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The iole of the 0uP Steeiing Committee - consisting of 9 iepiesentatives fiom
goveinment anu 9 fiom civil society - is "to uevelop, piomote anu safeguaiu the values,
piinciples anu inteiests of the 0uP. It also establishes the coie iueas, policies, anu iules
of the paitneiship, anu oveisees the functioning of the paitneiship" (Aiticles of
uoveinance). The noimal teim of the Steeiing Committee membeis, whethei civil
society oi goveinment, is S yeais - with the possibility of a one teim ienewal.

It has been agieeu by the Steeiing Committee that S goveinment anu S civil society
membeis will iotate annually. It also has been agieeu that in 2u14 the SC will giow
to1u goveinment membeis anu 1u civil society membeis. This means that foi civil
society at least S seats will neeu to be filleu on the SC in 2u14.

The iotation pioviues an oppoitunity to ensuie that civil society membeis have the
iight piofile anu skills in the Steeiing Committee to auuiess the specific challenges anu
oppoitunities facing 0uP in the coming peiiou. The iotation piocess set out in this note
will be a fully tianspaient piocess that seeks to attiact capable canuiuates fiom a
uiveisity of iegions anu backgiounus, leauing to a balanceu team of civil society
membeis on the Steeiing Committee who aie well-positioneu to !"#$%&' )*"+*',%- +.&
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The oveiall infoimation on the iotation piocess has alieauy been maue public by the
0uP Suppoit 0nit heie: http:www.opengovpaitneiship.oignoueS714
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The cuiient nine membeis of the Steeiing Committee aie
Ni. Rakesh Rajani (Twaweza, leau CS co-chaii)
Ns. Suneeta Kaimal (Revenue Watch Institute, suppoit CS co-chaii),
Ni. Waiien Kiafchik (Inteinational Buuget Paitneiship, immeuiate past co-chaii)
Ns. Iaia Pietiicovsky (INESC)
Ni. Nikhil Bey (NKSS)
Ni. Naitin Tisne(iepiesenting Tianspaiency anu Accountability Initiative)
Ni. Alejanuio uonzalez (uES0C)
Ns. veionica Cietu (0pen uoveinment Institute)
Ns. Naiyati Abuullah (Publish What You Pay Inuonesia)

The existing team will ueciue eaily Nay who will iotate off. Theii teim will enu at the
enu of the SC meeting scheuuleu foi the thiiu week of Septembei 2u14.
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Champion anu aiticulate coie 0uP iueas anu values on the global stage;
Repiesent the inteiests anu iueas of the inteinational 0uP civil society community
in the SC;
Paiticipate in anu auu uemonstiable value to in-peison 0uP anu SC meetings anu in
1 oi moie subcommittees of the SC;
Paiticipate in the calls of the civil society membeis of the SC (at minimum the
iegulai calls once a month);
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Repiesent the Steeiing Committee anu 0uP at national, iegional anu inteinational
Effectively piomote open goveinment 0uP civil society community (e.g. piesenting
at events, wiite blogposts).
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The selection committee will assess anu iank the canuiuates on the basis of the
following iequiiements:

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Ability to engage stiategically at the global level, in paiticulai exeicise goou
juugement, engage effectively with senioi goveinment anu civil society membeis;
ieau anu iepiesent the conceins anu inteiests of the civil society community;
poweifully cleaily aiticulate coie 0uP issues.

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Long-teim expeiience in civil societyuiounuing anu legitimacy in national,
iegional anuoi inteinational netwoiks;
Expeiience in at least one anu piefeiably moie aieas of the 0pen uoveinment
Paitneiship Beclaiation, tianspaiency, accountability, citizen engagement anuoi
smait use of technology;
Bighly oiganizeu, uetail-oiienteu, ability to consistently meet tight ueaulines;
Pioficiency in English uesiiable as that is the woiking language of the Steeiing
Possess stiong inteipeisonal skills; uesiie to woik as pait of a small, viitual team;
Ability to ueuicate V-1 uay a week to 0uP - with intensity incieasing aiounu SC
meetings anu othei 0uP meetings;
Possessing skills that can auvance a civil society agenua in the context of cuiient
0uP challenges;
Thoughtful, goou listenei, humble, piojects quiet stiength, elicits iespect;
Ability to tiavel.

As we stiive foi a balanceu Steeiing Committee uiveisity will be taken into account
(.g.e.g. genuei, geogiaphical iegion, type of expeiienceoiganisation, 0uP issues, skills).
In paiticulai, iegional uiveisity is one of the key factois taken into account. The note
states that the "selection mechanism woulu stiive foi a iegional balance in membeiship
within S subsequent iotations, so that SC woulu ultimately be iegionally balanceu. This
means to have at least 1 anu a maximum of 2 peisons fiom Noith Ameiica anu at least
1 anu a maximum of S fiom each of the iegions Latin Ameiica anu the Caiibbean, Afiica,
Euiope anu Asia0ceania. Theie woulu also be at least 1 anu a maximum of 2 membeis
fiom the heauquaiteis of inteinational oiganisationsnetwoikscoalitions."

