Airbus Abbreviation

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3D Three Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt)

4D Four Dimensional (Lat, Long, Alt, Time)
A Amber
A.ICE Anti-ice, Anti-icing
A/BRK Autobrake
A/C Aircraft
A/COLL Anti-Collision
A/D Analog/Digital
A/DC Analog-to-Digital Converter
A/G Air to Ground
A/L Airline
A/N Alphanumeric
A/S Airspeed
A/SKID Anti-Skid
A/STAB Auto Stabilizer
A/THR Autothrust
A/XFMR Autotransformer
AAC Airline Administrative Communications
AAP Additional Attendant Panel
AAR Air-to-Air Refueling
ABCU Alternate Braking Control Unit
ABD Airbus Directive and Procedure
ABDC Avionics Broadcast Data Collector
ABM APU Build-up Manual
ABNORM Abnormal
ABRN Airborne
ABS Autobrake System
ABSELV Alternate Brake Selector Valve
ABSORB Absorber
ABV Above
AC Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning
AC Alternating Current
ACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System
ACC Active Clearance Control
ACCEL Acceleration/Accelerate
ACCLRM Accelerometer
ACCU Accumulator
ACCUR Accuracy
ACD Additional Control Device
ACFT Aircraft
ACGS Aircraft GSM Server
ACK Acknowledge
ACM Air Cycle Machine
ACMM Abbreviated Component Maintenance Manual
ACMP Airframe Condition Monitoring Procedure

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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ACMR Aircraft Configuration Management Rules
ACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring System
ACN Aircraft Classification Number
ACOC Air Cooled Oil Cooler
ACP Area Call Panel
ACP Audio Control Panel
ACQ Acquire
ACQN Acquisition
ACR Avionics Communication Router
ACSC Air Conditioning System Controller
ACT Additional Center Tank
ACT Active
ACTG Actuating
ACTIV Active
ACTR Actuator
ACTVN Activation
ACTVT Activate
ACU Air Cooling Unit
ACU Antenna Control Unit
ADB Area Distribution Box
ADB Airport DataBase
ADC Air Data Computer
ADCN Avionics Data Communication Network
ADD Addition, Additional
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADG Air Driven Generator
ADI Attitude Director Indicator
ADIRS Air Data/Inertial Reference System
ADIRU Air Data/Inertial Reference Unit
ADM Air Data Module
ADMZ Aircraft DeMilitarized Zone
ADPM Aircraft Deactivation Procedures Manual
ADPTR Adapter
ADR Air Data Reference
ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance
ADS Air Data System
ADU Area Distribution Unit
ADV Advisory
AES Aircraft Earth Station
AESS Aircraft Environment Surveillance System
AESU Aircraft Environment Surveillance Unit
AEVC Avionics Equipment Ventilation Computer
AF Audio Frequency
AFDX Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet
AFECU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control Unit
AFFECTD Affected
AFFIRM Affirmative
AFL Auto Flush

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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AFM Aircraft Flight Manual
AFMC Auxiliary Fuel Management Computer
AFMR Airframer
AFN ATS Facilities Notification
AFS Automatic Flight System
AFTR After
AGB Accessory Gearbox
AGB Angle Gearbox
AGC Automatic Gain Control
AGC APU Generator Contactor
AGE Aircraft Ground Equipment
AGL Above Ground Level
AGP Alternate Gauging Processor
AGS Aircraft GSM Server
AGS Air Generation System
AGU Air Generation Unit
AGW Actual Gross Weight
AIBU Advanced Illumination Ballast Unit
AICU Anti Ice Control Unit
AIDS Aircraft Integrated Data System
AIL Aileron
AIM Aircraft Integrated Maintenance
AIME Autonomous Integrity Monitored Extrapolation
AIMI Avionics Information Management Interface
AINS Aircraft Information Network System
AIP Attendant Indication Panel
AIS Audio Integrated System
ALIGN Alignment
ALIGND Aligned
ALLWD Allowed
ALNA Airline Network Architecture
ALPHA Angle-of-Attack
ALSCU Auxiliary Level Sensing Control Unit
ALT Altitude
ALTM Altimeter
ALTN Alternate, Alternative
ALTU Annunciator Light Test Unit
AM Amplitude Modulation
AMB Ambient
AMDB Airport Mapping DataBase
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
AMPL Amplifier
AMS Air-ground Message Server
AMU Audio Management Unit
ANI Analog Input
ANLG Analogic
ANN Annunciator
ANNCE Announce

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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ANNCMT Announcement
ANO Analog Output
ANSA At Nearest Suitable Airport
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ANSU Aircraft Network Server Unit
ANT Antenna
AOA Angle Of Attack
AOC Airline Operational Control
AOD Audio on Demand
AOG Aircraft On Ground
AOHX Air/Oil Heat Exchanger
AOM Aircraft Operating Manual
AOMT Airbus Onboard Maintenance Tool
AP Autopilot
AP/FD Autopilot/Flight Director
API Application Programming Interface
APLC Aircraft Power Line Conditioner
APM ARINC Processing Module
APP Approach Control-Approach Control Office
APP Appearance
APPL Application
APPR Approach
APPROX Approximately
APPU Asymmetry Position Pick Off Unit
APS Absolute Pressure Sensor
APS Avionics Printing Service
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
APU AFE APU Automatic Fire Extinguishing Control Unit
AR As Required
ARC Air Refueling Computer
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
ARM Aircraft Recovery Manual
ARP Aerospace Recommended Practice
ARPT Airport
ARTF Artificial
ARU Audio Reproducer Unit
ARU Aircraft Router Unit
ARV Alternate Refill Valve
ASA All Speed Aileron
ASA Audio and Sign Adapter
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASD Accelerate Stop Distance
ASE Airborne Support Equipment
ASI Airspeed Indicator
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuits
ASM Aircraft Schematics Manual
ASM Air Separation Module
ASN Aerospatiale Norme (Standard)

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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ASP Audio Selector Panel
ASPSU Autonomous Standby Power Supply Unit
ASSY Assembly
ASYM Asymmetric(al)
AT Autothrust
ATA Air Transport Association of America
ATA Actual Time of Arrival
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATCI Air Traffic Control and Information
ATCRB Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon
ATD Actual Time of Departure
ATE Automatic Test Equipment
ATI Air Transport Indicator
ATIMS Air Traffic and Information Management System
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service
ATLAS Abbreviated Test Language for Avionics Systems
ATM Air Traffic Management
ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network
ATR Austin Trumbull Radio
ATRCCS Automatic Turbine Rotor Clearance Control System
ATS Air Traffic Service
ATS Autothrottle System
ATSU Air Traffic Service Unit
ATT Attitude
ATTND Attendant
AUTO Automatic
AUTOLAND Automatic Landing
AUW All-Up Weight
AUX Auxiliary
AVAIL Available
AVAIL Availability
AVNCS Avionics
AVS Avionics Ventilation System
AWL Aircraft Wiring List
AWM Aircraft Wiring Manual
AWY Airway
AX Longitudinal Acceleration
AY Lateral Acceleration
AZ Azimuth
AZFW Actual Zero Fuel Weight
B Blue
B/C Business Class
BAF BITE Access Function
BAG Bandwidth Allocation Gap
BARO Barometric
BAT Battery (Electrical)
BBAND Broadband
BCD Binary Coded Decimal

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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BCDS BITE Centralized Data System
BCL Battery Charge Limiter
BCM Backup Control Module
BCN Beacon
BCRC Bulk Crew Rest Compartment
BCRU Battery Charge and Rectifier Unit
BCS Brake Control System
BCU Brake Control Unit
BCV Bleed Control Valve
BFE Buyer Furnished Equipment
BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator
BGM Boarding Music
BH Block Hours
BITE Built-in Test Equipment
BIU BITE Interface Unit
BKFLW Backflow
BKUP Backup
BL Bleed
BLES Brake Life Extension System
BLG Body Landing Gear
BLK Block
BLK Black
BLOW Blower
BLST Ballast
BLV Bleed Valve
BLWG Blowing
BMC Bleed Monitoring Computer
BMI BITE Monitoring Interface
BNDRY Boundary
BNR Binary
BOT Bottom
BOT Begin of Tape
BPS Backup Power Supply
BRG Bearing
BRK Brake
BRKNG Braking
BRKR Breaker
BRKT Bracket
BRT Bright, Brightness
BSCS Braking and Steering Control System
BSCU Braking and Steering Control Unit
BSU Beam Steering Unit
BTC Bus Tie Contactor
BTCM Brake Temperature Compensation Module
BTL Bottle
BTMS Brake Temperature Monitoring System
BTMU Brake Temperature Monitoring Unit
BTN Button

