Ragsdale Errors

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Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis, Revised 5e

Updated 5/2/08
The following errors exist in the first printing of the book. If you find additional errors, please e-mail the
author at cliff.ragsdale@vt.edu.
Chapter 2
Page 44. The references to a file named Fig. 2-8.xls should be to Fig2-8.xls.
Chapter 3
Page 128. Question 4. The beginning cash balance should be !4"#""" not !4""#""".
Page 1. $ine %. The &ortfolio 'alue of !(#"%8#)1" should be !(#"%8#%*".
Chapter 4
Page 1*8. Question 1*# c. The cost should be !2.*% &er &ound.
Chapter 5
Page 214. Question 11. Production costs +&er 1""", in -anuar.# Februar.# /arch# 0&ril# /a.
and -une are !)#1""# !)#)""# !)#*""# !)#8""# !)#(""# and !)#4""# res&ecti'el..
Chapter 6
Page 28(. Question 2. 0ssume the 'an can carr. a maximum of 8"" units of blood +rather than
Page 2(1. Question 4. This should be labeled 1uestion %.
Chapter 7
Page 2(. Problem 1(. Part c should read 23!)"" on referee tra'el ex&enses2
Chapter 8
Page 4"*. 4ase 8.2. The 2a2 coefficients for Florida# 4alifornia# 5e6 7or8# and /ichigan should
be "."8%# ."(8# .1"%# and ."(%# res&ecti'el..
Chapter 9
Page 44 Figure (.2". 9nder :ut&ut o&tions# the box b. 5e6 ;or8sheet Pl.< should read =1
> =2 instead of =1 5e6.
Page 44(. Question 1". ?elete three in &art a.
Page 4%%. 4ase (-1. Part h. the same inde&endent 'ariables as before should read some
combination of these six inde&endent 'ariables.
4ase (-1. Part i. clarit. +=1, should read color +=1,.
Chapter 10
Page 482. Questions a > b. The sub-1uestions in each of these 1uestions should be labeled i.
and ii.
Chapter 15
Page )8). Questions *. The original @xcel file for the solution to this &roblem incorrectl.
multi&lied the monthl. &a.ments b. 12. The. should be multi&lied b. 24 since the
&roblem s&ecifies a t6o-.ear &lanning horiAon.

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