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Religions & sages teachings in current context.

Human beings are interesting. We love our self most, we can see lots of disagreements within family, society,
countries. Yet humans liked to live close to each other; many are unable to live alone with minimum interaction with
Everybody alive here has enough. hose that do not have enough are dead. Why would !eo!le fight to gain more;
knowing that they will have to leave everything behind when they die"
#s sages mentioned, $reed % Ego are the & negative !oints that drives this world to this condition. 'ages teach
!ositive !oints in generosity % humility to balance the negative !oints. he teachings are readily available in all
religious te(ts, but not many !racticed it. )ust as *odhidharma said+ Everyone knows the !ath, few actually walk it.
o walk the !ath is not to create anything or destroy anything. ,t is -ust flowing with changes.
Yearn more % live in hell; reduce desires % live in heaven. .ost !eo!le now are living in hell, how many can live in
heaven" /ltimate aim is not living in heaven or hell, it is live beyond heaven % hell. /nderstand this % we can reduce
our attachments; i.e. move to another level.
0n hell, heaven % reincarnation; we are going through these everyday. *uddha mentioned the si( stages are actually
reflecting our daily lives, not after our material body is dead.
he common 1 realms of beings are easily viewed in our daily lives, % they kee! changing from moment to moment+
2. Heavenly beings + his is the ty!e who has !ower, wealth % long life% lives in ha!!iness. We can see the so3
called elite folks are like this. Head of countries, societies, cor!orations, etc all can be in this category.
&. #sura+ his is in fact similar to Heavenly beings, the only difference is that #sura is overly egoistic. hey have
lots of !ower, wealth % long life, but not ha!!y. #lways dissatisfied, they are never contented. ,n fact, more
of the Head of countries, societies, cor!orations falls into this category than in the Heavenly beings. 4eo!le
nowadays are never satisfied, war % in3fighting ha!!en almost everyday. 4eo!le stayed close to each other
so that they have safety in numbers, they can over!ower any other lifeforms if their well being is
com!romised. he fact is our well being has never been com!romised. We are all !art of this world,
whatever we do will cause changes everywhere.
5. Human beings+ #verage folks.
6. Hungry ghosts+ ,f we have throat infection to the stage that even swallowing li7uid hurts, can we still en-oy
8. #nimals+ 9eed not describe further; very often we hear % see !eo!le being described as inhuman %
behaving like an animal.
1. Hell beings+ hese are the !eo!le who are never ha!!y with anyone % destroys everything in their !ath.
'ome books may have described these realms in greater details, the scri!tures nowadays stressed more on
transformation to these realms after the body has died. his teaching is for the lower level. .ost folks will take it as
absolute, they have not observed further.
,n the end, whatever we chose is immaterial. Humans wisdom falls under a few categories+
2. :owest level ; .ost folks are overly greedy. he thoughts are+ , am kind, others are evil. , am generous,
others are selfish. ,f others do wrong, they are evil. ,f , do wrong, that is because , have valid reasons or
!lanning to do greater good. #t this stage, the mind is already in hell. <onstant cravings, unable to get
recognition as wished, all these are hell conditions.
&. *eginner level ; =o more kindness, be gentle. hese are taught by the sages. >ollow the 2? commandments,
follow the !rece!ts, follows the rules of morality. hese are the basic understanding that we have to re3
learn in order to reduce our attachments % view matters at different angles. @educe cravings % start moving
to heaven.
5. ,ntermediate level 3 Everything is Aero sum, everything changes. ,f we choose kindness to one, we are unkind
to another. ,f you feed someone, the food has to be obtained from somewhere. We are all eating other
s!ecies; !lants % animals. ,f you give someone money, your money has to reach you first. ,f you want to set
animals free, they will have to be tra!!ed first. When they are released, they will eat other insectsBanimals.
,f we can read the Cen story about his farmer % his horse, we will have better understanding on situations.
#re the mass murderers or serial killers evil" >rom humans !oint of view, they are. >rom the bacteria %
insects !oint of view, they have !rovided so much food while the body rots; they are benefactors. 4eo!le
live in hell because of attachment. #ct s!ontaneously without attachment, % youll know that there is no
right % wrong. Dilling is not wrong, it is not right as well. ,f we act, 7uestion our motive first. ,f we have
motive, even if it is noble or kind, we are already turning the reincarnation wheel. Will most !eo!le fall back
to lower levels when they reach this stage" ,f we need to move on, we need to detach ourselves.
#ttachment will kee! turning the reincarnation wheel, throw away the attachments % we will gain enough
esca!e velocity.
6. Higher level ; 9o kindness or cruelty e(ists, all duality situations are minds !roducts. :et go of feeding the
mind with duality, all will be in balance. 9o need to ask the reason to why were here % why we have
thoughts. ,f you ask, why not add another thought+ 4erha!s an atom thinks the same way, -ust that we do
not know. :et the thoughts in the mind float without attachment; every thought sows % rea!s. 0nce we sto!
attachments, well sto! all karma % retribution. 9othing sought, nothing gain, nothing to cling. *ecome
em!tiness, s!ace, vacuum. Encom!ass everything, % move unhindered everywhere. >low with changes
without attachment. hrow away everything, include the nonsense written here.
,f theres a level beyond the higher level, , do not know.
Will , go to hell when this body dies" , dont know % , dont care. ,m no longer living in hell now, % this is good
enough for me.

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