Queen Letter

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4th May 2014

Her Majesty The Queen Mr Ali Ammoun

Buckingham Palace c/- Acacia Prison
London SW1A 1AA Locked Bag 1
Western Australia, 6558

RE: Legal Case of Mr Ali Rashid Ammoun


My name is Ali Rashid Ammoun. I am a prisoner in a Western Australian prison. I am a Lebanese
Muslim/Australian and have been convicted of the attempted murder of my ex-wife and mother in law. I have
served 8 years of a 16 year sentence.

I write to you out of desperation and also because other prisoners have told me that it is worth letting you know
how bad the corruption is in Western Australia.

Prisoners have taught me about The Common Law and how British parliamentary democracy was set up under
The Crown. They have also taught me how Australia has gone its own way and not lived up to the constitution.

You must from time to time get letters pleading for assistance or recognition of bad legal cases. I realize you
cannot involve yourself in matters like this but I hope your palace assistant involved in looking at mail will
make an exception in my case so you are at least made aware of my case as it is unique in the level of
corruption involved.

I have included a 5 page letter sent to newspaper and media outlets that describes the farcical nature of my case
that has had people shaking their heads in disbelief. I hope you will too Your Majesty, as they are making a
mockery of the British reputation for a fair trial and due legal process. Australia seems to be out of control
especially Western Australia.

I am now organizing for the High Court as fellow prisoners who have gained their freedom are now assisting
me. I have felt in fear of my safety and also that of my partner (Julie) until now. Now I have a website and
assistance on the outside. There has been much corruption from lawyers recently just trying to get to the High

Please know that as a Muslim I cannot be your humble and obedient servant as I can only be a servant of God.
But please be aware that I respect the office of the British Crown and the sense of dignity and respect for the
rule of law that is the reputation of the English throughout the world. I especially respect the dignity you have
brought to the Royal Office after all of these years and I know you must be aware that political considerations
aside in these stressful times - you are well respected throughout the Muslim world.

I hope my words can stir some movement - no matter how slight - in your office.

Previous mail to you was confiscated at Acacia Prison and never sent but put in my property.

Most respectfully and sincerely yours,

Ali Rashid Ammoun


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