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Name of the School with address: Hermann Gmeiner School sector-29 Faridabad
(Strictly as per ffiliation sanction letter or as Haryana (121!!"#
$ermitted by the %oard# with pin code no.
1. (i# &-mail h'sfaridabad(
(ii# $h. No. !129-)!""*+*,)!""*+)
(iii# Fa- No
2. .ear of establishment of school / 19"0
1. 2hether N34 from State,56 Haryana State (7istt &d8cation 3fficer#
or recommendation of Faridabad 1+,11,"+ dt: !9."."+
&mbassy of 9ndia obtained:
(i# N34 No. 21,*1,"+ dt: 2*."."+
(ii# N34 iss8in' date 2*."."+
). 9s the school is reco'ni;ed< if yes by which a8thority: yes 4%S&
*. Stat8s of ffiliation: $ro=isional
(i# ffiliation No: *1!!"!,*1"!
(ii# ffiliation with the %oard since: -19"0
(iii# &-tension of affiliation 8pto: 11,1,2!1+
0. Name of 6r8st,Society,4ompany >e'istered 8nder >e'istrar of Societies 7elhi
Section 2* of the 4ompany ct< 19*0. $eriod 8pto
2hich >e'istration of 6r8st,Society is =alid: 2!1+
+. ?ist of members of School @ana'in' 4ommittee with
their ddress,ten8re and post held http:,,www.h'sfaridabad.or',ima'es,c8rric8l8m.pdf
". Name and official address of the 4hairman @r.>aAeshBinsi (4hairman # $lot No-)
4orrespondent %locA 41-Nelson @andela @ar' New
(i# &-mail:-sosc=i(
(ii# 2eb Site:www.sosc=india.or'
(iii# $h. No.011-43239200
(i=# Fa- No.911143239292
9. rea of School 4amp8s
(i# 9n cres: *. cres
(ii# 9n SC. mtrs.2!21).2"2
(iii# %8ilt 8p area (sC. mtrs.# 1!219
(i=# rea of $lay'ro8nd in SC. mtrs: 1"9+* SCmtrs
(=# 3ther facilities
(i# Swimmin' $ool: No
(ii# 9ndoor 'ames: .es
(iii# 7ance >ooms: yes
(i=# Gymnasi8m: No
(=# @8sic >ooms: .es
(=i# Hostels: No
(=ii# Health and @edical 4hecA8p: .es
S No Type of Room No. of such rooms available No. of rooms lying vacant
1 Class Room 32
2 Science Lab 3
3 Computer Lab 1
4 Library 1
5 Jr. Science Lab. N
! Resource Room"#rimary $in%& -
' (at)*s Lab " Secon+ary ,in%& 1
- rt Room 1
9 Sta.. common Room 1
10 Sports an+ /o%a Room 1
11 S.0.#., Room N
12 (usic Room 1
13 Con.erence Room -
1!. 7etails of fee str8ct8re:2!11-1)(68tion Fees#
(i# $re-N8rsery 12!!
(ii# N8rsery 12!!
(iii# 9 to D9 1**!
(i=# D9 9 to D999 10!!
(=# 9E to E 19!!
(=i# E9 to E99 19*!
For Fee str8ct8re please =isit the followin':-
11 6ransport facilities
(i# 3wn b8ses :N3
(ii# %8ses hired on contract basis:yes
(iii# 7etails of transport char'es
>s "!!, sec 1!<11<19
>s 9!! 3ther Sec
12 $artic8lars of teachin' staff (to be 8pdated time to time#
Name 7esi'nation 7ate of
7ate of
$robation,4onfirmed dhoc,$art
For staff information please =isits the followin':-
11 7etails of salary bein' paid by the school to teachin' Staff,non-teachin' staff (to be 8pdated
time to time#
Scale of pay Grade pay F of 7 H> &$F
Sr No $ost Scale of
F of 7
&$F 4ontrib8tion
1 $G6
Rs. 6500-200-
10500 with
Grade Pay of
Rs. 4200/-
(Entry Scale
*)F of
de pay#
1*F of
de pay#
12F of
2 6G6 Rs. 5500-1!5-
"000 with
Grade Pay of
Rs. 4200/-
(Entry Scale
#4$00 with
Grade Pay of
Rs. 4$00 -
(Senior Scale
#4$00 with
Grade Pay of
*)F of
de pay#
1*F of
de pay#
12F of
1 $>6 P%-2& 4500- "!F of 1!F of 1!F of
Grade Pay &
4200 (Entry
Grade Pay &
4600 (Senior
Grade Pay &
de pay#
de pay#
1) @ode of payment of salary: deposited in %anA
(i# Name of the %anA thro8'h which salary is drawin' : 543 %anA
(ii# 6hro8'h sin'le cheC8e transfer
1* ?ibrary facilities
(i# Si;e of the ?ibrary in sC. feet 1* len'th (in SC@trHs (%readth#
(ii# No. of $eriodicals 11
(iii# No. of 7ailies *
(i=# No. of reference booAs class-wise )*9!
(=# No. of @a'a;ine 11
(=i# 3thers
10. Name of the Grie=ance,redressal 3fficer with @r G8ldra; hmed
&-mail< $h. No.< Fa- No. /
1+. @embers of Se-8al Harassment 4ommittee //
i# @s.S8nil Sin'h
ii#@r. .?alitHand8
1". Section wise enrolment of school for the c8rrent
Session 4lass Section &nrolment
19. cademic session period From 1
pril to 11
2!. Dacation period From ///mid of @ay//////// to ///?ast weeA of I8ne/////////////
21. dmission period From ///@arch///////// to //////B8ly//////////

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