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Nathan Kendrick 1

W.E.B. Du Boiss Thoughts On the Speech of Booker T. Washington

Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois both fought hard for the advancement of their race.
They wrestled with racism, discrimination, and an unfair judicial system, although, both men
had clearly differing views on how to overcome them. One felt that Education was the key
while the other felt that economics were a necessity. One was submissive to his political
placement while the other fought for political power. All these things were addressed in W.E.B.
Du Boiss The Souls of Black Folk, where Du Bois gives his analysis of Booker T. Washingtons
1895 Atlanta Compromise speech.
W.E.B. Du Bois admires Booker T. Washington, as well as, Booker T. Washingtons plan. Du Bois
finds Washingtons plan appealing in that it shows compromise from several sides. He felt that
Booker T. Washington gained the respect of radical white men, conservatives and also the
blacks by saying that the races could be as separate as the five fingers socially, but still be as
one as the hand in all things that are essential for mutual progress. Washington appeals to Du
Bois because he has come from almost nothing to being a great leader of not just one group but
of all. He sees that Washington is able to analyze several points of view and compile them into
one single plan that shows the opinions of many. Du Bois also agrees with Washingtons
attitude of conciliation with the South. W.E.B. Du Bois found several parts of Booker T.
Washingtons plan appealing saying, So far as Mr. Washington preaches thrift, patience, and
industrial training for the masses, we must hold up his hands and strive with him, rejoicing in
his honors and glorifying in the strength of this Joshua called of God and of man to lead the
headless host.(Du Bois 277) In this he compares Washington to Joshua, who led the Israelites
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into the land promised them by God. Du Bois agrees with Washington in many ways but he also
disagrees with him in many other ways.
W.E.B. Du Bois is very critical of Booker T. Washington. He is most critical of Washingtons plan
to focus all of the Negros thoughts on economics rather than civil rights. Du Bois along with
many other conservatives and blacks did not agree with his thoughts of submission. He says
that he does not agree with Washingtons plan to withdraw the demand of Negroes to be equal
citizens. Washington asked that blacks give up political power, insistence on civil rights, and
pursuit of higher education to concentrate all of their energy to gain wealth and reconcile with
the South. (Du Bois 175) Du Bois says that the only return in the past has been,
disenfranchisement of the negro, civil inferiority, and the steady withdrawal of aid from higher
institutions.(Du Bois 42) Du Bois argues that men can not really gain anything without political
power and suffrage. He believes Washington is trying to flatter the southerners and not being
honest. He says Washington thinks the southerners are justified in their attitude toward the
black man. Washington says that attaining the wrong education is the reason for the black men
falling behind not slavery. Du Bois is totally against this idea stating that, He advocates
common-school and industrial training, and depreciates institutions of higher learning; but
neither the Negro common-schools, nor Tuskegee itself, could remain open a day were it not
for teachers trained in Negro colleges, or trained by their graduates. (Du Bois 42) Washingtons
plan says that only the top ten percent of blacks should go to a traditional college. Du Bois
believed that the majority of blacks only receiving a vocational education is too narrow for
the black community. Du Bois has many criticisms of Washingtons plan so he created his own
plan for the rise of African-Americans.
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Being skeptical of Washingtons plan caused Du Bois to show his way of thinking. Du Bois offers
up an alternative plan that puts education at the top of the Negros agenda. Contrary to
Washingtons plan Du Bois believes that classical education will help the black man rise in
society. He believes that black youth should start in common schools to learn the basic
knowledge that he feels all youth should know. Then, the more advanced youths should move
on to schools of higher education to make teachers and professors while the others learn
special skills to become artisans and blacksmiths. Du Bois also believes the South needs
knowledge and culture to solve social problems and discrimination. He believes this will help
blacks and whites solve problems cooperatively. Du bois also strongly believes that Negroes
should continually strive to gain political power and suffrage because he feels that a man must
strive, but without civil rights striving means nothing.
In conclusion, these two men have differing views, but they both want the same things for their
people. They both want the races to come together and excel to their full potential.
Washington feels that focusing on economics and securing wealth are more important while Du
Bois feels that focusing on education is the most necessary. Washington is also more
submissive to his position in society while Du Bois wants the people to stand up politically for
their civil rights. Although these two men have differing opinions they both played great roles in
the advancement of black people and the nation as a whole.

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