Annotatted Bibliography - Barbie

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Magdalena Vermonte
English 1010-89
David Baird
Annotated bibliography
Barbie one of the most controversial topics in society has paired up with Sports
Illustrated for their swimsuit edition, making it one of this years most controversial
subjects yet. Is putting a plastic doll on a magazine really such a huge deal? Some people
would say yes and most of the research done about Barbie and her impact on children,
teens, and women seem to agree. So if Barbie is such a big deal and children love her all
over the world and yet it seem like adults, mothers, feminists etc. seem to be more
obsessed with her than the children she is supposedly targeted for. Since 1956 when
Barbie first came on the scene women and men alike have judged, loved, and hated her
but through everything she is the most famous doll ever and has survived pretty much
about everything. Barbie is a multi million-dollar product and brand influencing a large
amount of children all over the world.
"Emme Doll Aims for Healthy Body Image." ABC News. ABC News Network, 19 Feb.
2014. Web. 03 Apr. 2014.
Emme doll is a doll like Barbie except that instead of it being based on a women
whos body features are unrealistic Emme is based of a plus size model named Emme.
Emme doll is designed to give children a more realistic view on how women are
supposed to look with curves instead of an almost anorexic like body and trying to help
children in to learning how to be healthy instead of chasing an unrealistic body and
starving themselves.
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ABC news is a news station that broadcasts all over the United States. With a
large variety in viewers it is one of the most prominent news stations around. ABC does a
great job in getting strait to the point and demonstrative how Emme Doll is fantastic they
also do a great job in hiding the down falls to Emme but without lying to you they tell
you all the great things about Emme and at the end in a closing sentence state how Emme
doll costs between $100-$150. Then to reveal how they are looking for a way to make it
more affordable. ABC does a great job in making you feel emotional with this topic in
stating that Emme the model who this doll is based on and by saying how she wants this
doll to help in making the media show more women who look more normal than stick
thin models.
I personally believe that Barbie is not at fault here but society for making it such a
big deal I did believe that the idea of this Emme Doll was ridiculous but after reading this
I do believe it deserves some merit however I would never buy my children a doll that
costs $100-150 doll for them just to play with it and destroy it.

Genaro, Teresa. "Barbie Is #Unapologetic, But Sports Illustrated Should Be
Embarrassed." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. 03 Apr. 2014.
In this Article Genaro Teresa does not attach Barbie too thouroughly but mostly
Sports Illustrated for not being able to recognize merits but only to recognize them on
what they look like. Teresa goes further to say how Barbie is not the problem and that
how skinny women in magazines in the television arent the problem the making women
think that they should only be partly what they are, that that is the problem. Throughout
this article it goes on to attack Sports Illustrated on how they had seemingly stop posting
so many pictures of athletic woman and just more pictures of skinny hot bambinas, and
although there articles about sports has incredible married and are amazing that every
year when man winter comes around and they start posting pictures of women in bathing
suits that she just realize how to Sports Illustrated women are just objects basically.
Forbes magazine is a magazine directed too rich people about richer people its a
magazine that goes on about some and the list Forbes is most famous for the top 100
Forbes people (or whatever you call it) which is the list of the richest people in the world.
Who is a contributor to this magazine sheds a lot of light and does a very good job and
depicting house Sports Illustrated has done wrong although she does not show any hard
evidence to defend her claim she does a great job in convincing her readers of what she is
saying. In which Theresa chooses to create an emotional bond with his readers is by
putting herself into the text saying that she herself is and a huge women sports fan and
how she herself likes the articles posted in Sports Illustrated but that she just thoroughly
dislikes Ports illustrated swimsuit edition.
I personally do not believe the Barbie should be on the cover of Sports Illustrated
for Barney is a childrens toy not something for men to become happy to. And by reading
her article I just tend to agree more although I do not believe the Sports Illustrated is a
bad magazine I do believe that what they arent attempting to do was a bit outrageous. I
also believe that Mattel should have thought about this decision more thoroughly because
although Im betting that Sports Illustrated is paying them a bunch of money for this I do
believe that they might lose a bit of revenue from mother is willing to buy their products
because of the fact they are on Sports Illustrated.

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Grinberg, Emanuella. "Barbie Strikes 'unapologetic' Pose in Sports Illustrated
Swimsuit Edition." CNN. Cable News Network, 19 Feb. 2014. Web. 03 Apr. 2014.
CNN article about Barbie strikes unapologetic posing Sports Illustrated seems to
be about both sides. Mattel claims that Barbies stance as #unapologetic is to give Barbie a
voice and to empower fans. However it seems that most of the people dont believe this
and that this is a slap in the face to women and that somehow putting Barbie in a
magazine that is designed to be targeted towards adult males is comparing women to
plastic dolls. The article goes further saying how can people not see that Barbie is in fact
harming their children and that this just shows how the industry is only making it worst.
CNN is a News channel that broadcasts all over the world about issues all over
the world current past and future. This article goes on to show at the beginning both sides
of the argument how one site is arguing that bartending at Sports Illustrated is probably
the worst thing that could happen and the other side is saying au contraire that in fact
party being on here is empowering towards women. Throughout the rest of the article it
goes onto the side that is saying that this thing Parnes balloonists and it's Barbie is
harming our children by making children wants to become something that is quite
impossible to become. CNN is a great way in doing this by making it seem unbiased and
then becoming completely biased there the way they were things he is fantastic and they
catch the readers attention instantly.
I believe its Barbie being on Sports Illustrated is a huge mistake mostly
financially I dont believe that little girls or little boys for that effective they like Barbies
three Sports Illustrated Northeast Marcos return stance was illustrated I dont think this
affects him anyhow I think that it is mostly just mothers and parenting outraged by the
fact just completely valid but to argue that this is actually affecting the children I believe
that that is just manipulative and this article just thinking the more I do agree with the
fact that they should not be putting toys on the magazine aimed towards adult.

Hoskins, Stephanie. "The Negative Effects of Barbie on Young Girls an the Long Term
Results." Divine Caroline. Divine Caroline, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2014.
In this article Stephanie gives you a lot of facts and studies done by psychologist.
She also goes onto whats your opinion on how Barbie is quite in fact harming children
and how she believes that the government should on ban any kind of dog that chosen
unhealthy or unrealistic kind of body type. This whole article is basically about how
Barbie is the devil and how we should not want to buy her and how she time children by
making them want to become something that they cannot since a long neck that is
virtually impossible for people have exudative a hold of her next to the extremely slim
waist that is when actually everyone of you demonstrate and not be able to have children.
Stephanie is a fashion students that is 18-year-old so she doesnt have much
credibility, however she does use actual facts from actual researchers and this gives her
credibility however she seems a bit to bias she doesnt seem to have anything from the
other Side of the argument to every story there are always two sides and she doesnt show
that. The way of voicing is a very direct an it gets straight to the point which is good
because it grabs readers attention. The tone in this article is very serious which goes very
well for it because shes not mocking anything shes being very serious it seems to be a
very serious article to her and you perceive that through the way that she writes.
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In conclusion I find that in each article they state that Barbie creates a type of
falseness whether being in how Barbie looks or how Barbie is being represented. Hence
while Barbie may seem to cause many of what we see as societal problems in women
there is no concrete proof stating that Barbie has any long term effects. People especially
parents and women seem to be so obsessed with Barbie and Sports Illustrated mostly
because SI is an adult magazine and there swimsuit edition is aimed to adult men and the
idea that a childrens doll is featured in that type of magazine seems to make people
cringe due to the fact that they dont want those two things to mix.

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