Tinh R Cho Den Led (Tieng Anh)

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http://www.electronics"lo#.net/led$resistor$calculator$for$windows$%&$0/ 'qua hay)
http://www.cs#network.com/ledsin#resistancecalc.html 'tran# tinh toan ) truc tu(en*
http://led0.com/1p2product 'nha ma( ,ed*
http://www.androidfreeware.mo"i/download electrodroid.html
http://led.linear&.or#/&led.wi0 (trang qua hay , kim tra trc tuyn cung canh bao nu led nong)
http://www.electronics6000.co.uk/calc/series$parallel$resistor$calculator.php 'ti7nh tr89c tu(:7n*
http://www.stefan%.com/ ';u< th87 c=>n tra c87u*
http:///tronic.or#/ (nhieu soft qua hay co ting Vit)
!" #urrent imiting $esistor
,E!s ',i#ht Emittin# !iodes* must alwa(s "e operated with a resistor in series to limit the current to a
safe le%el. @ost ,E!s can onl( tolerate a current of a"out 30m4 ma/imum. 5o calculate the resistor
%alue reAuired the forward %olta#e 'B
* and current 'C
*of the ,E! must "e known. 5hese can "e found
from the suppliers catalo#ue. or standard ,E!s B
is a"out 6B and C
is a"out 60m4.
5he resistor %alue can "e calculated as follows:
) 2 'B
$ B
* / C
2 '.uppl( Bolta#e $ orward Bolta#e* / orward +urrent
Dote that C
is in 4mpsE D?5 @illiampsF '60m4 2 0.064*
%r& l' (i)n t*
Electronics 4ssistant is a Gindows pro#ram that performs electronics$related calculations. 5rH lI ;iJn
tK lL mMt ch8Nn# trOnh Gindows mL thPc hiJn tQnh toRn ;iJn tK li:n Auan. Ct includes a resistor colour
code calculatorE resistanceE capacitance and power calculations and more. DS "ao #Tm mMt mR( tQnh
;iJn trU mV mLuE khRn# ;iJn dun#E %L tQnh toRn nWn# l8Hn# %L nhiXu hNn nYa. !etails of calculations
can "e sa%ed or printed. 5hZn# tin chi ti[t %X tQnh toRn cS th\ ;8Hc l8u ha( in ]n. Ct pro%ides all the
functions found in the calculators section of this site and more in a stand$alone user friendl( pro#ram.
DS cun# c]p t]t c^ cRc ch_c nWn# tOm th]( tron# m`c mR( tQnh caa tran# we" nL( %L nhiXu hNn nYa
tron# mMt ch8Nn# trOnh ;Mc lbp n#8ci ddn# th=n thiJn.
Bersion 4.& includes the followin# new features: ehi:n "^n 4.& "ao #Tm cRc tQnh nWn# mfi sau ;=(:
gpdated user interface +bp nhbt #iao diJn n#8ci ddn#
E/tra calculators for inductance and freAuenc( 3h sun# mR( tQnh cho ;iJn c^m %L tin sj
+alculation of nearest preferred resistor %alues with a choice of k series from E&6 to E&l6 5Qnh
toRn #iR trm ;iJn trU #in nh]t 8a thQch %fi mMt sP lPa chnn caa k series to E&6 ;[n E&l6
,inks to open Gindows +alculator and up to 3 user$defined pro#rams from Electronics
4ssistant ,i:n k[t ;\ mU Gindows @R( tQnh %L l:n ;[n 3 ch8Nn# trOnh n#8ci ddn# ;mnh n#hpa
to Electronics 5rH lI
Cnformation panels can "e to##led on or off to sa%e space when not reAuired "^n# thZn# tin cS
th\ ;8Hc "bt hoqc trt ;\ ti[t kiJm khZn# #ian khi khZn# cin thi[t
3uilt$in automatic new %ersion update check 3uilt$in tP ;Mn# ki\m tra cbp nhbt phi:n "^n mfi
Barious "u# fi/es and enhancements +hsnh sKa nhiXu lti %L c^i ti[n
,icense: reewareE howe%er if (ou find the pro#ram usefulE or use it for commercial purposes a small
donation would "e appreciated to support further de%elopment. ui]( phvp: miwn phQE tu( nhi:n n[u "xn
tOm th]( nhYn# ch8Nn# trOnh hYu QchE hoqc sK d`n# cho m`c ;Qch th8Nn# mxi lL mMt ;Sn# #Sp nhy sz
;8Hc ;Rnh #iR cao ht trH phRt tri\n hNn nYa. 5hanks. +^m Nn.