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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BTR Bus Tie Relay
BTS Base Transceiver Station
BU Battery Unit
BUS Busbar
BWS Body Wheel Steering
BYDU Back-Up Yaw Damper Unit
BYP Bypass
C Celsius, Centigrade
C Cyan
C Close
C-MOS Complementary Metal Oxyde Semiconductor
C/B Circuit Breaker
C/L Check List
C/O Change Over
C/S Call Sign
CA Cable Assembly
CA/CRL Certification Authority/Certificate Revocation List
CAB Cabin
CAL Calibration, Calibrated
CAM Cabin Assignment Module
CAN Controller Area Network
CANC Cancellation
CANCD Cancelled
CAOA Corrected Angle Of Attack
CAOM Cabin Attendant Operating Manual
CAPT Captain
CAS Calibrated Air Speed
CAT Category
CATCH Complex Anomaly Tracking and Search
CAUT Caution
CAX Compartment Air Extraction
CBB Connexion By Boeing
CBIT Continuous BITE
CBM Circuit Breaker Monitoring
CBMF Circuit Breaker Monitoring Function
CBMS Circuit Breaker Monitoring System
CBMU Circuit Breaker Monitoring Unit
CC Current Comparator
CCC Crash Crew Chart
CCCP Compressor Cavity Control Pressure
CCD Cursor Control Device
CCG Cabin Configuration Guide
CCOM Cabin Crew Operating Manual
CCR Credit Card Reader
CCRC Cabin Crew Rest Compartment
CCRM Cabin Crew Rest Module
CCS Cabin Communications System
CCW Counter Clockwise

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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CD Control Display
CD Compact Disk
CDAM Centralized Data Acquisition Module
CDC Cargo Door Controller
CDL Configuration Deviation List
CDLCU Cockpit Door Locking Control Unit
CDLS Cockpit Door Locking System
CDP Compressor Discharge Pressure
CDS Component Documentation Status
CDS Control and Display System
CDSS Cockpit Door Surveillance System
CDSU Cockpit Door Surveillance Unit
CDU Control and Display Unit
CDU Center Drive Unit
CE Centralized Equipment
CED Cooling Effect Detector
CEL Component Evolution List
CELLI Ceiling Emergency LED Light
CER Contr?le Essais et R?ception
CEV Centre d'Essais en Vol
CFDIU Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit
CFDS Centralized Fault Display System
CFM Cable Fabrication Manual
CFMI CFM International
CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
CFS Cabin File Server
CFVCU Cargo Fire Verification Control Unit
CFVS Cargo Fire Verification System
CG Center of Gravity
CGCC Center of Gravity Control Computer
CGCS Center of Gravity Control System
CH Character
CHAN Channel
CHG Change
CHMBR Chamber
CHRG Charge
CHRO Chronometer
CI Cost Index
CIDS Cabin Intercommunication Data System
CIN Change Identification Number
CINS Cabin Information Network System
CIT Compressor Inlet Temperature
CIU Camera Interface Unit
CK Check
CKPT Cockpit
CKT Circuit
CL Center Line
CL Check List

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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CL/OP Closure/Opening
CLB Climb
CLCTR Collector
CLEDU Cabin LED Unit
CLG Centerline Landing Gear
CLK Clock
CLM Component Location Manual
CLNG Ceiling
CLOG Clogging
CLOGD Clogged
CLPR Clapper
CLR Clear
CLRD Cleared
CLRNC Clearance
CLS Cargo Loading System Manual
CLS Cargo Loading System
CLSD Closed
CLSG Closing
CM Conversion Manual
CM Conversion Module
CMC Central Maintenance Computer
CMD Command
CMEU Cabin Passenger Management Memory Expansion Unit
CMF Central Maintenance Function
CML Consumable Material List
CMM Component Maintenance Manual
CMM Calibration Memory Module
CMMV Component Maintenance Manual Vendor
CMPLTD Completed
CMPTR Computer
CMS Code Mati?re Soci?t?
CMS Central Maintenance System
CMS Component Maintenance Sheet
CMT Cabin Management Terminal
CMV Concentrator and Multiplexer for Video
CNA Common Nozzle Assembly
CNCTR Connector
CNSU Cabin Network Server Unit
CNTNR Container
CNTOR Contactor
CNTRTR Concentrator
CO RTE Company Route
COAX Coaxial
COC Customer Originated Change
COC Cabin Operation Center
COCT Cabin Operations Consultation Tool
COLLI Contour LED Light
COM Communication

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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COMDL Coding Module
COML Commercial
COMP Compensator
COMP Compass
COMPSN Compensation
COMPT Compartment
COMPTR Comparator
COND Condition
COND Conditioned
COND Conditioning
CONDTR Conditioner
CONFIG Configuration
CONFIRMD Confirmed
CONSUMPT Consumption
CONT Continue, Continuous
CONT Controller
CONV Converter
COOL Cooling
COOL Cooler
COOLG Cooling
COOLR Cooler
COORD Coordination
COS Cowl Opening System
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
COUNT Counter
COWL Cowling
CPC Cabin Pressure Controller
CPCS Cabin Pressure Control System
CPCU Cabin Pressure Control Unit
CPDLC Controller-Pilot DataLink Communications
CPIF Control Power Intermediate Frequency
CPIOM Core Processing Input/Output Module
CPLG Coupling
CPLR Coupler
CPMS Cabin and Passenger Management System
CPMU Cabin Passenger Management Unit
CPNY Company
CPRSR Compressor
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRC Crew Rest Compartment
CRC Continuous Repetitive Chime
CRC Centralized Radio Control
CRES Corrosion-Resistant Steel
CRG Cargo
CRI Certification Review Item
CROSSFEEDR Crossfeeder
CRS Course

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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CRS Certificate of Release to Service
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CRU Central Refirgeration Unit
CRU Card Reader Unit
CRU Cabin Router Unit
CRZ Cruise
CS Center Spar
CSAS Cooled Service Air System
CSD Constant Speed Drive
CSK Countersink
CSL Console
CSM/G Constant Speed Motor/Generator
CSTR Constraint
CSU Command Sensor Unit
CT Current Transformer
CTK Center Tank
CTL Control
CTL Central
CTLR Controller
CTR Center
CTU Cabin Telecommunications Unit
CU Control Unit
CUDU Current Unbalance Detection Unit
CUR Current
CVM Cabin Video Monitoring
CVMS Cabin Video Monitoring System
CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder
CVRS Cockpit Voice Recorder System
CVS Cargo Video Surveillance
CVT Center Vent Tube
CVU Crypto Voice Unit
CW Clockwise
CWLU Cabin Wireless LAN Unit
CWS Cabin Work Station
CWSIU Combined Wheel Speed Interface Unit
CY Cycle
CYL Cylinder
D/LNA Diplexer/Low Noise Amplifier
DA Drift Angle
DAC Drawing Aperture Card
DAC Digital to Analog Converter
DADC Digital Air Data Computer
DAGS Dry Air Generation System
DAMP Damping
DAMPG Damping
DAR Digital AIDS Recorder
DAR Digital ACMS Recorder
DAU Data Acquisition Unit

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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DB Database
DBC Data Bus Communication
DBLR Doubler
DC Direct Current
DCD Data Control and Display
DCDR Decoder
DCDU Datalink Control and Display Unit
DCL Digital Cabin Logbook
DCP Display Control Panel
DCR Dock on Crew Rest
DCRC Dock on Crew Rest Compartment
DCU Direction Control Unit
DCV Directional Control Valve
DDM Digital Data Module
DDP Declaration of Design and Performance
DDRMI Digital Distance and Radio Magnetic Indicator
DDV Direct Drive Valve
DECEL Decelerate
DECOMPRESS Decompression
DECR Decrease
DEDP Data Entry and Display Panel
DEF Definition
DEFUEL Defueling
DEG Degree
DEGRADD Degraded
DEL Delete
DELTA P Differential Pressure
DEP Departure
DEPRESS Depressurization
DES Descent
DES Descend
DEST Destination
DET Detection, Detector
DETECTD Detected
DEU Decoder/Encoder Unit
DEV Deviation
DFDAMU Digital Flight Data Acquisition and Management Unit
DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit
DFDR Digital Flight Data Recorder
DFDRS Digital Flight Data Recording System
DFIDU Dual Function Interactive Display Unit
DGI Digital Input
DGO Digital Output
DH Decision Height
DIA Diameter
DIBU Door Illumination Ballast Unit
DIFF Differential
DIM Direction Input Module

