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A Schools to Watch Taking Center Stage Model Middle School A California Distinguished School

Annual State Testing continues this week for 8

grade and will conclude Wednesday with CST Science!!
WE are almost done BOBCATS!!! As we conclude our testing, we would like to celebrate all of your hard work with a FREE
Pancake Breakfast this Wednesday !ay "
Brentwood !otary will be out there cooking u" our delicious "ancakes and your
teachers will be ser#ing them hot off the grill! Come out and $oin the fun this Wednesday from %&'( am)*&+,am
Parents#$uardians if you would like to #olunteer for clean u" "lease contact the -arents Club .our hel" is always

Bike to School 0ay is this Wednesday !ay "
% The e1ercise room 2ne1t to the 3ym4 will be a#ailable for
anyone needing to store their bike or they can lock their bike using the bike racks 5or more information "lease contact the main office
Attention 6
All incoming 7th graders need to have proof of having had their T-dap booster before entering school on July 28th. It's a good time
to get the immuniation !" bring your proof of T-dap immuniation to the #$%& front office. If you have any 'uestions( contact
)alla or *andi in the main office at +,--.//0.
&'(ortant )ates to Re'e'*er at Edna +ill !iddle School
,6,& %
grade 3irls 7olleyball 8 Bristow 8 '&9,: ;
grade #s Bristow
,6;& %
grade 3irls 7olleyball #s Adam 8 '&9, 2E<=S 3ym4: ;
3rade 8
,6;& Boys63irls Soccer 8 Bristow '&9,"m
,6%& %6*
grade 3irls 7olleyball 8 >nightsen '&9,: ;
grade 2<ome)
,6%& Boys63irls Soccer 8 E1celsior '&9,"m
May 5, 2014 Issue #34 Weekly Couni!ation
Attention "
$rootion A!ti%ities 1onations are &'W ()* to
*andi %ariani in the %ain !ffice.
Contact .s/
School 0ffice/ 123435647889 Fa:/ 123435649717 We*/ www%*rentwood%k52%ca%us
Princi(al/ ;irsten <o** k=o**>*rentwood%k52%ca%us
?ice4Princi(al/ !aria $on@ale@ 'gon@ale@>*rentwood%k52%ca%us
?ice4Princi(al/ Rusty Ehrlich rehrlich>*rentwood%k52%ca%us
Counselor/ Saraina SilAa ssilAa>*rentwood%k52%ca%us
ParentsB Clu* President/ ,eann Wei*ert ,+');99( 19(?; eh's(arentsclu*>yahoo%co'
Social this FR&)AC !ay 1
Our last social will be this Friday !ay 1
fro' 6/6947/99('% Any student interested in attending must ha#e the Social
Com"act on file before "urchasing their social ticket Students can "ick u" the form in the student center -lease bring your
signed social com"act to the ticket booth Social tickets will go on sale for @% starting Tuesday !ay 7
during both
lunches Students on the non)acti#ities will not be allowed to "artici"ate The non)acti#ities list is "osted at the student
Ai#ing the >ey of Balance means to
make "ositi#e choices /tBs about
a""ortioning our time according to our
highest "riorities, gi#ing us a general
sense of well)being, satisfaction and
0PE- +0.SE
Thursday !ay 53 2958
E<=S staff in#ites all families to attend O"en <ouse on Thursday, May 15th from 6:30-7:30 PM Each classroom will be
o"en to #isit and learn about all of the wonderful learning e1"eriences that ha#e taken "lace throughout the year The
-atriot Cets Team will be here shooting off "a"er rockets and the 5orensics Class from Aiberty <S will be on hand to sol#e a
crime using 0DA finger"rinting in the =eadow from ;&'()%&'( "m We also ha#e our Art Showcase from 6:30-7:30 pm in
the E1ercise room ne1t to the gym

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