Looking at the cuiient mix we can state that canuiuates fiom Afiica, Asia0ceania anu
Latin Ameiica anu the Caiibbean anu canuiuates with social movementscampaigns
cieuentials anuoi woiking in the fielus of access to infoimation, fiscal tianspaiency oi
extiactives aie especially encouiageu to apply.
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The nomination phase opens on Apiil 9, 2u14 anu closes at miunight uNT on 1 }une
0uP seeks civil society leaueis who biing the abilities anu pioven tiack iecoiu that
can fuithei the global initiative as outlineu above. Canuiuates may be nominateu by
an oiganisation, coalition oi netwoik, oi nominate themselves. 0iganisations,
coalitions anu netwoiks can be national, iegional oi global.
Canuiuates aie voteu on anu seive in theii inuiviuual capacity; shoulu a SC membei
leave befoie theii teim enus no piesumption woulu be maue that hishei
ieplacement will come fiom the same entity;
Nominations aie submitteu by senuing the following senuing the following to
o Youi Cv (max 4 pages)
o A covei lettei explaining a) youi (oi the canuiuate you aie nominating)
motivation foi joining, b) what open goveinment expeiienceskills you
biing, c) highlight uemonstiateu tiack iecoiu in global level leaueiship,
aiticulation anu stiategy (max 2 pages)
o 0ne stiong example of a viueo, blogpost, aiticle oi piece of wiiting you (oi
the canuiuate you aie nominating) have alieauy uone that ieflects youi
thinking anu aiticulation on open goveinment anu civil society issues.
All complete nominations will be uploaueu in full to the 0uP website anu will be
public foi all to see;
Each shoitlisteu canuiuate will be askeu pioviue at least two wiitten enuoisements
in suppoit of theii canuiuacy. Wiitten enuoisements aie an impoitant sign of
suppoit anu will be consiueieu stiongly in the selection piocess.
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The selection committee will caiefully uocument the basis of theii choice anu
communicate a shoit list with cleai inuication of piefeience of top thiee canuiuates to
the civil society membeis of the SC, who will ultimately enuoise the uecision in wiiting
as pei the Aiticles of uoveinance.

Aftei initial appioval by the CS0 SC membeis of the final list of pioposeu new membeis,
the selection committee in wiiting will piesent an account of theii piocess, uelibeiation
anu choice to the bioauei community- making cleai why they feel the selecteu
canuiuates will uo the best job. The names will be ieleaseu at the same moment as 0uP
announces the new Steeiing Committee (scheuuleu foi on 4 August 2u14).

The newly chosen Steeiing Committee membeis will foimally commence theii teim at
the conclusion of the Steeiing Committee meeting tentatively planneu in New Yoik in
the thiiu week of Septembei 2u14.
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The selection will be unueitaken by the selection committee, compiiseu of Waiien
Kiafchik (immeuiate past co-chaii) anu Suneeta Kaimal (suppoit co-chaii) fiom the
cuiient SC, 2 volunteeis fiom the bioauei 0uP CS0 community (to be selecteu as
outlineu below) anu Paul Naassen (0uP Civil Society Cooiuinatoi -- CSC). The leau co-
chaii will be kept infoimeu of key uevelopments but not seive as a membei of the
selection committee.
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Canuiuates foi two exteinal membeis foi the selection committee aie inviteu to senu a
shoit lettei explaining theii motivation anu qualification to seive to the Leau Civil
Society Co-Chaii (with a copy to the CSC) by 2 }une 2u14.

The leau CS co-chaii anu the CSC will assess the canuiuates foi the exteinal membeis of
the selection committee along the ciiteiia: active membeis of CS, goou unueistanuing
of 0uP anu what its leaueiship iequiies, expeiience with ieciuitment anu selection
piocesses, expeiience with SC type of goveinance mechanisms, time commitment,
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Announcement This note uesciibing iotation piocess,
ciiteiia foi selection anu anticipateu neeus
foi the coming 0uP yeai publisheu on the
0uP website, the civil society site,
newslettei anu mailing list. All CS membeis
encouiage to post on theii sites too anu
publicize it.
Apiil 2S
Nomination Nominations anu enuoisements can be
submitteu anu will be publisheu online. In
paiallel open invitation foi exteinal two
volunteeis foi the selection committee.
Apiil 1 - }une
Selection Selection committee will assess anu iank
canuiuates using ciiteiia anu neeus
stipulateu in announcement note,
shoitlisteu canuiuates will be inteivieweu
in peison, final canuiuates will be
piesenteu to anu neeu to be enuoiseu by
civil society SC membeis in wiiting.
}une 1S - }uly
Accountability Selection committee publishes account of
theii piocess, uelibeiation anu choice to
the bioauei 0uP community anu 0uP
officially announces the new Steeiing
August 4

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