+lick here to download and run the installation packa#e. +lick %Lo ;=( ;\ t^i %X %L chx( #Si cLi ;qt.
5his will install Electronics 4ssistant and create .tart @enu shortcuts and a desktop icon if desired.
+,-.$%/0%1 +f you are using 2ersion 343 or earlier you must uninstall it before installing
2ersion 5464 5his can "e done usin# {4dd/)emo%e ero#rams{ from Gindows +ontrol eanel. |iXu nL(
sz cLi ;qt Electronics 5rH lI %L txo .tart @enu phQm trt %L mMt "i\u t8Hn# mR( tQnh ;\ "Ln n[u
mu7n14 8uan tr9ng 0:u b;n (ang s* d<ng =hin b>n 3,3 ho?c tr@c (A b;n =h>i gB bC cDi (?t nA
tr@c khi cDi (?t =hin b>n 546 ki\m soEt4 |iXu nL( cS th\ ;8Hc thPc hiJn "}n# cRch sK d`n# ~4dd /
)emo%e ero#rams~ to Gindows eanel. gnfortunatel( an( pro#ram settin#s will need to "e reset. 5hbt
khZn# ma( "]t k cLi ;qt ch8Nn# trOnh sz cin ph^i ;8Hc ;qt lxi. gsers of %ersion 4.0 can install o%er
this %ersion and settin#s will "e preser%ed. D#8ci sK d`n# phi:n "^n 4.0 cS th\ cLi ;qt tr:n phi:n "^n
nL( %L cRc thi[t lbp sz ;8Hc "^o tTn.
Electronics 4ssistant is "uilt on @icrosoft{s .DE5 framework 6.0 and reAuires the framework to run.
5rH lI ;iJn tK ;8Hc /=( dPn# tr:n khuZn khh caa @icrosoft DE5. 6.0 %L ;i hyi ph^i cS khuZn khh ;\
chx(. 5he installer will check if this is installed and download it automaticall( if reAuired. 3M cLi ;qt
sz ki\m tra n[u ;iXu nL( ;8Hc cLi ;qt %L t^i %X nS sz tP ;Mn# n[u cin. @an( pro#rams now use the
frameworkE so (ou ma( well alread( ha%e it. DhiXu ch8Nn# trOnh hiJn ;an# sK d`n# khuZn khhE %O %b(
"xn cS th\ cn# ;V cS nS. 4lternati%el( it can "e installed %ia Gindows gpdate. oqc nS cS th\ ;8Hc
cLi ;qt thZn# Aua Gindows gpdate.
Electronics 4ssistant has "een tested on Gindows eE Gindows l8.EE Gindows Bista and Gindows
7 'see note on 64$"it Gindows 7 "elow*E and should run on other %ersions since Gindows l8. 5rH lI
;iJn tK ;V ;8Hc thK n#hiJm tr:n Gindows eE Gindows l8.EE Gindows Bista %L Gindows 7 '/em
ch I %X 64$"it Gindows 7 d8fi ;=(*E %L sz chx( tr:n cRc phi:n "^n khRc k\ to khi Gindows l8.
Gindows l8 users will need to chan#e the path of Gindows +alculator to {+:windowscalc.e/e{.
Gindows l8 n#8ci ddn# sz cin ph^i tha( ;hi ;8cn# dn caa Gindows @R( tQnh ;\ {+: windows
calc.e/e ~. .ee the help file for details of how to do this. +lick here to download the pre%ious %ersion
of Electronics 4ssistant 'B3.3* for use on older s(stems or ,inu/. em tbp tin trH #ip ;\ "i[t chi ti[t
%X cRch lLm nL(. +lick %Lo ;=( ;\ t^i %X cRc phi:n "^n tr8fc caa 5rH lI |iJn tK 'B3.3* ;\ sK d`n# tr:n
hJ thjn# c hoqc ,inu/.