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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DIMM Dimmable
DIP Dual In-line Package
DIPLXR Diplexer
DIR Direction, Direct, Director
DISC Disconnect, Disconnected
DISC Disconnection
DISCH Discharge, Discharged
DISCNTY Discontinuity
DIST Distance
DISTR Distribute, Distribution, Distributor
DITCH Ditching
DITS Digital Information Transfer System
DIU Digital Interface Unit
DIVERTG Diverting
DLC Direct Lift Control
DLCM Data Loading Configuration Manager
DLCS Data Loading and Configuration System
DLK Data Link
DLOAD Data Loading
DLRB Data Loading Routing Box
DLS Data Loading Selector
DMA Direct Memory Access
DMC Display Management Computer
DMDLTR Demodulator
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DMM Data Memory Module.
DMP Display Management Processor
DMPR Damper
DMU Data Management Unit
DMZ DeMilitarized Zone
DN Down
DNI Drawing Numerical Index
DNLK Downlock
DNLNK Downlink
DOLLI Dome LED Light
DOW Dry Operating Weight
DPCU Digital Passenger Control Unit
DPDT Double Pole/Double Throw
DPI Differential Pressure Indicator
DR Dead Reckoning
DR Door
DRM Duct Repair Manual
DRMI Distance Radio Magnetic Indicator
DRVG Driving
DRVR Driver
DSB Door Sensor Block
DSDL Dedicated Serial Data Link
DSEB Digital Seat Electronic Box

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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DSI Discrete Input
DSIP Door/Slide Indication Panel
DSMCU Doors and Slides Management Control Unit
DSMS Doors and Slides Management System
DSO Discrete Output
DSPL Display
DSPLYD Displayed
DTD Document Type Definition
DTG Distance to Go
DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
DTMS Damage Tolerance Monitoring System
DTMU Damage Tolerance Monitoring Unit
DU Display Unit
DVD Digital Versatile Disk
DVI Digital Visual Interface
DWG Drawing
E East
EABDC Enhanced Aircraft Broadcast Data Collector
EAROM Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory
EBAS Engine Bleed Air System
EBCU Emergency Brake Control Unit
EBHA Electrical Backup Hydraulic Actuator
EBU Engine Build-up Unit
ECAM Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring
ECB Electronic Control Box
ECLS Electrical Cargo Loading system
ECM Engine Condition Monitoring
ECMS Electrical Contactor Management System
ECMU Electrical Contactor Management Unit
ECN Engineering Change Note
ECON Economy
ECP Ecam Control Panel
ECS Environmental Control System
ECU Electronic Control Unit
ECUCV Electronic Control Unit Cooling Valve
EDP Engine Driven Pump
EEC Engine Electronic Controller
EEC Electronic Engine Control
EEPDC Emergency Electrical Power Distribution Center
EEPROM Electrically Eraseable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFCC Electronic Flight Control Computer
EFCS Electrical Flight Control System
EFCU Electrical Flight Control Unit
EFF Effective,Effectivity
EFF/FFU Electronic Flight Folder/Flight Follow-Up
EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System
EFOB Estimated Fuel on Board
EGIU Electrical Generation Interface Unit

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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EGMS Electrical Galley Management System
EGPWM Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning Module
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
EHA Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator
EHAC Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator Contactor
EHCU Electromechanical Handforce Control Unit
EHS Electrical Heater System
EIPM Engine Interface Power Management
EIPMU Engine Interface Power Management Unit
EIS Electronic Instrument System
EIU Engine Interface Unit
EIVMU Engine Interface and Vibration Monitoring Unit
EL Electric
ELA Electrical Load Analysis
ELAC Elevator Aileron Computer
ELAN Ethernet Local Area Network
ELB Electronic Log Book
ELC Electronic Library Computer
ELC Emergency Line Contactor
ELEC Electric, Electrical, Electricity
ELEK Electronic
ELEV Elevator
ELEV Elevation
ELEVN Elevation
ELEVR Elevator
ELF Engineering support and data Link Function
ELM Electrical Load Management
ELMF Electrical Load Management Function
ELMS Electrical Load Management System
ELMU Electrical Load Management Unit
ELS Electronic Library System
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMER Emergency
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EMISN Emission
EMP Electric Motor Pump
EMU Engine Monitoring Unit
EMWS ElectroMechanical Window Shade
ENCDR Encoder
END Endurance
ENG Engine
ENM Electrical Network Management
ENMF Electrical Network Management Function
ENMS Electrical Network Management System
ENVMOD Envelope Modulation
EO Engine Out
EOSID Engine Out Standard Instrument Departure

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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EOT End of Tape
EP Entry Panel
EPC External Power Contactor
EPD Extended Principle Diagram
EPES Extraction Parachute Ejector System
EPESC Enhanced Passenger Entertainment System Controller
EPGS Electrical Power Generation System
EPLD Electronically Programmable Logic Device
EPR Engine Pressure Ratio
EPR.D EPR Descent
EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPSU Emergency Power Supply Unit
EQPT Equipment
ER Extended Range
ERMM En Route Moving Map
ERP Enhanced Runaway Protection
ERU Engine Relay Unit
ESB Electrical System BITE
ESBF Electrical System BITE Function
ESC Escape
ESD ElectroStatic Discharge
ESDN Extended System/Structure Description Note
ESLB ECAM System Logic Book
ESP Electrical Standard Practices
ESPM Electrical Standard Practices Manual
ESS Essential
EST Estimated
ESU Ethernet Switch Unit
ET Elapsed Time
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETACS External and Taxiing Aid Camera System
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
ETE Estimated Time En Route
ETO Estimated Time Over
ETOPS Extended Range Twin Engined Aircraft Operations
ETP Equal Time Point
ETRAC Electronic Thrust Reverser Actuation Controller
ETRAS Electrical Thrust Reverser Actuation System
ETT Estimated Time for Takeoff
EUPB Electronic Unit Protection Box
EVAC Evacuation
EVAC Evacuate
EVMU Engine Vibration Monitoring Unit
EWD Engine/Warning Display
EWS Electrical Window Shades
EX Example
EXC Excitation, Excite

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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EXCESS Excessive
EXCHG Exchange
EXCHGR Exchanger
EXH Exhaust
EXP Expansion
EXSTG Existing
EXT Exterior, External
EXTING Extinguishing
EXTING Extinguish
EXTING Extinguisher
EXTN Extension
EXTR Extreme
EXTRACT Extraction, Extractor
F Fuel
F Fahrenheit
F-G/S FLS Glide Slope
F-LOC FLS Localizer
F-PLN Flight Plan
F/C First Class
F/CTL Flight Controls
F/O First Officer
FA Course from a Fixed Waypoint to an Altitude Termination
FAC Flight Augmentation Computer
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FAF Final Approach Fix
FAIL Failed, Failure
FANS Future Air Navigation System
FAP Forward Attendant Panel
FAP Flight Attendant Panel
FAR Federal Aviation Regulations
FAS Flight Augmentation System
FAV Fan Air Valve
FBB Fasten Bed Belt
FC Fully Closed
FC Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a Changeover Point
FCC Flight Control Computer
FCDC Flight Control Data Concentrator
FCGU Flight Control and Guidance Unit
FCMC Fuel Control and Monitoring Computer
FCMS Fuel Control Monitoring System
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual
FCPC Flight Control Primary Computer
FCRC Flight Crew Rest Compartment
FCSC Flight Control Secondary Computer
FCU Flight Control Unit
FCU Fuel Control Unit
FCV Flow Control Valve
FD Flight Director

