The Great Gatsby

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The Great Gatsby


In the beginning we are introduced to the central character of the novel, Nick Carraway. He is a mid-
westerner, an Ivy League graduate and a veteran of World War 1. He decides to move to New York
and rents a small house on Long Island. Nick has a very wealthy neighbour living next door, called
Gatsby. Also, there are Tom and Daisy Buchanan living across the bay from Nicks place. Nick was a
college classmate and Daisy is a cousin of him.
He visits them for dinner and becomes reaquainted. He finds Tom very rich and arrogant in
opposition with Daisys beauty. Together, they have a child, a girl of just a few years old. Here, Tom
meets Jordan Baker, a golfer and a friend of Daisy.
After returning home, Nick sees his neighbour staring out into the bay.
Next Sunday afternoon, Nick and Tom ride into the city on the train. At the ash valley, an industrial
area, Tom persuades Nick to get out the train and meet his mistress, Myrtle Wilson. They go to a gas
station owned by George Wilson, an easily deceiving man. Tom and Myrtle arrange to meet at an
apartment that Tom had for her in New York.
There, they throw a small party with few guests. Everybody talks and drinks and, during a small
argument about Daisy, Tom breaks Myrtles nose. The party is over late in the night.
One day, Nick receives an invitation to one of the glamorous parties that Gatsby puts on every week-
end. There he meets Jordan Baker and together they explore the extravagant party, listening to
people talking about the host who seems to be nowhere.
After a few champagne glasses, Nick starts chatting with another war veteran who turns out to be
Gatsby. Nick apologises to him and in a short while, Gatsby is called to the phone. Then Jordan is
called away to talk to Gatsby and after she returns, she expresses her amazement about the subject
of the disscusion with the host. The party ends and Gatsby makes an invitation to Nick for the next

The Great Gatsby

The story continues with Gatsby and Nick who drive into town in Gatsbys glittering gorgeous car.
Gatsby reveals something from his past, he claims to come from a wealthy family, to have had a
tremendous war record, to have toured the world in a romantic style. Nick disbelieves him, but
Gatsby is able to show a medal from Montenegro and a photo of himself at Oxford .
In town, they have lunch with an associate of Gatsbys , Mr. Meyer Wolfsheim, and they briefly
encounter Tom. Later, Nick meets Jordan who tells him that Gatsby moved to Long Island to be close
to Daisy with whom he had a relationship before Tom. Jordan receives a message from Gatsby who
wants Nick to invite Daisy to his house, so he can come over.
Jordan and Nicks relationship is also advancing, as the end of the chapter finds them in each others
arms in a horse and carriage touring Central Park .

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