=F1 FFF4elektrotekno4com
Ghat do resistors doH
)esistors limit current. Cn a t(pical applicationE a resistor is connected in series with an ,E!:
Enou#h current flows to make the ,E! li#ht upE "ut not so much that the ,E! is dama#ed. ,ater in
this +hapterE (ou will find out how to calculate a suita"le %alue for this resistor. ',E!s are descri"ed
in detail in +hapter k.*
5he {"o/{ s(m"ol for a fi/ed resistor is popular in the g- and Europe. 4 {0i#$0a#{ s(m"ol is used in
4merica and apan:
)esistors are used with transducers to make sensor subsystems. 5ransducers are electronic
components which con%ert ener#( from one form into anotherE where one of the forms of ener#( is
electrical. 4 light de=endent resistorE or "$E is an e/ample of an in=ut transducer. +han#es in the
"ri#htness of the li#ht shinin# onto the surface of the ,!) result in chan#es in its resistance. 4s will
"e e/plained laterE an input transducer is most often connected alon# with a resistor to to make a
circuit called a =otential di2ider. Cn this caseE the output of the potential di%ider will "e a %olta#e
si#nal which reflects chan#es in illumination.
@icrophones and switches are input transducers. .ut=ut transducers include loudspeakersE filament
lamps and ,E!s. +an (ou think of other e/amples of transducers of each t(pe1
Cn other circuitsE resistors are used to direct current flow to particular parts of the circuitE or ma( "e
used to determine the %olta#e #ain of an amplifier. )esistors are used with capacitors '+hapter 4* to
introduce time dela(s.
@ost electronic circuits reAuire resistors to make them work properl( and it is o"%iousl( important to
find out somethin# a"out the different t(pes of resistor a%aila"leE and to "e a"le to choose the correct
resistor %alueE in E E or @ E for a particular application.
gp uo to +heckpoint
IiJed 2alue resistors
5he dia#ram shows the construction of a carbon film resistor:
!urin# manufactureE a thin film of car"on is deposited onto a small ceramic rod. 5he resisti%e coatin#
is spiralled awa( in an automatic machine until the resistance "etween the two ends of the rod is as
close as possi"le to the correct %alue. @etal leads and end caps are addedE the resistor is co%ered with
an insulatin# coatin# and finall( painted with coloured "ands to indicate the resistor %alue.
+ar"on film resistors are cheap and easil( a%aila"leE with %alues within &0 or k of their markedE
or {nominal{ %alue. ,etal film and metal oJide resistors are made in a similar wa(E "ut can "e made
more accuratel( to within 6 or & of their nominal %alue. 5here are some differences in
performance "etween these resistor t(pesE "ut none which affect their use in simple circuits.
GireFound resistors are made "( windin# thin wire onto a ceramic rod. 5he( can "e made e/tremel(
accuratel( for use in multimetersE oscilloscopes and other measurin# eAuipment. .ome t(pes of
wirewound resistors can pass lar#e currents wihtout o%erheatin# and are used in power supplies and
other hi#h current circuits.
#olour code
ow can the %alue of a resistor "e worked out from the colours of the "ands1 Each colour represents a
num"er accordin# to the followin# scheme:
Number Colour
0 "lack
& "rown
6 red
3 oran#e
4 (ellow
k #reen
6 "lue
7 %iolet
8 #re(
l white
5he first "and on a resistor is interpreted as the C).5 !CuC5 of the resistor %alue. or the resistor
shown "elowE the first "and is (ellowE so the first di#it is 4:
5he second "and #i%es the .E+?D! !CuC5. 5his is a %iolet "andE makin# the second di#it 7. 5he
third "and is called the @g,5Ce,CE) and is not interpreted in Auite the same wa(. 5he multiplier tells
(ou how man( nou#hts (ou should write after the di#its (ou alread( ha%e. 4 red "and tells (ou to add
6 nou#hts. 5he %alue of this resistor is therefore 4 7 0 0 ohmsE that isE 4 700 E or 4.7 . Gork
throu#h this e/ample a#ain to confirm that (ou understand how to appl( the colour code #i%en "( the
first three "ands.