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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FD Fuselage Datum
FD Course from a Fixed Waypoint to a DME Distance
FDAC Full Digital AGU Controller
FDAU Flight Data Acquisition Unit
FDB Floor Disconnect Box
FDBK Feedback
FDC Fuel Data Concentrator
FDCE Flight Deck and Cabin Effects
FDD Floppy Disk Drive
FDE Flight Deck Effect
FDEP Flight Data Entry Panel
FDIAF Flight Data Interface/Acquisition Function
FDIMU Flight Data Interface and Management Unit
FDIU Flight Data Interface Unit
FDR Flight Data Recorder
FDRS Flight Data Recording System
FDU Fire Detection Unit
FE Flight Envelope
FEDC Fire Extinguishing Data Converter
FEDR Feeder
FEGV Fan Exit Guide Vane
FES Fire Extinguishing System
FF Fuel Flow
FFCCV Forward Flange Compressor Casing Vibration
FFCCV Fan Frame Compressor Case Vertical
FFCM Free Fall Control Module
FG Flight Guidance
FGE Flight Guidance and Envelope
FGES Flight Guidance and Envelope System
FH Flight Hours
FIDS Fault Isolation and Detection System
FIFO First Input/First Output
FIG Figure
FILG Filling
FIM Fault Isolation Manual
FIN Functional Item Number
FIS Flight Information Services
FIX Fixed
FL Flight Level
FLD Field
FLEX Flexible
FLP Flap
FLS FMS Landing System
FLSCU Fuel Level Sensing Control Unit
FLT Flight
FLTR Filter
FLXTO Flexible Take-Off
FM Flight Management

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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FM Flight Manual
FM Frequency Modulation
FM Course from a Fixed Waypoint with a Manual Termination
FMA Flight Mode Annunciator
FMC Flight Management Computer
FMCS Flight Management Computer System (FMC and CDU)
FME Flow Metering Equipment
FMEA Failure Mode Effect Analysis
FMGC Flight Management and Guidance Computer
FMGEC Flight Management Guidance and Envelope Computer
FMGES Flight Management Guidance and Envelope System
FMGS Flight Management and Guidance System
FMS Flight Management System (FMCS and AFS sensors)
FMU Fuel Metering Unit
FMV Fuel Metering Valve
FNCP Flight Navigation Control Panel
FNSG Flight Navigation Symbol Generator
FO Fully Open
FOB Fuel On Board
FOC Fuel/Oil Cooler
FOCT Flight Operations Consultation Tool
FOD Foreign Object Damage
FOS Fuel Operator Station
FOVE Flight Operations Versatile Environment
FPA Flight Path Angle
FPEEPMS Floor Proximity Emergency Escape Path Marking System
FPH Floor Panel Heating
FPMU Fuel Properties Measurement Unit
FPPU Feedback Position Pick-off Unit
FPRM Fuel Pipe Repair Manual
FPS Fire Protection System
FPT Flight Path Target
FPV Flight Path Vector
FQ Fuel Quantity
FQDC Fuel Quantity Data Concentrator
FQI Fuel Quantity Indicating/Indication/Indicator
FQIC Fuel Quantity Indication Computer
FQMS Fuel Quantity and Management System
FR Frame
FREQ Frequency
FRM Fault Reporting Manual
FRS Flammability Reduction System
FRU Frequency Reference Unit
FRV Fuel Return Valve
FS Front Spar
FSA FlySmart with Airbus
FSB Fasten Seat Belts
FSCM Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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FSN Fleet Serial Number
FTG Fitting
FTI Flight Test Installation
FTIS Fuel Tank Inerting System
FTSP Floor Temperature Setting Panel
FTU Force Transducer Unit
FU Fuel Used
FUSLG Fuselage
FW Failure Warning
FWC Flight Warning Computer
FWD Forward
FWL Firewall
FWS Flight Warning System
G Green
G/S Glide Slope
GA Go-Around
GAD General Assembly Drawing
GAIN Electrical GAlley INsert equipment
GAIR General Assembly Inspection Report
GALY Galley
GAPCU Ground and Auxiliary Power Control Unit
GCR Generator Control Relay
GCU Generator Control Unit
GDE Guide
GDNC Guidance
GDO Ground Door Opening
GE General Electric
GEM Ground Equipment Manual
GEN Generator
GES Ground Earth Station
GFI Ground Fault Interruption
GGPCU Generator and Ground Power Control Unit
GLASU Galley Light Attendant Service Unit
GLC Generator Line Contactor
GLR Generator Line Relay
GLS GNSS Landing System
GLT Ground Leak Test
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GNC Galley Network Controller
GND Ground
GNLU GNSS Navigation and Landing Unit
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPCU Ground Power Control Unit
GPIRS Global Positioning and Inertial Reference System
GPM General Processing Module
GPS Global Positioning System
GPSSU Global Positioning System Sensor Unit
GPU Ground Power Unit

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Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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GPWC Ground Proximity Warning Computer
GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System
GRP Geographic Reference Point
GRP Glass-Reinforced Plastic
GRU Ground Refrigeration Unit
GRVTY Gravity
GS Ground Speed
GSB Ground Service Bus
GSE Ground Support Equipment
GSHLD Glareshield
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
GSP Ground Service Panel
GTI Ground Test Instructions
GW Gross Weight
GWDU Galley Waste Disposal Unit
GWR General Working Rules
GYRO Gyroscope
H/W Hardware
HA Holding Pattern to an Altitude Termination
HARN Harness
HCS Humidification Control System
HCU Hydraulic Control Unit
HCU Head Up Combiner Unit
HDDA Hard Disk Drive Array
HDG Heading
HDG/S Heading Selected
HDL Handle
HDLG Handling
HDM HSDU Data Module
HDST Headset
HDWHL Handwheel
HEATG Heating
HEGS Hydraulic Electrical Generating System
HES Head-End Switch
HESU Head-End Server Unit
HF Holding Pattern to a Fixed Waypoint
HF High Frequency
HFDR High Frequency Data Radio
HFEC High Frequency Eddy Current
HGA High Gain Antenna
HI High
HID High Intensity Discharge
HIDS Host Intrusion Detection System
HL High Level
HLD Hold
HLD High Power Amplifier/Low Noise Amplifier/Diplexer
HLDR Holder
HLTY Healthy

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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HM Holding Pattern with a Manual Termination
HMC Hydromechanical Control
HMDU Hatrack Mounted Display Unit
HMI Human-Machine Interface
HMU Hydromechanical Unit
HMU Hydromechanical Metering Unit
HOR Hold Open Rod
HOT High Oil Temperature
HP High Pressure
HPA High Power Amplifier
HPC High Pressure Compressor
HPR High Power Relay
HPT High Pressure Turbine
HPTACC High Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
HPTC High Pressure Turbine Clearance
HPTCC High Pressure Turbine Case Cooling
HPTCC High Pressure Turbine Clearance Control
HPTR High Pressure Turbine Rotor
HPU Head up Projection Unit
HPV HP Bleed Valve
HRP Horizontal Reference Plane
HS High Speed
HSDU High Speed Data Unit
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
HSMU Hydraulic System Monitoring Unit
HSMU Hydraulic System Management Unit
HTG Heating
HTR Heater
HUD Head Up Display
HUDC Head Up Display Computer
HUMIDIF Humidification
HV High Voltage
HVPS High Voltage Power Supply
HXX Hydraulic Heat Exchanger
HYD Hydraulic
I/O Input/Output
I/P Intercept Profile
I/P Intercept Point
I/P Input
IAE International Aero Engines
IAF Initial Approach Fix
IAS Indicated Airspeed
IBIT Initiated BITE
IBLC Inter-Bus Line Contactor
IBU Integrated Ballast Unit
ICD Interface Control Document
ICP Integrated Control Panel
ICU Isolation Control Unit

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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ICY Interchangeability
ID Inside Diameter
IDENT Identification, Identifier, Identify
IDG Integrated Drive Generator
IDU Interactive Display Unit
IF Initial Fix
IFE In-Flight Entertainment
IFEC In-Flight Entertainment Center
IFPA InFlight Performance Application
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IGB Inlet Gear Box
IGGS Inert Gas Generation System
IGN Ignition
IGV Inlet Guide Vane
ILLUM Illumination
ILS Instrument Landing System (LOC and G/S)
IM Inner Marker
IMA Integrated Modular Avionics
IMM Immediate
IMR Interlock Monitoring Relay
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
INB Inbound
INBD Inboard
INCR Increment
IND Indicator
INDG Indicating
INFO Information
INHIB Inhibit, Inhibited, Inhibition
INIT Initial(ization)
INOP Inoperative
INR Inner
INRTL Inertial
INS Inertial Navigation System
INST Instrument
INST Instinctive
INSTL Installation
INSUL Insulate, Insulation, Insulator
INT Interior
INTCP Intercept
INTEG Integral
INTERCOM Intercommunication
INTFC Interface
INTL Internal
INTLK Interlock
INTMD Intermediate
INTMT Intermittent
INTPH Interphone
INTRG Interrogate, Interrogator

