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Last Thursday

students in grades 3-6

attended the annual
Athletics Sports. In
total, over 740
children from 14
schools (including 2
independent schools)
participated in a range
of sporting events.
From all accounts, this
was an extremely
enjoyable day and the
weather, although wet
and rainy at the start,
was certainly kind to
us in the afternoon.
The emphasis on
holding such an event
as this is for all
involved to get
together and have fun;
however it is always
exciting when we
achieve great results.
Organising an event as
large as this is no easy
task, so thank you Mr
Devisser for a job well
done. Also, a big
thanks to the staff,
support staff and many
parents who helped
out in a number of
ways, including setting
up equipment, looking
after a group for the
day or just being there
to offer support your
help is appreciated by
both the staff and
Well Done
Thursday Thoughts
L a u n c h i n g P l a c e P r i m a r y S c h o o l
Issue 13
Newsletter Date 1st May 2014
Important Dates:

Finance Meeting
Mothers Day Stall
Book Club due
Mothers Day
Grade P-2 Photo Trail
Aerobics Comp
Education Week
Whole School Incursion
Grandparents Day
School Council 7pm
Open Night
Student Absent
Hot Line Number
5964 7783
Well done to everyone
for their combined
efforts, which enabled
LPPS to be placed
second overall. We
would also like to
congratulate Zoe K
who was awarded the
Grade 6 girls trophy,
and Holly D who
came a close second.
This was an amazing
effort and
demonstrates what
great athletes and all
rounders Zoe and
Holly are.
experience of school. Student
surveys are extremely
important. We want our
students to tell us what they
think! Our school will use the
survey results to plan programs
and activities to improve every
child's schooling experience.

This is the eleventh year that
the survey has been offered. All
students in years 5/6 at our
school will participate in the
survey, with all responses being
anonymous. The survey only
takes 20-30 minutes to
complete and occurs during
class time. We personally
conduct the surveys, to ensure
The Attitudes to School Survey
is an annual student survey for
Year 5 to Year 12 students,
offered by the Department of
Education and Early Childhood
Development to assist schools
in gaining an understanding of
students' perceptions and
that they are presented to the
students in the same, consistent

The survey results will be
reported back to the school at
the end of July. As soon as the
school receives the results we,
as a staff, look at the statistics
to help us plan and devise our
curriculum and various health /
well-being programs to ensure
our students are always
engaged in their school work
and developing their social
competencies in all areas to
ensure we are providing them
with the best possible
educational experiences.
Page 2
Thursday Thoughts
Launching Place Primary School Carter Street Launching Place 3139 Telephone 5964 7783 Fax 5964 6171 Email
ABN 96 199 518 803
Attitudes to School Survey
Term 3 or early Term 4) and we
will have access to both
individual and group data to
assist our planning and teaching
Whilst our NAPLAN results
continue to produce some
excellent results, we stress the
point that this assessment is
only a small part of the
assessment profile gathered on
students and should be viewed
as such. It will provide parents
A reminder that the National
Assessment Program Literacy
& Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests
for 2014 will take place
between May 13
- 15
Teachers have planned
preparation and trial activities
for students to familiarise them
with the testing process.
Once NAPLAN has been
completed, individual reports
will be forwarded to parents
later in the year (usually late
and staff with a snapshot of
students achievements but
should not be seen as a
definitive or comprehensive
assessment. If you have any
questions about the testing or
results please see your childs
Launch Website
Please note due to technical issue the Launching Place website is unavailable
until further notice. We will inform you as soon as it has been resolved. Thank
you for your patience.
Page 3
Please Note: That other advertisements and publications published in this newsletter do not imply
school or Department of Education and Early Childhood Development endorsement.
If you send your child/rens lunch
order on an envelope please
include 10 in the order for the
cost of a paper bag.
Slushies are NOT available this
Kylie K, Janine K, Maryann E
Jo R, Sharon B, Fiona T
Janie G, Jodie D, Kris H
Maryann E, Janine K, Peta R
Quiz of the Week
Last term answer is
Uno and the lucky
winner is Aislinn C
Student Awards
Prep K Tayla N
Jayla D
Andrew B

Grade 1/2 K Brock B
Blake D

This week a very excited group of year 5/6 students
attended Bens Shed in Yarra Junction. We are very
appreciative of the chance for our students to engage
in such a worthwhile program. Each term, 6-8
students attend Bens Shed on a weekly basis where
they are involved in learning basic woodworking
skills. Students are always very proud of their
achievements at the end of the program, happily
sharing what they have constructed. Please refer to
the newsletter/ website for regular photos and updates.

