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Oral Presentation Speech

Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you
commit injustices! "oltaire # am here to talk to you about how $acbeth is in%luenced by the witches
&e is easily in%luenced by them because o% the %ollowin' three reasons &e is easily in%luenced by
everyone he meets( the witches implant the three prophecies in his mind and they also in%luence
$acbeth to think o% himsel% as invincible
$acbeth is in %act someone who admires practically everythin' &e is easily in%luenced by
anyone and everythin' he sees )or e*ample( his wi%e tells him to do somethin' morally wron' and
he+ll do as she says )or e*ample( she asked him to kill ,uncan and $acbeth did it ,uncan was the
-in' and $acbeth 'enuinely liked him and looked up to him &e respected ,uncan but the witches
prophecies and his wi%e+s persuasion caused $acbeth to take ,uncan out o% the picture permanently #
think that ,uncan also had a in%luence on $acbeth ,uncan praised $acbeth and made him think that
he was the best soldier and most loyal %riend he had ever ac.uired /his made him believe that he was
'oin' to be the heir to the throne
# believe that the three witches are the root o% the problem /he weird sisters are creators o%
chaos by nature /hey associate with evil spirits and obey them( and they are %ollowers o% the evil
'oddess( &ecate #n the play the witches plan the down%all o% $acbeth with the help o% their ma'ical
powers and spells /hey cannot directly harm him there%ore they end up makin' a spell and tell
$acbeth prophecies %or his possible %uture assumin' that he would act on them /he witches tell
$acbeth that he will become the thane o% 0awdor and then the kin' o% Scotland /hey poison his mind
with these prophecies( makin' him 'reedy and brin'in' out the evil .ualities %rom within his soul
1hen the %irst o% the prophecies is proven authentic( $acbeth then considers the idea o% murderin'
,uncan %or the %irst time /his 'oes to show that the witches power and intelli'ence in%luenced the
mind o% $acbeth
Althou'h $acbeth is easily in%luenced by others he also tends to trust others too easily )or
e*ample( in act 2 scene 3( $acbeth meets the witches %or the %irst time and the witches tell him o% the
prophecies $acbeth believes that these prophecies will come true( there%ore he trusts them Also(
instead o% 'oin' to his %riends and loved ones %or advice( he turns to the witches $acbeth trusts the
witches %ully and we see this when he states3 # hear it by the way4 but # will send /here+s not a one o%
them but in his house # keep a servant %ee+d # will tomorrow 5and betimes # will6 to the weird sisters
$ore shall they speak( %or now # am bent to know by the worst means the worst )or mine own 'ood
All causes shall 'ive way! 5Shakespeare 2786Once he meets with the witches( they show him
apparitions /he second apparition they show $acbeth is what makes him %eel rather unstoppable /he
apparition says3 9au'h to scorn the power o% man %or no one o% woman born shall harm $acbeth!
5Shakespeare 2:;6 /his in%luenced $acbeth into believin' that he was invincible
# would like to close by sayin' that( the three witches in the play $acbeth truly did in%luence
$acbeth by makin' him %eel as i% he is invincible( by implantin' the three prophecies in his mind( and
by the cause o% himsel% trustin' and bein' in%luenced by everyone he meets All in all( $acbeth did not
act upon his own will( he was simply poisoned by the witches in%luential powers

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