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ESL Level 4 Lesson Plans

Unit 13: Music

Warm-up: Types of music and performers (p. 194A); Listen to samples
1. Bob Marley: !ne Lo"e# and Buffalo $oldier#
%. Taylor $&ift: Be'in A'ain# and (ou Belon' &it) Me#
*. +elia +ru,: -uimbara# and La .e'ra Tiene Tumbao#
4. Beyonce: +ountdo&n# and $in'le Ladies#
/. T)e Blac0 1yed 2eas: 3 4otta 5eelin'# and Boom Boom 2o&#
6. 4reen 7ay: Bas0et +ase# and %1 4uns#
Present: .on8definin' (non8restricti"e) ad9ecti"e clauses (p. 19/A)
+)oose relati"e pronoun dependin' on position in dependent clause (who, which, whose,
Present: 7efinin' (restricti"e) ad9ecti"e clauses (p. 196B:+)
Practice: Ans&er ;uestions (p. 19<7). +omplete sentences &it) non8definin' clauses (p. 19<1)
Tuesday =e'istration and 1nd8of8$emester Testin'
Wednesday =e"ie& tests and ne>t le"els
Warm-up: 1dit (p. %?<5); also: ma0in' run8ons into comple> sentences
Present: @sin' that in definin' (restricti"e) ad9ecti"e clauses (p. 19AA)
+an use that for who, which, whom
That can be omitted if it is not t)e sub9ect of t)e clause:
The book (that) I borrowed from the library needs to be returned.
The book that is from the library needs to be returned.
Listening: +on"ersation (p. 199B). @nderline ad9ecti"e clauses in script (p. %A%). +omplete
sentences (p. 199+)
ome!or": 2ass out tri"ia ;uestions (relative clause trivia.doc)
ESL Level 4 Lesson Plans
Unit 13: Music
Warm-up: =e"ie& tri"ia ;uestions (relative clause trivia.doc)
$evie!: Ma0e ad9ecti"e clauses from tri"ia ;uestions
Practice: Ad9ecti"es clauses &it) when and where (p. %??A:B)
Practice: Ans&er ;uestions and complete sentences and ;uestions (p. %?1 A:B:+)
E%tra practice: 3nter"ie& and combinin' sentences usin' ad9ecti"e clauses (interview.doc)
$evie!: +)oose correct relati"e pronouns and combine sentences (p. %?AA:B)
Listening: +ountry music (p. %?%B:+:7)
$eading: Music and .e& !rleans (p. %?4A:B:+)
E%ercise: @nit 9/ from English Grammar in Use, Intermediate, Third Edition
Practice: Bandout to combine clauses (adective clause e!ercises.doc)
Writing: Autobio'rap)y (p. %?6A87); @se tenses: "oices: modals: ad9ecti"e clauses
1964: Born in C+
196/: Mo"ed to La&rence: &)ere my sister &as born
19<?: Mo"ed to +B: &)ere 3 li"ed for * years
19<*: Mo"ed to $+: &)ere 3 're& up and attended colle'e
19AA: Mo"ed to 5L: &)ere 3 &or0ed for 3BM
1994: Mo"ed to +B: &)ere 3 li"e no&
present: past: future tenses
used to
mustD)a"e to
s)ouldD)ad better
&ould rat)erDprefer
present perfect tenses
s)ould )a"e
mayDmi')tDcould )a"e
must )a"e
passi"e "oice
ad9ecti"e clauses

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