University Cat Holic Center: Close To Close To

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Office Hours
Offices are currently closed for break.
Offices will reopen Jan. 6th.

Sunday Mass

Daily Mass
Currently not offered due to break.
Usual schedule will resume Jan. 6th.
For alternative Mass times at St. Austins see page 3

Currently not offered due to break.
Usual schedule will resume Jan. 6th.

Other sacraments
Baptism or Marriage
Fr. Ed |
Fr. Jamie |

Michael Flahive |

Becoming Catholic
Dorothy Harper |

Marriage Prep Workshop
Brandon Kraft |

Religious Education
Julie Ulrich |
Our mission is to provide pastoral care to the Roman Catholic community at
The University of Texas at Austin and to advance the ,iIa, tLccIa, and ,oca ]c
of the students, faculty, staff, and administration.
MAY 11, 2014 | 4th Sunday of Easter

I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.
John 10:10
Your Ministry Team
A ministry of the Paulist Fathers
Clo t Campus, Clo t Christ
2010 University Ave. | Austin, TX 78705
Phone: 512. 476. 7351 | Fax: 512. 476. 7377
www. utcatholic. org
CorvccI vl U,l
utcatholic Monthly e-newsletter
Fr. Jamie Baca, CSP
Associate Director
Fr. Ed Nowak, CSP
Meghan Vail
Business Manager
Elizabeth Lange
Development Director
Matthew Anderson
Administrative Assistant
Dorothy Harper
Campus Minister
Carol Filip
Development Assistant
In fellowship with
Christina Sanchez
Madelin West
Sam Kelley
Team Leader
Matt Melcher
Ben Domingue
Ellese Castillo
Michael Gonzalez

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm

Sunday Mass

Spanish 2:00pm Every first Sunday

Daily Mass
MWF 12:05pm TTh 12:30pm
In the Holy Spirit Chapel
For alternative Mass times at St. Austins see page 3

Monday 12:30pm Tuesday 1:00pm
Or by appointment

Other sacraments
Baptism or Marriage
Fr. Ed |
Fr. Jamie |

Michael Flahive |

Becoming Catholic
Dorothy Harper |

Marriage Prep Workshop
Brandon Kraft |

Religious Education
Julie Ulrich |
9:00am 11:30am
5:00pm 8:00pm
May 11, 2014 4th Sunday of Easter
Ncv, n AroccwcI, PjccIto & wckLq Pcodg,
Or Qt[, Io Qon
In what concrete ways are you living your faith
through service to others?
Acts 11:1-18; Jn 10:11-18
Acts 11:19-26; Jn 10:22-30
Acts 1:15-17,20-26; Jn 15:9-17
Acts 13:13-25; Jn 13:16-20
Acts 13:26-33; Jn 14:1-6
Acts 13:44-52; Jn 14:7-14
Acts 6:1-7; 1 Pt 2:4-9; Jn 14:1-12







Sunday, MAY 4, 2014
The total Sunday Collection was $2,232.56

APRIL ONLINE GIVING: $7,909 (~$1,977/wk)

Weekly Expenses at the UCC: approx. $11,000
Building Debt: $90,422.54
More on contributing to the UCC?
Contact Carol Filip at
Todays Bulletin distribution
Morning Masses: Campus Based
Evening Masses:
Please Return lent collection boxes
Return anytime during
open hours to the front
desk. Thank you!

UC 2014 Wi Lis
Want to contribute to a specific need?
Please take a look at our wish list!
Used Washing Machine
50 New Monthly Donors ($50/month)
Carbos for Christ weekly spaghetti lunch ($100)
Semester of ministry activities for one student ($250)
Speaker Series ($500)

Any gift you make to our ministry will help us bring the light of
Christ to more students at the University of Texas.

Want to make a difference? Contact Carol Filip at: TK U!
We are the sheep in todays Gospel parable. Jesus says that he is
the gatekeeper and that all who come through him will be saved.
Do you know anyone who has fallen away from Catholicism or
even Christianity? Take a few minutes to pray for them.
Black Bag Collection last week
Basket collection: $555.54 benefitting Micah
6 Coalition, a network of faith communities with
a mission to identify and meet the needs of the
homeless and impoverished in the UT campus
area. For more info, visit
Thank you for your generosity!
Matching gift weekend was a success!
The totals are still being tallied, but we will have a full report soon!
Look here in the bulletin next week to see how we did this year.
Thank you for your generosity and your prayers, and God bless!
Upcoming Summer schedule at the UCC

Starting NEXT SUNDAY, May 18 the UCC will switch to its
summer schedule. Look below for details, including notices
regarding dates on which the UCC will be fully closed.

Sunday Masses
10:30 am & 8:00 pm

Daily Masses
12:05 pm Mon-Thu

12:35 pm Mon & Tue

Building Hours
10:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon-Thu
Closed on Fridays

UCC Closed May 19-24
The UCC will be closed the week of May 19-24. There will not
be Mass, Confession, or other activities on those days.

