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Davis 1

Health 1500
Compare & Contrast

Davis 2

Amanda Davis
Dr. Kate Maxwell- Stephens
Health 1500
01 May 2014
Final Paper: Compare and Contrast
Coming into this semester I didnt know what to think, I read the class description and
looked up Of course the first day back to class is always intimidating.
Spring semester of 2014 was different for me, the first semester in two years without taking a
math course. In class the first night I was excited and nervous, most teachers dont care to learn
your name or your major. Most teachers dont care to know you unless you make an effort to
make it known. Ive always been the student that understands the respect and quality of knowing
everyones name and the reason for them to be in class. Thus, thank you Dr. Kate for making this
In the beginning Dr. Kate made it clear that each week you will have to do a random act
of kindness and respond to the chapter in 100 words or so. We also did a FITT log, fitness
evaluation, and a behavioral change sheet. Over the semester my paper work went like this:
My FITT log was pretty decent throughout the first two months of the semester. I was
trying to meet the goal of 150 minutes of exercise per week. I never did manage to reach this
goal. I made an effort to go to the gym on days I wasnt at my second job or at school. This was
working well for me. I then made a deal with myself to do the February Fab- Ab workout. I did
really well the first week, but after the first Saturday in the month I stopped doing it. I then
convinced myself to go back to my old gym because they offer classes with the monthly fee and
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its open 24/7, now I am back at Lifetime Fitness and try to go about two to three times a week.
My best friend also signed up with me, this has been a great motivator for me to go! After
February, I stopped keeping track of my FITT log. I did continue to go to the gym and eat
somewhat healthier. Overall I did improve.
On January 15, 2014 my fitness evaluation was as followed:
Weight: 109.5
Waist Measurement: 26.5
Body fat %: 18.3 %
One- Mile Walk: 14 minutes and 17 seconds
Push ups: 5
Curl-ups: 13
Sit and Reach: 2 inches off from 0
On March 25, 2014 my fitness evaluation was as followed:
Weight: 107.5
Waist Measurements: 27
Body Fat %: 17.9%
One Mile Walk: 11 minutes and 38 seconds
Push ups: 5
Sit-ups: 10
Sit and Reach: 0
On April 30, 2014 my fitness evaluation was as followed:
Weight: 106.3
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Waist Measurements: 27
Body Fat %: 17.1 %
One Mile Walk: 10 minutes and 52 seconds
Push ups: 5
Curl ups; 15
Sit and Reach: 0
Throughout the past 5 months I have seen change. I have gained a little more muscle and
I am able to sustain longer at the gym. I am proud of myself that I dropped my body fat
percentage down. Back in high school I remember having about 9% of body fat, even though that
may not have been healthy. My goal is to have my body fat percentage around 15.
My behavioral change contract was to agree to work out a minimum of 150 minutes per
week and to no longer drink soda. I re-evaluated my change contract and decided to choose one
subject to work on. I decided to quit drinking soda. Soda is very addicting and I must say there
are many of days where I do crave it. I used to purchase 12-pack bottles of Dr. Pepper weekly
and know I no longer purchase soda at all. I purchase apple juice, milk, and water bottles. Some
days I feel I need a little boost that only caffeine can give me. These days I try and steer clear of
soda and have a chai tea instead, or I drink a lot more water.
Breaking this behavior has been extremely difficult for me. I do feel that I have overcome
the hardest part of this behavior, and that was the consistency. Every morning Id have a soda
before 10, and then another at noon, and another by 3, and lastly one by 7. Now my daily routine
is to have a cliff bar and a chai tea for breakfast. I have noticed a change. I feel I have a lot more
energy. I also have a little more money saved up; soda is costly and detrimental to your health.
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Though for my behavior chart, I did not reward myself as often as I planned to. I did
sleep in one day, and I did manage to have $20 to spend on myself. I did have Spring pictures
planned but my photographer cancelled last minute. Overall I believe that breaking this behavior
was needed, and a blessing in disguise.
This class has taught me more facts then I couldve thought to have learned. I am grateful
for learning from my peers, teacher, and guest speakers. Knowing about your health is crucial
when learning new things. If you dont know about your current health it may be time to pick up
the phone and call your physician to schedule a physical. Its always better to be safe, than sorry.

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