Letter From Ali Ammoun To DrPhil 4thmay2014

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May 2014

Dr. Phil show Mr Ali Ammoun
5482 Wilshire Boulevard #1902 c/- Acacia Prison
Los Angeles, CA 90036 Locked Bag 1
Western Australia, 6558

RE: Legal Case of Mr Ali Rashid Ammoun

Dear Dr Phil,

My name is Ali Rashid Ammoun. I am a prisoner in a Western Australian prison. I am a Lebanese
Muslim/Australian and have been convicted of the attempted murder of my ex-wife and mother in law. I have
served 8 years of a 16 year sentence.

I write to you because I felt it wise too no more than that. You have no doubt heard many stories of bad legal
cases but mine has to be one of the worst and involves much legal corruption that has been in full view for
many years and is only now coming to the surface after many heart aches.

Prisoners watch your show. You might not be aware how many but it is a lot. I feel a sense of fairness from
you and for some reason I felt the need to write although I know you are far away.

My case shows clearly how easy it is for a man to be set up. Despite the case being called a circus by my top
lawyer (Colin Lovitt Q.C) no one else in authority seemed to notice the ridiculous nature of the case and the
self-evident lying and absurd statements of my ex-wife and mother in law which was contradicted at every
single turn by the actual evidence.

Western Australia is a very racist state and it is the only explanation for how things transpired. I married a
Catholic woman who converted to Islam. This was very unpopular here. No matter how ridiculous the
statements by both my ex-wife and mother in law detectives could not wait to go along with it. The level of
corruption is unique. Utterly unique.

I have watched you pull apart liars and fabricators of both sexes and I fantasies often that my ex-wife would be
put under your interrogation, live on television.

I dont expect much from this letter Dr Phil - but as I finally prepare to go to the High Court and hopefully
attain justice, I felt the need to let your staff (and hopefully you) know about my case. My matter shows just
how quickly a dispute over access to children can escalate and how men are often let down by a legal system
that seems to facilitate a mothers right to create havoc and get away with it with no consequences.

A 5 page letter is included that was sent to various media outlets who reported my case. I hope you are
personally struck at the absurdity of my case, if nothing else.

Perth, Western Australia recently attained a glowing large article in the New York Times travel section praising
it as hipster place to be. Dr Phil, Western Australia is a very racist state who treat the Native Australians
very badly and at times show an extreme dislike of Muslims. Maybe because we are so far away they hope no
one will notice. Its my wish you would notice.

Sincerely and respectfully,

Ali Rashid Ammoun


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