Picture Book

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Picture Book

By ; Mya Anderson
President Nixons effort to ease Cold War tension were
President Nixons effort to ease Cold War tensions was
known as the Detente.
The hostage crisis that seemed to overwhelm the Carter
Involved a mob seizing Americans in the U.S embassy in
Who controlled Afghanistan when the US invaded in
October of 2001?
The Taliban controlled Afghanistan.
Who pardoned Richard Nixon for his role in watergate?
Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon
As a result of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan,
President Carter boycotted the Moscow olympics,
blocked food shipments to the soviets and.
President Carter began supplying Taliban
rebels with US weapons.
The events of November 9,1989, at the Berlin Wall
illustrated that...
East Germany would rather reunite with West
Germany than remain communist.
Hundreds of unarmed people, including children, were
gunned down by the Chinese government...
in Tiananmen Square
Who benefited the most from the economic policies of
the 1980s?
Wealthy Americans benefited the most.
What president was nicknamed the Great
Communicator for his ability to win over the public?
Ronald Reagan was the Great Communicator.
Why was the design of the space shuttle significant?
It could reused after each flight.
What Caribbean nation was invaded in the 80s by the
US to keep cuba out?
Why did a U.S. -led military coalition attack Iraq in
to protect petroleum supplies and respond to reports of
atrocities in Iraqi-occupied Kuwait
Who was suspected of masterminding the 9/11 attacks?
Osama bin Laden
What was the greatest natural disaster in America
during the 21st century?
Hurricane Katrina
What state proved to be of key importance in the 2000
presidential election?
Florida was the key of importance
The U.S military attacked Iraq in March 2003 in part of
the Bush administration because
Believed that the Iraqi government possessed weapons of
mass destruction that threatened the United States.
What happened during President Clintons
impeachment hearings?
A majority of senators voted for conviction and he was
removed from office
What 1990s act of Domestic Terrorism killed dozens and
shocked the nation?
The Oklahoma City Bombing
Which of the following is predicted to cause tens of
millions of deaths worldwide in the coming decades?
The Election of 2008 marked what historical event?
An African-American was elected President of the United
States for the first time.

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