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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INTRPT Interrupt
INV Inverter
IOM Input/Output Module
IP Intermediate Pressure
IPC Illustrated Parts Catalog
IPCU Ice Protection Control Unit
IPDU Ice Protection Data Unit
IPPU Instrumentation Position Pick-off Unit
IPRAM Integrated Prerecorded Announcement Module
IR Inertial Reference
IRD Integrated Receiver Decoder
IRDC Interface Remote Data Concentrator
IRDM Integrated Receiver Decoder Module
IRP Integrated Refuel Panel
IRS Inertial Reference System
ISA International Standard Atmosphere
ISIS Integrated Standby Instrument System
ISM Illumination Sensor Module
ISO International Standardization Organisation
ISOL Isolation
ISP Integrated Static Probe
ISPSS In-Seat Power Supply System
ISPSU In-Seat Power Supply Unit
IV Isolation Valve
IVASEB Integrated Video and Audio Seat Electronic Box
IVS Inertial Vertical Speed
JAM Jammed, Jamming
JAR Joint Aviation Requirements
JEP Jeppesen
JFGW Jettison Final Gross Weight
JID Jeppesen Inflight Database
JITX Jeppesen Integrated Tool Kit X
JTSN Jettison
JUNCTN Junction
KBD Keyboard
KCCU Keyboard and Cursor Control Unit
KFS Kaspersky File System
KU Keyboard Unit
L Length
L Left
L/G Landing Gear
L/HIRF Lightning/High Intensity Radiated Fields
LA Linear Accelerometer
LAF Load Alleviation Function
LAILA LAvatory Interface and Light Adapter
LAMM Lights, Audio and Miscellaneous Module
LAN Local Area Network
LAT Lateral

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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LAT Latitude
LAV Lavatory
LBA Logical Bus Application
LBP Left Bottom Plug
LC Line Contactor
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LCDT Load Compressor Discharge Temperature
LCF Left Center Fuselage
LCH Latch
LCIT Load Compressor Inlet Temperature
LCN Load Classification Number
LCP Local Control Panel
LCTR Locator
LD Lower Deck
LD CAB Lower Deck Cabin
LD GALY Lower Deck Galley
LD LAV Lower Deck Lavatory
LDC Local Door Controller
LDCC Lower Deck Cargo Compartment
LDF Lower Deck Facilities
LDG Landing
LDMCR Lower Deck Mobile Crew Rest
LDPA LanDing Performance Application
LE Leading Edge
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEHGS Local Electro-Hydraulic Generation System
LEO Little Earth Orbit
LER Leading Edge Rib
LGA Low Gain Antenna
LGCIS Landing Gear Control Indication System
LGCIU Landing Gear Control and Interface Unit
LGCM Light Green Communication Manager
LGERS Landing Gear Extension and Retraction System
LGMS Landing Gear Management System
LGWSS Landing Gear Well Surveillance System
LH Left Hand
LIB Loudspeaker and Indicator Box
LIM Limit, Limitation, Limiting, Limiter
LIQD Liquid
LIS Localizer Inertial Smoothing
LKD Locked
LKG Locking
LKSHFT Lockshaft
LL Latitude/longitude
LLS Liquid Level Sensor
LMES Loss of Main Electrical Supply
LMF Local Maintenance Function
LMP Left Middle Plug

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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LMS Leakage Measurement System
LNG Long
LNR Linear
LO Low
LOC Localizer
LOCKG Locking
LONG Longitude
LONGL Longitudinal
LONGN Longeron
LOP Low Oil Pressure
LOS Lavatory Occupied Sign
LP Low Pressure
LPC Low Pressure Compressor
LPT Low Pressure Turbine
LPTACC Low Pressure Turbine Active Clearance Control
LPTC Low Pressure Turbine Clearance
LPTCC Low Pressure Turbine Case Cooling
LPTCC Low Pressure Turbine Clearance Control
LPTR Low Pressure Turbine Rotor
LRE List of Radioactive and Hazardous Elements
LRI Line Replaceable Item
LRM Line Replaceable Module
LROPS Long Range Operations
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LS Loudspeaker
LS Low Speed
LS Landing System
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSC Load Signature Certificate
LSI Large Scale Integrated/Integration/Integrator
LSR Load Shedding Relay
LT Light
LTD Limited
LTD PLT Lighted Plate
LTG Lighting
LTM Livestock Transportation Manual
LTP Left Top Plug
LV Low Voltage
LVDT Linear Variable Differential Transducer
LVL Level
LVR Lever
LVT Linear Voltage Transducer
LW Left Wing
LW Landing Weight
LWR Lower
LWSA Lavatory Water Supply Assy
M Maneuvering Speed (EFIS)
M/L Mood Lighting

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord
MACT Module Application Configuration Table
MAF Maintenance Access Function
MAG Magnetic
MAG DEC Magnetic Declination
MAIN MUX Main Multiplexer
MAINT Maintenance
MAN Manual
MAT Multi-purpose Access Terminal
MAX Maximum
MCD Movable Class Divider
MCDU Multipurpose Control & Display Unit
MCE Motor Control Electronic
MCL Maximum Climb
MCPU Motor Control and Protection Unit
MCS Mission Computer Subsystem
MCT Maximum Continuous Thrust
MCU Master Control Unit
MCU Modular Concept Unit
MCUR Mean Cycle Between Unscheduled Removals
MD Main Deck
MDA Minimum Descent Altitude
MDCC Main Deck Cargo Compartment
MDCD Main Deck Cargo Door
MDDU Multipurpose Disk Drive Unit
MDL Module
MDR Multiregional DBS (Digital Broadcast System) Receiver
MDU Manual Drive Unit
MEAS Measurement
MEC Main Engine Control
MECH Mechanic, Mechanical, Mechanism
MED Medium
MEL Minimum Equipment List
MEO Middle Earth Orbit
MEP Main Executive Program
MES Main Engine Start
MET Meteorological
MEW Manufacturer's Empty Weight
MFA Memorized Fault Annunciator
MFD MultiFunction Display
MFG Manufacturing
MFP Maintenance Facility Planning
MFP MultiFunction Probe
MFR Manufacturer
MFS MultiFunction Sensor
MGB Main Gear Box
MGMT Management
MI Magnetic Indicator

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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MIB Management Information Base
MIC Microphone
MICBAC Micro-System Bus Access Channel
MID Middle
MIDU Multi-Input Interactive Display Unit
MILA Mini Light Adapter
MIN Minimum
MIP Master Interphone Panel
MISC Miscellaneous
MKR Marker (radio) Beacon
MLA Maneuver Load Alleviation
MLC Mood Lighting Controller
MLFAP Mood Lighting Flight Attendant Panel
MLG Main Landing Gear
MLI Magnetic Level Indicator
MLIH Magnetic Level Indicator Housing
MLS Microwave Landing System
MLW Maximum Design Landing Weight
MM Middle Marker
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MMI Manual Magnetic Indicator
MMO Mach Max Operating Speed
MMO Maximum Operating Mach
MMR Multi-Mode Receiver
MNFOLD Manifold
MOD Modification
MODLTR Modulator
MON Monitor, Monitoring, Monitored
MORA Minimum Off Route Altitude
MORV Mixer Overpressure Relief Valve
MOS Metal Oxyde Semiconductor
MOT Motor, Motorized
MP Modification Proposal
MPD Maintenance Planning Document
MPU Modem Processor Unit
MRB Maintenance Review Board
MRBR Maintenance Review Board Report
MRW Maximum Ramp Weight
MSA Minimum Safe Altitude
MSB Most Significant Bit
MSG Message
MSG Maintenance Steering Group
MSI Maintenance Significant Item
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSM Monitoring System Module
MSN Manufacturer Serial Number
MSN Manufacturer's Serial Number
MSTR Master