5he remainin# "and is called the 5?,E)4D+E "and. 5his indicates the percenta#e accurac( of the
resistor %alue. @ost car"on film resistors ha%e a #old$coloured tolerance "andE indicatin# that the
actual resistance %alue is with or $ k of the nominal %alue. ?ther tolerance colours are:
Tolerance Colour
& "rown
6 red
k #old
&0 sil%er
Ghen (ou want to read off a resistor %alueE look for the tolerance "andE usuall( #oldE and hold the
resistor with the tolerance "and at its ri#ht hand end. )eadin# resistor %alues Auickl( and accuratel(
isn{t difficultE "ut it does take practiceF
gp uo to +heckpoint
#olour code con2ertor
5he colour code con%ertor is a special purpose computer pro#ram which will help (ou identif( the
%alue of a resistor from its colour code. 4lternati%el(E the pro#ram lets (ou find out what colours to
look for "( t(pin# in or selectin# the resistor %alue.
5he pro#ram works with Windows 95 and looks like this:
5o download the pro#ram '6&0-*E click on its ima#e.
,ore about colour codes
5he colour code as e/plained a"o%e allows (ou to interpret the %alues of an( resistor from &00
upwards. ow does the code work for %alues less than &00 1 ere is the code for &6 :
"rownE redE "lack
5he multiplier colour "lack represents the num"er 0 and tells (ou that no nou#hts should "e added to
the first two di#itsE representin# & and 6.
Ghat would "e the colour code for 47 1 5he answer is:
(ellowE %ioletE "lack
gsin# this method for indicatin# %alues "etween &0 and &00 means that all resistor %alues reAuire
the same num"er of "ands.
or %alues "ewteen & and &0 E the multiplier colour is chan#ed to #old. or e/ampleE the colours:
"rownE "lackE #old
indicate a & resistorE while the colours:
redE redE #old
refer to a 6.6 resistor.
@etal film resistorsE manufactured to & or 6 toleranceE often use a code consistin# of four coloured
"ands instead of three. 5he code works in the same wa(E with the first three "ands interpreted as di#its
and the fourth "and as the multiplier. or e/ampleE a & metal film resistor has the "ands:
"rownE "lackE "lackE "rown '"rown or red for tolerance*
while a k6 metal film resistor has the "ands:
#reenE "lueE "lackE red
Ct is worth pointin# out that the multiplier for metal film resistors with %alues from & upwards is
"rown 'rather than redE as in the three colour s(stem*E while the multiplier for &0 upwards is red
'instead of oran#e*.
ou are likel( to use low %alue resistors and metal film resistors on some occasions and it is useful to
know how to read their codes. owe%erE most of the resistors (ou use in "uildin# electronic circuits
will "e car"on film t(pes with %alues indicated usin# the three "and colour code. Ct is this s(stem
which (ou should master first.
gp uo to +heckpoint
!6K and !K5 2alues
Cf (ou ha%e an( e/perience of "uildin# circuitsE (ou will ha%e noticed that resistors commonl( ha%e
%alues such as 6.6 E 3.3 E or 4.7 and are not a%aila"le in eAuall( spaced %alues 6 E 3
E 4 E k and so on. @anufacturers don{t produce %alues like these $ wh( not1 5he answer is
partl( to do with the fact that resistors are manufactured to a percentage accurac(. ,ook at the ta"le
"elow which shows the %alues of the !6K and !K5 series:
E12 series
10% tolerance
E24 series
5% tolerance
&0 &0
&6 &6
&k &k
&8 &8
66 66
67 67
33 33
3l 3l
47 47
k6 k6
68 68
86 86
)esistors are made in multiples of these %aluesE for e/ampleE &.6 E &6 E &60 E &.6 E &6 E
&60 and so on.
+onsider &00 and &60 E adacent %alues in the E&6 ran#e. &0 of &00 is &0 E while &0 of
&60 is &6 . 4 resistor marked as &00 could ha%e an( %alue from l0 to &&0 E while a resistor
marked as &60 mi#ht ha%e an actual resistance from &08 to &36 . 5he ran#es of possi"le %alues
o%erlapE "ut onl( sli#htl(.
urther up the E&6 ran#eE a resistor marked as 680 mi#ht ha%e and actual resistance of up to
680682748 E while a resistor marked as 860 mi#ht ha%e a resistance as low as 860$862738 .
4#ainE the ran#es of possi"le %alues ust o%erlap.