Narelle Messerle and Debbie Hobbis
Bens Shed
If anyone has any old black
basketball shorts that they would
be willing to donate to the
aerobics program, please see Miss
Nyman. Your assistance would
be greatly appreciated.
Candice Nyman.
Page 4
Thursday Thoughts
Parents and Friends
Mothers Day stall on Friday 9th May, gifts available from $1 to $5 dollars.
Next meeting is Monday 5th May in the staffroom just after assembly. So come
along have a cuppa and chat about future fundraising activities.
view. Cubism paintings also used
lots of angles and pointed lines
rather than rounded curving lines.
The children found it a challenge
to create a Cubism painting
because we are so used to drawing
things as they really look.
However we have had some
amazing Cubism paintings created
at school in the last few weeks, so
congratulations to all the 3/4
children on your have a go
attitudes, you created some terrific
Congratulations to Artists of the
Month: Madison A3/4M
and Holly W 3/4N for your
outstanding Cubism paintings.
Heather Taylor
Visual Art Teacher.
Artist of the Month
This term the grade 3/4 children
have been learning about the life
and artwork of a very famous artist
named Pablo Picasso. He is one of
the most versatile artists of all time
because he can paint beautiful real
life images, he invented the art of
Collage (sticking things onto other
things), he invented the art of
Assemblage (using everyday
objects to assemble a totally
different piece of art), and he co-
founded the painting style Cubism.
Cubism paintings dont look real
or life like, but they are not meant
to. Picasso wanted to try to show
the side view and front view of an
object at the same time that is
why he often painted people
looking to the side, but added both
eyes and both nostrils to the front
number of sports days. We are
extremely grateful to Michaels
Trailers as this will give us the
opportunity to run some
outstanding sporting programs that
as a single school we would not be
able to have the equipment to
organise. Michael has already
donated a number of trailers to
other community organisations,
some of which our schools have
already made use of.
New Sports Trailer
By now many of you may have
seen the picture on the left at one
of our sports days. We received
this trailer as a donation from
Michaels Trailers in Healesville.
It is to be used by all our schools
for many of our sports programs.
Over this term the aim is to stock
the trailer with sets of sports gear
that schools can use for any
Upper Yarra Primary School Sports Association

28 Hunter Rd, Healesville
0418 883 335
Page 5
Coughs, Colds and Asthma
Coughs, colds and the flu are one of the most common triggers of asthma. The common cold is caused by an upper
respiratory tract infection and is a common illness for children and adults in Australia. As we approach the colder
months, here are some tips to keep in mind to prevent and reduce the spread of coughs, colds and the flu:
Avoid coughing and sneezing on or near others and wash your hands thoroughly to prevent the spread of disease.
If your child is not feeling well, it is recommended that they stay home and rest, to reduce the spread of infections
and to speed up their recovery process.
Everyone should have the annual flu vaccination to ensure they are protected from this disease. You or your child
may be eligible for the free flu vaccination. Details about who is eligible can be found here and can also be
determined by your doctor.
Prior to purchasing any medications or herbal and natural remedies, you should seek the advice of your doctor or
pharmacist as some medications can react with asthma medications. Such as Aspirin, Ibuprofen/Naproxen (non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory medications), Beta Blockers tablet and eye drops (used for high blood pressure and
glaucoma), and ACE inhibitors (used to control blood pressure).

Stay warm this winter!

For more information, please contact
The Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 278 462 or
Parent and Carer Asthma Information Sessions
The Asthma Foundation of Victoria is funded by the Federal Department of Health to provide free asthma
education sessions to groups of parents and carers. These sessions can take place at the school or at a
location of your choice. The session runs for approximately one hour and covers:
Asthma triggers
Signs and symptoms
Asthma action plans
Asthma medication
Asthma First Aid
If you are interested in attending a parent and carer asthma information session, please contact The Asthma
Foundation of Victoria to arrange a session on 1800-ASTHMA or

For more information, please contact
The Asthma Foundation of Victoria on 1800 278 462 or
Family Day Care
Hoddles Creek
Personal home based
childcare with small groups.
Play based learning with no
Family Day Care is supported
by Murrindindi Shire Council.
Childcare Benefit and Rebate
can be applied for.
Vacancies for 2014 now
Enquiries welcome please call
Lisa 0402 730 126
Page 6
Thursday Thoughts
A locally run scheme, providing warm,
nurturing care to small groups of children
At Lets Go Family Day Care, we put the "Family"
into Family Day Care.
Children are cared for in a warm, safe, homely
environment that consists of only a small group of children.
We have vacancies for care in Warburton, Yarra Junction, Wesburn and
Our educators are qualified and trained to provide the best possible care for your
child. Each educator is monitored and supported by our coordination unit, to
enable them to continually grow professionally within themselves.
Reduced fees are available as we are CCB and CCR approved through the
Department of Education.
If you have any enquiries in relation to finding care for your child, or if you
would like to find out how to become an educator, please call Olivia Moller on 59
647 244 or 0402315332.

Piano is hard work! Piano takes years to get anywhere! You need to practice scales and exercises for a long time before you get to have any
fun and play great songs...
Piano can be fun straight away. You can learn to play two-handed tunes in your first lesson! Piano instruction has come a long way in the last
few decades. New techniques and approaches allow for the student to enjoy the learning process and experience making music straight away.
Piano is a journey, not a destination, so the experience should be enjoyable.
I specialise in absolute beginners for children and adults. Cost is $20 upfront for materials, and $20 per 25 minute lesson. Students will take
home songs and exercises to practice. Private lessons are being offered for the kids at Launching Place Primary School each Thursday morning
starting on the 13th of March. Private lessons are also available for children and adults outside these hours by appointment.
If you or your child have always wanted to learn piano, I would love to help you make this come true.
Contact Corrie on 0401 096 079 or check out
Corrie Wade
"Choreography for Life"

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