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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MSU Media Server Unit
MSU Mode Selector Unit (IRS)
MSU Motor Switching Unit
MSW Microswitch
MTBD Mean Time Between Defects
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTBR Mean Time Between Removals
MTBUR Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals
MTG Mounting
MTI Multi Tank Indicator
MTO Maximum Take-Off
MTOGW Maximum Takeoff Gross Weight
MTOW Maximum Design Takeoff Weight
MTP Maintenance and Test Panel (AFS)
MTTF Mean Time to Failure
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
MTTUR Mean Time to Unscheduled Removal
MTW Maximum Design Taxi Weight
MU Management Unit
MUX Multiplex, Multiplexer
MVT Movement
MXR Mixer
MZFW Maximum Design Zero Fuel Weight
N North
N MOS Negative Metal Oxide Semiconductor
N/A Not Applicable
N/W Nose Wheel
N/WS Nose Wheel Steering
N1 Low Pressure Rotor Speed
N1 Engine Fan Speed
N1.D N1 Descent
N1.L N1 Latch
N2 High Pressure Rotor Speed
NAC Nacelle
NAC Nacelle Air Cooling
NAI Nacelle Anti-Icing
NAIF NSS ACR Instrumentation Function
NAS Navy and Army Standard
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NATS North American Telephone System
NAV Navigation
NAVAID Navigation Aid
NBF Network BITE Function
NBPT No Break Power Transfer
NBSELV Normal Brake Selector Valve
NC Normally Closed
NCD No Computed Data
NCR NSS Communication Router

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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NCU NSS Control Unit
NCV Nacelle Cooling Valve
ND Navigation Display
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
NDM Noise Definition Manual
NDT Non-Destructive Test
NEG Negative
NFOV Narrow Field of View
NHA Next Higher Assembly
NLG Nose Landing Gear
NMI Non Maskable Interrupt
NO Normal Operation
NO Normally Open
NORM Normal
NOVOLRAM Non-volatile Random Access Memory
NS No Smoking
NSA Norme Sud Aviation
NSCM NATO Supply Code for Manufacturers
NSDW Non Specific Design Work
NSIU Nose Static Interface Unit
NSS Network Server System
NTF Non-Textile Floor covering
NTM Nondestructive Testing Manual
NTSC National Television System Committee
NTWK Network
NUM Numerical
NVM Non-Volatile Memory
No Number
O Open
O/P Output
O2 Oxygen (Symbol)
OAMS Onboard Asynchronous Messaging Service
OANC Onboard Airport Navigation Computer
OANS Onboard Airport Navigation System
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OBCE On-Board Control Equipment
OBCEww On-Board Control Equipment worldwide
OBOGS On Board Oxygen Generation System
OBRM On Board Replaceable Module
OBS Omni Bearing Selector
OC Open Circuit
OC Overcurrent
OC Oceanic Clearance
OCCPNT Occupant
OCM Outflow valve Control Module
OCSM Outflow valve Control and Sensor Module
OD Outside Diameter
ODU Optical Display Unit

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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OEW Operational Empty Weight
OF Overfrequency
OFDM Onboard Flight Data Monitoring
OFF/R Off Reset
OFMV Oil Flow Management Valve
OFST Offset
OFV Outflow Valve
OGV Outlet Guide Vane
OH Opposite Hand
OHDS OverHeat Detection System
OHDU Overheat Detection Unit
OHSC Overhead Stowage Compartment
OHU Optical Head Unit
OIS Onboard Information System
OIT Oil Inlet Temperature
OIT Onboard Information Terminal
OK Correct
OM Outer Marker
OMS Onboard Maintenance System
OMT Onboard Maintenance Terminal
OMTS On-Board Mobile Telephony System
OOT Oil Outlet Temperature
OPER Operative/Operation/Operating
OPMS Oleo Pressure Monitoring System
OPNG Opening
OPP Opposite
OPS Operations
OPT Optional
OPT Optimum
OPTS Oleo Pressure and Temperature Sensor
OPU Overspeed Protection Unit
OPV Overpressure Valve
ORT Owner Requirement Table
ORVD Overpressure Relief Valve with Dump Function
OS Operating System
OSCU Oxygen System Control Unit
OU Outlet Unit
OUT Outlet
OUTB Outbound
OUTBD Outboard
OUTFLW Outflow
OUTR Outer
OVBD Overboard
OVFL Overflow
OVHD Overhead
OVHT Overheat
OVLD Overload
OVPRESS Overpressure

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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OVRD Override
OVSP Overspeed
OVSTEER Oversteer
OWD Open World Diode
OXY Oxygen
P Purple
P/B Pushbutton
P/BSW Pushbutton Switch
P/C Printed Circuit
P/N Part Number
PA Passenger Address
PADS Pneumatic Air Distribution System
PARAM Parameter
PARK Parking
PAS Pitch Attitude Sensor
PATS Passenger Air-to-Ground Telephone System
PAX Passenger
PBE Protective Breathing Equipment
PBIT Power-Up Built-in Test
PBM Power Plant Build-up Manual
PBSELV Park Brake Selector Valve
PBSW Pushbutton Switch
PC Pack Controller
PC Personal Computer
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PCDM Primary Contactor Driver Module
PCDS Primary Contactor Driver System
PCM Power Conditioning Module
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
PCOS Power Cowl Opening System
PCPU Primary COS Power Unit
PCT Probe Compensator Temperature
PCU Passenger Control Unit
PCU Power Control Unit
PCU Power Controller Unit
PD Principle Diagram
PDCS Power Distribution Control System
PDL Portable Data Loader
PDMC Power Distribution Maintenance Computer
PDMI Power Distribution Maintenance Interface
PDO Power Door Opening
PDU Power Drive Unit
PE HP Stage Air Pressure
PED Portable Electronic Device
PED Pedestal
PEDMU Primary Electrical Distribution Management Unit
PEF Pylon Extension Fairing
PEPDC Primary Electrical Power Distribution Center

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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PERF Performance
PERM Permanent
PES Passenger Entertainment (System)
PESAR Passenger Entertainment System Audio Reproducer
PESC PES Controller
PESMMUX Passenger Entertainment System Main Mux
PF Pilot Flying
PF Power Factor
PFD Primary Flight Display
PFIS Passenger Flight Information System
PFQ Preselected Fuel Quantity
PFR Post Flight Report
PFTU Pedal Feel and Trim Unit
PH Phase
PHC Probe Heat Computer
PIM Programming and Indication Module
PIN PROG Pin Programming
PIPC Power Plant Illustrated Parts Catalog
PIREP Pilot Reports
PIREP Pilot Report
PISA Passenger Interface and Supply Adapter
PIU Passenger Information Unit
PL Plate
PLA Power Light Adapter
PLCRD Placard
PMA Permanent Magnet Alternator
PMAT Portable Multipurpose Access Terminal
PMC Power Management Control,controller
PMDB Production Management Data Base
PMG Permanent Magnet Generator
PMM Personalization Memory Module
PMP Pump
PMR Performance Maintenance Recorder
PMS Process and Material Specification
PMU Power Management Unit
PMUX Power Plant Multiplexer
PN Part Number
PNEU Pneumatic
PNF Pilot Non Flying
PNL Panel
PNR Part Number
POB Pressure-Off Brake
POR Point of Regulation
POS Position
POT Potentiometer
POXIP Passenger Oxygen Indication Panel
PPOS Present Position
PPU Position Pickoff Unit

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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PR Pressure
PRAM Prerecorded Announcement and Music
PRB Probe
PRE-EMPT Pre-emptive
PREAMP Preamplifier
PRECOOL Precooler
PRED Prediction
PRED Predictive
PREREC Prerecorded
PRES POS Present Position
PRESEL Preselection, Preselector
PRESS Pressure, Pressurization, Pressurize
PREV Previous
PRI Priority
PRIM Primary
PRIM PRIMary System
PROC Procedure
PROF Profile
PROG Program, Programming
PROJ Projector
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
PROT Protection
PROX Proximity
PRPHL Peripheral
PRR Power Ready Relay
PRSRZG Pressurizing
PRV Pressure Regulating Valve
PSCU Proximity Switch Control Unit
PSDU Power Supply Decoupling Unit
PSI Pound per Square Inch
PSIC Proximity Sensor Interface Card
PSIU Passenger Service Information Unit
PSS Passenger Services System
PSU Passenger Service Unit
PT Point
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
PTR Push to Reset
PTT Push to Test
PTT Push-to-Talk
PTU Power Transfer Unit
PU Pick Up
PU Parts Usage
PU Processing Unit
PURS Purser
PVI Paravisual Indicating
PVIS Passenger Visual Information System
PW Pratt & Whitney
PWCU Potable Water Control Unit