5he E&6 and E64 ran#es are desi#ned to co%er the entire resistance ran#e with the minimum o%erlap
"etween %alues. 5his means thatE when (ou replace one resistor with another marked as a hi#her %alueE
its actual resistance is almost certain to "e lar#er.
rom a practical point of %iewE all that matters is for (ou to know that car"on film resistors are
a%aila"le in multiples of the E&6 and E64 %alues. Ber( oftenE ha%in# calculated the resistance %alue
(ou want for a particular applicationE (ou will need to choose the nearest %alue from the E&6 or E64
gp uo to +heckpoint
#urrent limiting
ou are now read( to calculate a %alue for the resistor used in series with an ,E!. ,ook at the circuit
4 t(pical ,E! reAuires a current of &0 m4 and has a %olta#e of 6 B across it when it is workin#. 5he
power suppl( for the circuit is l B. Ghat is the %olta#e across resistor )&1 5he answer is l$627 B.
'5he %olta#es across components in series must add up to the power suppl( %olta#e.*
ou now ha%e two "its of information a"out )&: the current flowin# is &0 m4E and the %olta#e across
)& is 7 B. 5o calculate the resistance %alueE use the formula:
.u"stitute %alues for and !:
,ook outF 5he formula works with the fundamental units of resistanceE %olta#e and currentE that isE
ohmsE %olts and amps. Cn this caseE &0 m4 had to "e con%erted into ampsE 0.0& 4E "efore su"stitution.
Cf a %alue for current in m4 is su"stitutedE the resistance %alue is #i%en in :
5he calculated %alue for )& is 700 . Ghat are the nearest E&6/E64 %alues1 )esistors of 680 E 7k0
and 860 are a%aila"le. 680 is the o"%ious choice. 5his would allow a current sli#htl( #reater
than &0 m4 to flow. @ost ,E!s are undama#ed "( currents of up to 60 m4E so this is fine. Ghat is the
colour code for a 680 resistor1
gp uo to +heckpoint
$esistors in series and =arallel
Cn a series circuitE the current flowin# is the same at all points. 5he circuit dia#ram shows two resistors
connected in series with a 6 B "atter(:
"esistors in series
Ct doesn{t matter where in the circuit the current is measuredE the result will "e the same. 5he total
resistance is #i%en "(:
Cn this circuitE "
2&&26 . Ghat will "e the current flowin#1 5he formula is:
Dotice that the current %alue is in m4 when the resistor %alue is su"stituted in .
5he same currentE 3 m4E flows throu#h each of the two resistors. Ghat is the %olta#e across )&1 5he
formula is:
Ghat will "e the %olta#e across )61 5his will also "e 3 B. Ct is important to point out that the sum of
the %olta#es across the two resistors is eAual to the power suppl( %olta#e.
5he ne/t circuit shows two resistors connected in =arallel to a 6 B "atter(:
"esistors in parallel
earallel circuits alwa(s pro%ide alternati%e pathwa(s for current flow. 5he total resistance is calculated
5his is called the =roduct o2er sum formula and works for an( two resistors in parallel. 4n
alternati%e formula is:
5his formula can "e e/tended to work for more than two resistors in parallelE "ut lends itself less easil(
to mental arithmetic. 3oth formulae are correct.
Ghat is the total resistance in this circuit1
5he current can "e calculated from:
ow does this current compare with the current for the series circuit1 Ct{s more. 5his is sensi"le.
+onnectin# resistors in parallel pro%ides alternati%e pathwa(s and makes it easier for current to flow.
ow much current flows throu#h each resistor1 3ecause the( ha%e eAual %aluesE the current di%idesE
with 6 m4 flowin# throu#h )&E and 6 m4 throu#h )6.
5o complete the pictureE the %olta#e across )& can "e calculated as:
5his is the same as the power suppl( %olta#e. 5he top end of )& is connected to the positi%e terminal
of the "atter(E while the "ottom end of )& is connected to the ne#ati%e terminal of the "atter(. Gith no
other components in the wa(E it follows that the %olta#e across )& must "e 6 B. Ghat is the %olta#e
across )61 3( the same reasonin#E this is also 6 B.
KEY POINT: Ghen components are connected in parallelE the %olta#e across them is the same.
ere is a sli#htl( more comple/ circuitE with "oth series and parallel parts:
Circuit wit# series and parallel resistors
5o find the o%erall resistanceE the first step is to calculate the resistance of the parallel elements. ou
alread( know that the com"ined resistance of two & resistors in parallel is 0.k E so the total
resistance in the circuit is &0.k2&.k . 5he power suppl( current is:
5his is the current which flows throu#h )&. ow much current will flow throu#h )61 .ince there are
two eAuall( eas( pathwa(sE 6 m4 will flow throu#h )6E and 6 m4 throu#h )3.
