The Bloody Days of Civil Wars

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For years, life of the civilians during the civil war was neglected in all the History textbooks

references. Ever wonder how civilian manage to survive in such harsh environment? A place which is
close to hell.
On the 4
of July 1846, President Lincoln in his speech to the congress, explained about a Peoples
Contest .The casualty happened in Maryland took away 16 innocent soul and several wounded. No one
on either side believed in the conflict that would last this long.

With the encouragement of the communities, the civilians had moved their status from civilian to
volunteer soldiers. They left their cozy home behind and walked in the crowd and was cheered, their
name was declared between home front and battleground.
In July 1861, many civilians drove out from Washington to witness the crash of the volunteer soldiers at
Bull Run, at North Virginia. Within hours, they joined Mc Dowells Union in a retreat from the
battleground in Washington. Thereafter, the civilian find it a pleasure to sneak out to see the battle. As
residents in Gettysburg find it inescapable.
Many civilians have different experience of the war, this has caused a Universal concern about the
welfare of their Relatives and Friends on the battlefield. They can be killed anytime, only time will tell
how long they can survived in this war. Soon news of the war, was published across the globe.
Americans on both side rushed to the nearest Post office to find out if their relatives of friends made it
into the Casualty lists. Each time a battle stop, the heartbeat of the civilian beats faster and you can hear
stomps of the civilian from far.
The death toll of the war hit nearly six hundred thousand. Coffin maker was making great money during
that time. As the others came back with a missing limb and some came back with permanent damage.
This was indeed a very sad moment for many families of the loss. This brought loneliness and sadness
which will be with them for the rest of their life.
In Missouri, the guerilla raged had caused many people to leave their home. Although the instruction
was rescinded, they are still put in Marshall Law. In Maryland, bridges was intended to be blown up to
stop the movement of the Union Army.
Pressure of the government was also felt by the Northerners and Southerners. There is a massive
change in several policies in order for them to pay for the high cost of the war. Many taxes was imposed
in order to seal that big wound of the country. At one point, the poor get poorer, they couldnt afford to
pay for their meal and live in starvation. While the rich get richer. This was certainly unfair.
This bloody war had cause great impact in many civilians. In April 1865, the war had finally come to an
end , many civilians are expected to live in peace.

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