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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PWIP Potable Water Indication Panel
PWM Pulse Width Modulator
PWR Power
PWS Predictive WindShear
PWS Potable Water System
PWSP Potable Water Service Panel
PYL Pylon
Q Pitch Rate
QAD Quick-Attach-Detach
QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
QAR Quick Access Recorder
QAT Quadruple ARINC Transmitter
QD Quick Donning
QEC Quick Engine Change
QFE Field Elevation Atmospheric Pressure
QFU Runway Heading
QMU QAM Modulator Unit
QNE Sea Level Standard Atmosphere Pressure
QNH Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure
QTY Quantity
R Red
R Radius
R Right
R-LMF Right Side Local Maintenance Function
R-OMS Right Side Onboard Maintenance System
R/C Rate of Climb
R/D Rate of Descent
R/I Radio/Inertial
R/L Reading Light
R/T Radio Transmit
RA Radio Altimeter, Radio Altitude
RAAS Runway Awareness and Advisory System
RAC Rotor Active Clearance
RACA Ram Air Channel Actuator
RACC Rotor Active Clearance Control
RACSB Rotor Active Clearance Start Bleed
RAD Radio
RADVR Random Access Digital Video Reproducer
RAI Ram Air Inlet
RAIMS Radio and Audio Integrating Management System
RAM Random Access Memory
RAT Ram Air Turbine
RATC Remote Air Traffic Control
RBP Right Bottom Plug
RC Repetitive Chime
RCC Remote Control Center
RCC Remote Charge Converter
RCCB Remote Control Circuit Breaker

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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RCD RAAS Configuration DataBase
RCDR Recorder
RCF Right Center Fuselage
RCL Recall
RCP Reverse Current Protection
RCPT Receptacle
RCPTN Reception
RCT Rear Center Tank
RCVR Receiver
RCVY Recovery
RD Retro Drawing
RDC Remote Data Concentrator
RDL Resident Data Loader
RDU Receiver Decoder Unit
RDY Ready
READG Reading
RECIRC Recirculate, Recirculation
RECN Repair Engineering Change Note
RECONF Reconfiguration
RECT Rectifier
RED Reduction
REDCR Reducer
REDUND Redundancy
REF Reference
REFUEL Refueling
REG Regulator
REGUL Regulation
REL Reluctance
REL Release
REP Repository
RES Resistance
RET Retract
RETRD Retracted
REV Reverse
REV Revise, Revision
RF Radio Frequency
RFC Request for Change
RFI Request for Information
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
RFU Radio Frequency Unit
RFW Request for Work
RH Right Hand
RHEO Rheostat
RHL Rudder Hinge Line
RLA Reverser Lever Angle
RLY Relay
RMI Radio Magnetic Indicator

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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RMO Retrofit Modification Offer
RMP Radio Management Panel
RMP Radio and Audio Management Panel
RMT Remote
RNG Range
ROLR Roller
ROLS Remote Oil Level Sensor
ROM Read Only Memory
ROTG Rotating
RPCU Residual Pressure Control Unit
RPDR Reproducer
RPF Reporting Processing Function
RPLNT Repellent
RPM Revolution per Minute
RPSA Rotating Pressure Sensing Assembly
RPTG Repeating
RPTR Repeater
RQRD Required
RR Rolls Royce
RSS Receiver Surveillance System
RST Reset
RSV Reserve
RSVR Reservoir
RTE Route
RTM Real Time Monitoring
RTN Return
RTO Rejected TakeOff
RTOLW Runway Takeoff and Landing Weight
RTOW Runway Takeoff Weight
RTP Right Top Plug
RTR Router
RTRY Rotary
RTS Return to Seat
RTT Return To Tank
RTU Radar Transceiver Unit
RUD Rudder
RVCP Remote Video Control Panel
RVDT Rotary Variable Differential Transducer
RVR Runway Visual Range
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
RVT Rotary Variable Transformer
RW Right Wing
RWDS Rearwards
RWY Runway
RX Receive
S South
S Minimum Slat Retract Speed (EFIS)
S/C Step Climb

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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S/D Step Descent
S/MECH Shortening Mechanism
S/W Software
SA Stress Analysis
SACU Stand Alone Compensator Unit
SAD Stress Analysis Data
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAF Safety
SAL System Address Label
SALSA Spot Array Light Supply Adapter
SAM Stress Analysis Manual
SAR Smart Access Recorder
SAT Static Air Temperature
SATCOM Satellite Communication
SAV Starter Air Valve
SB Service Bulletin
SBB Swift Broadband
SC Single Chime
SCAV Scavenge
SCE Source
SCG System Configuration Guide
SCI Secure Communication Interface
SCN Specification Change Notice
SCS Supplemental Cooling System
SCU Supplemental Control Unit
SCU System Control Unit
SD System Display
SDAC System Data Analog Converter
SDAC System Data Acquisition Concentrator
SDCU Smoke Detection Control Unit
SDF Smoke Detection Function
SDN System Description Note
SDOF Single Degree of Freedom
SDU Satellite Data Unit
SDW Specific Design Work
SE Simplified English
SEAL Sealing
SEB Seat Electronic Box
SEC Spoiler Elevator Computer
SEC Secondary
SEC SECondary Computer
SECT Section
SEL Select, Selected, Selector, Selection
SELCAL Selective Calling System
SELV Selector Valve
SEPDC Secondary Electrical Power Distribution Center
SEQ Sequence, Sequential
SER Serial

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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SER Serial Number
SES Support Equipment Summary
SET Setting
SFC Specific Fuel Consumption
SFCC Slat Flap Control Computer
SFE Seller Furnished Equipment
SGCU Smart Galley Control Unit
SGU Symbol Generator Unit
SH ABS Shock Absorber
SHCM System Heating Control Module
SHED Sheddable, Shedding
SHLD Shield, Shielding
SHR PN Shear Pin
SHT Short
SI Slip Indicator
SIC System Isolation Contactor
SID Standard Instrument Departure
SIG Signal
SIL Speech Interference Level
SIM Simulation
SIR Service Identification Request
SIRU Secure Interface Router Unit
SIS Standalone Identification System
SIU Server Interface Unit
SKT Socket
SLA Small Light Adapter
SLD Slide, Sliding
SLT Slat
SM Standards Manual
SMC System Manager Controller
SMK Smoke
SN Serial Number
SNGL Single
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SNSG Sensing
SNSR Sensor
SO Shutoff
SOL Solenoid
SOV Shut-Off Valve
SPD Speed
SPDB Secondary Power Distribution Box
SPEC Specification
SPKR Speaker
SPL Sound Pressure Level
SPLR Spoiler
SPLY Supply
SPM Signal Processing Module
SPP Software Pin Programming

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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SPRDR Spreader
SPST Single Pole Single Throw
SQ Squelch
SRF Servicing and aircraft condition parameters Reporting Function
SRM Structural Repair Manual
SRPS Safe Redundant Power Supply
SRPSU Slide Release Power Supply Unit
SRS Speed Reference System
SRU Shop Replaceable Unit
SSA Side Slip Angle
SSB Single Side Band
SSCVR Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder
SSEC Static Source Error Correction
SSFDR Solid State Flight Data Recorder
SSM Sign Status Matrix
SSMM Solid State Mass Memory
SSP System Signal Processor
SSPC Solid State Power Controller
SSTDU Side Stick Transducer and Damper Unit
SSTU Side Stick Transducer Unit
STA Station
STAB Stabilizer
STAR Standard Terminal Arrival Route
STAT Static
STBY Standby
STD Standard
STELLA STair Electrical Light Lead Adapter
STGR Stringer
STRG Steering
STRK Stroke
STRM Secure open and Trip Resident Memory
STS Status
STWG Stowage
SUCT Suction
SUPPL Supplementary
SUPPR Suppressor
SURF Surface
SV Servovalve
SVA Stator Vane Actuator
SVCE Service
SVO Servo
SW Switch
SWTG Switching
SYNC Synchro, Synchronise
SYNTHR Synthetizer
SYS System
T True
T Turn

