TOT Course Details

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Training of Trainers I N D I A

Date: 28th to 31st December 2009 (reporting on 27th evening)

Venue: Dhulikhel, Nepal

RedR Training courses, widely recognised by humanitarian aid agencies help individuals
work more effectively. These courses also count towards formal schemes of Continuing
Professional Development. This course is open for participants keen to develop and hone
their training skills and style. Also currently RedR India is building its team of associate
trainers (trainers who deliver RedR training on the basis of short term contracts). If you
think you have the flair for conducting training courses and have some exposure to
humanitarian work, this four-day course would be an ideal opportunity to get into the RedR
training team.

During the course participants would be encouraged to form small teams of two or three
persons. Depending on their competence, some of these groups would be contracted to
design and deliver RedR India training along with our established trainers. Hence it would be
a one-year programme over which select participants from this course would design and
deliver training on behalf of RedR India.

Aim of the course

To develop the skills and confidence needed to deliver training within and for the
humanitarian sector.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

State the principles of adult learning and apply them to designing and running a
training course or session
List the stages of the training cycle and the key activities that need to happen at each
Write aims and objectives for training sessions and courses
Demonstrate a range of training skills and techniques
Select appropriate activities, materials and resources for training people in topics
relating to humanitarian work including security
Devise tools and techniques for assessing training needs and for evaluating training
Show how training can be blended with other approaches to support and develop
people at work
Apply what they have learnt on this course to an individual training project

Who is the course for?

This course is for anyone working in the humanitarian sector and particularly those who
want to be trainers. Those with experience in the humanitarian sector and those who are
seeking to develop their skills as trainers would directly benefit from this course. Also
persons with roles in humanitarian and/or development agencies which encompass capacity
building work would find this training particularly apt.

We are in particular keen to accommodate those with knowledge, experience and aptitude
to train in areas that are relevant to disasters and development. For more details refer to
RedR India training portfolio on

How is the course run?

This is a very practical course and participants will learn through experience, observation
and feedback. Sessions on adult learning, training design, methodology and evaluation will
be immediately put into practice by participants through the designing and running of their
own short training sessions. The course includes options to explore particular topics in more
detail, and time is set aside to review other approaches to meeting learning needs.

Participants will also develop plans for their own individual training project to be
implemented after the course. They would be encouraged to team-up with fellow
participants to develop, design and deliver training for future RedR Courses.


This training would be conducted by experienced RedR trainers from UK and India who have
extensive training experience and diverse exposure to humanitarian work.

Dates and Timing

The course is residential and commences with registration from 7 p.m. on (day 0)27th Dec.
’09. It finishes at 5 p.m. on (day 4) 31st Dec. 09.
Professional Development

The principal aim of RedR training is to improve your effectiveness in disaster response. In
addition, RedR training can enhance your professional development. Many of the skills
developed will be of benefit to you and your employer in other areas of your career. They
are particularly valuable for those likely to be involved in a professional capacity in
Humanitarian Assistance.

How to Apply?

Please fill out the attached Registration Form and send it to along
with your CV. On confirmation of availability of seat please forward your course fee to RedR
India. For more details on course fee and other matters please refer to the application form.

What is RedR?

RedR-India is a humanitarian; non-profit organization, which maintains a Register of,

experienced humanitarian professionals who are available to assist governments and
external support agencies in the aftermath of disasters. RedR India is a member of the RedR
International network. In addition to its primary task as a recruiter of humanitarian workers
the RedRs have a global reputation for the development and presentation of high quality
training for the humanitarian aid sector. RedR has offices in Australia, Canada, India, New
Zealand, UK and Belgium. For more information please visit or

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