UCC Closed Memorial Day, May 26
The UCC will be closed on Memorial Day, May 26. There will not
be Mass, Confession, or other activities on that day.

Our usual school-year schedule will resume in full on
Friday, August 22.
First communion congratulations!
Congratulations to all
of the children who
received their first
Communion at the
9am Mass last Sunday!
Blessings and
congratulations to Effie
Carlisle, Lily Chargois,
Caprice Crowley, Joaquin Forero, Simon Forero, Betsy Gilbert,
Stone Lucksinger, and Charlotte Stidvent. We are happy to have
you join us at the Lords Table!
wck At A QIc 5t. AuyI Prtyw
May 11, 2014 4th Sunday of Easter
Mass Times
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:30 am | 9:00 am | 11:30 am| 5:30 pm
Daily MonFri 8:00 am | Mon-Thu 5:20 pm
Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment
2026 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705 512.477.9471 Monday, May 12 | Monday of the 4th Week of Easter
12:05 pm Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
12:35 pm Reconciliation St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel
Tuesday, May 13 | Tuesday of the 4th Week of Easter
12:30 pm Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
1:00 pm Reconciliation St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel
Wednesday, May 14 | Feast of Saint Matthias, Apostle
12:05 pm Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
Thursday, May 15 | Thursday of the 4th Week of Easter
12:30 pm Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
Friday, May 16 | Friday of the 4th Week of Easter
12:05 pm Mass Holy Spirit Chapel
Please pray for:
Pope Francis & Bishop Joe
Fr. Pat Hensy, CSP
Diane Key
Denali Huff
Robert Schneider
Fr. T. J. Martinez
Joseph Slate
Prayer intentions can be submitted at:
Please note if you would like to remain anonymous.
Prqcr ltcIto,
Choir rehearsal schedule
Sundays 8am, 10:30am, 4pm, 7pm Holy Spirit Chapel
Wednesdays 7pm Holy Spirit Chapel
A worn jrow Or MrtyIrq Tcw
We made it! Weve come to the close of the
2013/14 academic year. Im tempted to quote
from TS Eliots Four Quartets and, indeed, I
think I will. In the end was my beginning. In the
beginning was my end. I wont attempt to
interpret that for you because I am usually all
thumbs at those things, but I do bid my fond farewell to our
graduating seniors. Ive known these seniors less than a year, but
they have been an integral part of my joy here at the UCC.

As this part of their life comes to a close, the future is now
infinitely ripe with new beginnings and broader horizons. Always
have the light and joy of Christ in your hearts and you will never be
lead astray. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting up
with my silly humor, and continue to inspire others with the joy
you are and have been for me this year.

Wear your burnt orange proudly wherever you go. If you are ever
in Austin on a Saturday in the fall, I usually have an extra ticket to
Longhorn football games and I would love for you to join me!
Praise God & Hook em Horns, yall! Graduation is on its way!!!

God bless,

ovolq Hicv
Campus Minister
Know a Fallen-away catholic?
Let them know about LANDINGS, a
program for discussing faith issues and
returning to the practice of the faith.
Eight sessions begin Thursday, April 24,
7:00-8:30pm at Triangle Park Residences Conference Room,
4600 W. Guadalupe Street. For more, contact
VocoIto, Ncv,
Please pray for the Paulist seminarians
Please keep all of the Paulist novices and students
in your prayers: Daniel Arthur, Matt Berrios, Ryan
Casey, Michael Cruickshank, Evan Cummings,
Michael Hennessy, Jimmy Hsu, Steve Petroff,
Paolo Puccini, and Stuart Wilson-Smith.
Celebrate with the newest Paulist priest!
Congratulations to UT and UCC alumnus Deacon
Jimmy Hsu, CSP, who will be ordained to the
priesthood on May 24 at 10:00 am by Bishop Joe S.
Vsquez of the Diocese of Austin. The ordination
will take place at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle
in New York City. Please pray for Deacon Hsu!
Austin prayer vigil for life Saturday, May 17
The Austin Prayer Vigil for Life is scheduled for
Saturday, May 17 at St. Anthony Marie de Claret
Parish in Kyle. Mass will begin at 7 am. Following
Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be in
the church and a car caravan will travel to Austin
Womens Health, 1902 South IH-35, where the
Mysteries of the Rosary will be prayed. Benediction
will follow at St. Anthony Marie de Claret church at
10 am, and refreshments will be served. All are invited to attend.
For more information, call Paul Kroschewsky at (512) 799-3073.
Aron |I Dtocc)
Mens Discernment Dinner Wed, May 14, 7:00 pm
For single, Catholic men (18 and older) with an openness to a
priestly vocation and discernment. The evening includes dinner,
Evening Prayer, and a presentation with discussion. The dinner will
be held on Wednesday, May 14, from 7-8:30 pm at Borromeo
House. For more information, contact the Vocations Office at
(512) 949-2430.

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