"ery status.
These tags can be employed in cars and buses with readers placed at the toll ta8es, bus
stops and security chec$s. This moderni4es the whole system of tra"el and sa"es a lot
of time and money.
't can be installed at air ports to felicitate the distribution of luggage by putting up an
)7%'! tag on luggage and then at the distribution counter the luggage can be easily
sorted out.

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