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Boldt Castle & Boldt Yacht House Open on Saturday May 10


Boldt Facilities
Heart Island, Alexandria Bay, Y ! "he "housand Islands Brid#e Authority, o$ners o% historic
Boldt Castle and the Boldt Yacht House opens the &01' season on Saturday, May 10
( "he
%acility $ill re)ain open daily throu#h Octo*er 1+, &01'( ,ach year thousands o% -isitors co)e
to the 1000 Islands and )a.e Boldt Castle and the Boldt Yacht House a scheduled stop on their
-acation itinerary(
"hese pre)ier 1000 Islands International attractions $ith their %ascinatin# historic structures,
scenic -ie$s, *eauti%ul #ardens and #rounds are al$ays i)pro-in#( &01' $ill see $or. continue
to pro#ress on the Boldt Castle /itchen $hich has *een a phased t$o year pro0ect and is
anticipated to *e co)pleted this Septe)*er( In addition the )ain or Cistern "o$er o% Boldt
Castle $ill *e surrounded *y sca%%old throu#hout the su))er )onths as $or. to repoint all stone
and terra cotta )ortar 0oints is per%or)ed includin# replacin# all to$er $indo$s and dor)er
%lashin#s( Alster "o$er )ore co))only re%erred to as the 1Children2s 3layhouse4 has %or
se-eral years *een the %ocus o% an i))ense a)ount o% exterior reha*ilitation and $ill no$ )o-e
to *e#in interior desi#n in &01'(
(You may have seen Boldt Castle before, but have you seen Boldt Castle
"he "housand Islands Brid#e Authority, o$ners o% historic Boldt Castle continue to i)pro-e
historic Boldt Castle in a )anner #reatly intended Mr( Boldt( 5eor#e C( Boldt halted all
construction on his 5rand Island ho)e in 1+0' at the unti)ely death o% his $i%e 6ouise7
inconsola*le Mr( Boldt ne-er resu)ed construction therea%ter(
8ith the co)pletion o% the Boldt Castle /itchens and )any earlier interior i)pro-e)ents
includin# the Butler2s 3antry, Boldt Castle "heater, 6i*rary, Ballroo), Billiards 9oo),
9eception 9oo), :inin# 9oo), 5rand Staircase, ,le-ator, Stain 5lass :o)e, Boldt %a)ily
*edroo) suites, )ar*le %loorin# and period %urnishin#s Boldt Castle can *e -ie$ed $ith %inished
spaces ne-er *e%ore acco)plished(
6ocated directly across the $ater %ro) Boldt Castle on 8ellesley Island is the )a#ni%icent Boldt
Yacht House( Opened to the pu*lic in 1++; the Boldt Yacht House is the lar#est re)ainin#
Yacht House on the St( 6a$rence 9i-er( closely $ith the Anti<ue Boat Museu),
Clayton, Y the Yacht House %eatures a nu)*er o% anti<ue *oats, so)e o% $hich $ere ori#inally
o$ned *y 5eor#e C( Boldt all representin# a #rand era o% *oatin# on the St( 6a$rence 9i-er( In
&00+ the Yacht House *eca)e the per)anent ho)e o% the stea) yacht 1/estrel4 donated to the
Authority *y Mr( =ohn 6uhrs o% 6uhrs Marine( Built in 1>+& the /estrel is ;?2 lon# $ith a 1& @2
*ea) and typi%ies the stea) yachts o% Mr( Boldt2s era( "he %irst %loor li-in# <uarters o% the
P.O. Box 428
43530 Interstate 81
Alexandria Bay, N 13!0"
#onta$t% S&ane San'ord
Boldt #astle O(erations )ana*er
315+482+,"24 or 315+482+2501
-ate% )ay !, 2014
Yacht House are also open %or -ie$in# pro-idin# -isitors $ith an exceptional experience as they
tour this -ery special ri-er land)ar.(

:urin# the Authority2s ?A years o% o$nership o% the %or)er Boldt properties on Heart Island and
the Boldt Yacht House on 8ellesley Island, )illions o% dollars ha-e *een in-ested in
reha*ilitation e%%orts and i)pro-e)ents( At the sa)e ti)e the Boldt Facilities ha-e hosted o-er
1,100 $eddin#s and ha-e counted o-er ;(& )illion -isitors to these historic properties pro-idin#
incalcula*le -alue to the 1000 Islands International "ouris) Industry(
For )ore in%or)ation on Boldt Castle please call ?1BC'>&C&B01 or lo# onto
$$$(*oldtcastle(co) %or ad)ission rates, $eddin#s and lin.s to scenic cruise operators o%%erin#
stops at the Castle( For #eneral 1000 Islands touris) in%or)ation, includin# lod#in#, call >00C
>'ACB&;? or lo# onto $$$(-isit1000islands(co)(

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