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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T Trim
T-R Transmitter-Receiver
T.O TakeOff
T/C Top of Climb
T/D Top of Descent
T/F Track of a Fixed Waypoint
T/R Thrust Reverser
T2C HP Compressor Inlet Temperature
T2CAS Traffic and Terrain Collision Avoidance System
T54 Low Pressure Turbine Inlet Temperature
TAC Taxiing Aid Camera
TACAN Ultra-high Frequency Tactical Air Navigation Aid
TACH Tachometer
TACS Taxiing Aid Camera System
TACT Tactical
TADD Trim Air Drive Device
TAS True Airspeed
TAT Total Air Temperature
TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System
TB Terminal Block
TBC To Be Confirmed
TBO Time Between Overhauls
TBV Transient Bleed Valve
TC Thermocouple
TC Theoretical Contour
TC HP Turbine Case Pressure
TCA Throttle Control Assy
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TCC Turbine Clearance Control
TCC Thrust Control Computer
TCC Turbine Case Cooling
TCIU Telephone Communication Interface Unit
TCM Thrust Control Malfunction
TCS Temperature Control System
TCU Throttle Control Unit
TDB Terrain DataBase
TDD Technical Design Directive
TDS Technical Data Sheet
TE HP Stage Air Temperature
TE Trailing Edge
TEC Turbine Exhaust Case
TED Tool and Equipment Drawing
TEFO Total Engine Flame Out
TEI Tool and Equipment Index
TELECOM Telecommunications
TEM Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual
TEMP Temperature
TEO Engine Oil Temperature

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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TER Trailing Edge Rib
TFTS Terrestrial Flight Telephone System
TFU Technical Follow-up
TGT Target
THERAP Therapeutic
THR Thrust
THRM Thermal
THRMST Thermostat
THROT Throttle
THROT PUSH Throttle Pusher
THS Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer
TIC Turbine Impingement Cooling
TIT Turbine Inlet Temperature
TK Tank
TKE Track Angle Error
TLA Throttle Lever Angle
TLCS Trolley Lift & Conveyance System
TLS Transcowl Locking System
TLS Trolley Lift System
TLU Travel Limitation Unit
TLV Tertiary Lock Valve
TM Torque Motor
TM Transportability Manual
TMLB Technical and Maintenance LogBook
TMR Timer
TOGA Takeoff/Go Around
TOGW Takeoff Gross Weight
TOIL Toilet
TOL Tolerance
TOPA TakeOff Performance Application
TOT Total
TOW Takeoff Weight
TPIC Tire Pressure Indicating Computer
TPIS Tire Pressure Indicating System
TPR Turbofan Power Ratio
TPS Temporary Protection System
TPU Terminal Processor Unit
TR Transformer Rectifier
TR Thrust Reverser
TR Transistor
TRA Throttle Resolver Angle
TRANS Transition
TRC Thrust Rating Computer
TRDV Thrust Reverser Directional Valve
TRF Turbine Rear Frame
TRGT Target
TRIG Trigger
TRK Track (angle)

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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TRLY Trolley
TROPO Tropopause
TRP Thrust Rating Panel
TRPU Thrust Reverser Power Unit
TRPV Thrust Reverser Pressurizing Valve
TRQE Torque
TRV Travel
TSF Trouble Shooting Function
TSFC Thrust Specific Fuel Consumption
TSM Trouble Shooting Manual
TSP Tank Signalling Processor
TSPA Tank Signal Processor A
TSPB Tank Signal Processor B
TT Trim Tank
TTL Transistor Transistor Logic
TTS Trim Tank System
TU Tapping Unit
TURB Turbulence, Turbulent
TURB Turbine
TV Television
TVBC Turbine Vane and Blade Cooling
TWLU Terminal Wireless LAN Unit
TX Transmit
TYP Typical
U/FLOOR Underfloor
U/S Unserviceable
UADF User Application Definition File
UD Upper Deck
UDCC Upper Deck Cargo Compartment
UDCD Upper Deck Cargo Door
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UEB Underseat Electronic Box
UF Underfrequency
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UICDL User Interface Configuration Download List
ULD Unit Load Device
ULLI Understep LED Light
UMS User Modifiable Software
UNBAL Unbalance, Unbalanced
UND Under
UNIV Universal
UNLK Unlock
UNLKD Unlocked, Unlocking
UPLK Uplock
UPPR Upper
UPR Upper
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTC Universal Time Coordinated

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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UV Under Voltage
UV Ultra-Violet
UWBS Universal Wireless Backbone System
V Valve
V/S Vertical Speed
V1 Critical Engine Failure Speed
V1 Decision Speed
V2 Takeoff Safety Speed
V3 Flap Retraction Speed
V4 Slat Retraction Speed
VAC Voltage Alternating Current
VACU Vacuum
VAR Variable, Variation
VBV Variable Bleed Valve
VC Ventilation Controller
VCC Video Control Center
VCM Video Camera Module
VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
VCP Video Control Panel
VCS Ventilation Control System
VCU Video Control Unit
VDAR Virtual DAR
VDC Voltage Direct Current
VDEV Vertical Deviation
VDR VHF Data Radio
VDU Video Display Unit
VEL Velocity
VENT Ventilation
VERT Vertical
VFG Variable Frequency Generator
VFR Visual Flight Rules
VHCU Versatile Heating Control Unit
VHDU Versatile Heating Data Unit
VHF Very High Frequency
VHV Very High Voltage
VIB Vibration
VIMU Video Multiplexer Unit
VL Virtual Link
VLF Very Low Frequency
VLS Lower Selectable Speed
VLV Valve
VM Voltmeter
VMU Video Modulator Unit
VOD Video On Demand
VODDSU VOD Data Server Unit
VODMU VOD Modulator Unit
VODSU VOD Server Unit
VOL Volume

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

Print Date: February 27, 2012 Local Time Page 44 of 46
VOR VHF Omnidirectional Range
VORTAC Visual Omni-Range Tactical Air Navigation
VQAR Virtual QAR
VR Rotation Speed
VREF Landing Reference Speed
VRMS Volt Root Mean Square
VRU Video Reproducer Unit
VSC Vacuum System Controller
VSCF Variable Speed Constant Frequency
VSEB Video Seat Electronic Box
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
VSS Stick Shaker Speed
VSV Variable Stator Vane
VSVA Variable Stator Vane Actuator
VSW Stall Warning Speed
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
VTP Vertical Tail Plane
VTR Video Tape Reproducer
VTS Vacuum Toilet System
VV Velocity Vector
W White
W West
WABSIC Wheel And Brake System Integrated Component
WACS Wireless Airport Communication System
WAI Wing Anti-Ice
WARN Warning
WBA Weight and Balance Application
WBBC Weight and Balance Backup Computation
WBC Weight & Balance Computer
WBM Weight and Balance Manual
WBS Weight and Balance System
WD Warning Display
WD Wing Datum
WD Wiring Diagram
WDB Wall Disconnect Box
WFOV Wide Field of View
WG Wire Group
WG Wing
WGD Windshield Guidance Display
WGDC Windshield Guidance Display Computer
WGDS Windshield Guidance Display System
WHC Window Heat Computer
WHL Wheel
WIPCU Water Ice Protection Control Unit
WIPDU Water Ice Protection Data Unit
WLDP Warning Light Display Panel
WLG Wing Landing Gear

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

Print Date: February 27, 2012 Local Time Page 45 of 46
WLM Wireless LAN Manager
WOW Weight On Wheels
WPT Waypoint
WRG Wiring
WRK Work, Working
WSCS Wheel Steering Control System
WSHLD Windshield
WSSG Warning System Symbol Generator
WT Weight
WTB Wing tip brake
WTR Water
WX Weather Mode (ND)
WXR Weather Radar
X Cross
X Trans
X BLEED Crossbleed
X FEED Crossfeed
X LINE Crossline
X VALVE Cross Valve
X-TALK Cross-talk
XBAR Crossbar
XCHECK Crosscheck
XCVR Transceiver
XDCR Transducer
XFMR Transformer
XFR Transfer
XING Crossing
XLOAD Crossload
XLTR Translator
XMSN Transmission
XMTR Transmitter
XPDR Transponder
XWIND Crosswind
Y Yellow
Y/C Economy Class
Z Zone
Z Greenwich Mean Time
ZC Zone Controller
ZFCG Zero Fuel Center of Gravity
ZFW Zero Fuel Weight
Zp Pressure Altitude

Customer : CPA
Type : A340
Rev. Date : January 1, 2012
Manual: AMM
Selected effectivity: ALL

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