5he %olta#e across )& is #i%en "(:
5his lea%es 6 B across )6 and )3E as confirmed "( the calculation for )6:
4#ainE the sum of the %olta#es around the circuit is eAual to the power suppl( %olta#e.
+heck throu#h this section carefull(. 4 clear understandin# of the concepts in%ol%ed will help
gp uo to +heckpoint
-oFer rating
Ghen current flows throu#h a resistanceE electrical ener#( is con%erted into heat. 5his is o"%ious in an
electric torch where the lamp filament heats up and #lows white hotE see +hapter &. 4lthou#h the result
ma( "e less e%ident or impercepti"leE e/actl( the same process of ener#( con%ersion #oes on when
current flows throu#h an$ electronic component.
5he =oFer output of a lampE resistorE or other componentE is defined as the rate of chan#e of electrical
ener#( to heatE li#htE or some other form of ener#(. eower is measured in FattsE GE or milliFattsE
mGE and can "e calculated from:
where % is power.
Ghat is the power output of a resistor when the %olta#e across it is 6 BE and the current flowin#
throu#h it is &00 m41
0.6 G of heat are #enerated in this resistor. 5o pre%ent o%erheatin#E it must "e possi"le for heat to "e
lostE or dissi=atedE to the surroundin#s at the same rate.
4 resistor{s a"ilit( to lose heat depends to a lar#e e/tent upon its surface area. 4 small resistor with a
limited surface area cannot dissipate '2lose* heat Auickl( and is likel( to o%erheat if lar#e currents are
passed. ,ar#er resistors dissipate heat more effecti%el(.
,ook at the dia#ram "elow which shows resistors of different si0es:
5he standard si0e of car"on film resistor used in most circuits has a power ratin# of 0.k G. 5his means
that a resistor of this si0e can lose heat at a ma&imum rate of 0.k G. Cn the e/ample a"o%eE the
calculated rate of heat loss was 0.6 GE so that a resistor with a hi#her power ratin#E & G or 6 GE would
"e needed. .ome resistors are desi#ned to pass %er( lar#e currents and are cased in aluminium with
fins to increase surface area and promote heat loss.
Cnput and si#nal processin# su"s(stems in electronic circuits rarel( in%ol%e lar#e currentsE "ut power
ratin# should "e considered when circuits dri%e output transducersE such as lampsE ,E!sE and
olour code con2ertor
!nternet E&plorer will respond with a dialo# "o/. ou can decide whether to sa%e the pro#ram to disc
and run it laterE or to open it strai#ht awa(. Either wa(E there ma( "e a further dialo# "o/E #i%in# dire
warnin#s a"out downloadin# software from the internet. ''(CT"(N!C) knows of no pro"lems with
the pro#ramE "ut no #uarantee is implied.*
5he colour code con%ertor can "e copied and distri"uted freel(E "ut remains cop(ri#ht . !istri"ution
for profit seems unlikel(E "ut is e/pressl( for"idden.
5he pro#ram was written usin# *orland 'elp#i 6.0.
LoF to use the =rogram
&. +inding t#e resistor ,alue corresponding to t#e colour code:
old (our resistor with the tolerance "and 'usuall( #old* at the ri#ht hand end:
Githin the colour con%ertor pro#ramE click on the C).5 !CuC5 drop down arrow to see the choice of
Dotice that black is not a%aila"le as a choice for the first di#it colour.
+lick on green. 5he focus mo%es automaticall( to the drop down list for the .E+?D! !CuC5E where
(ou select blue in e/actl( the same wa(:
5he focus mo%es a#ainE this time to the @g,5Ce,CE) drop down list where (ou select brown. 4s soon
as (ou click the brownE the focus mo%es to the convert "uttonE and the resistor %alueE 560 ohmE appears
immediatel( in the result "o/.
Ghen (ou select resistor colours in this wa(E the result appears automaticall(E without clickin# the
convert "utton. owe%erE if (ou chan#e onl( the first or second di#it colourE without chan#in# the
multiplier colourE (ou will need to click convert to initiate the con%ersion process.
Dote the effect of clickin# on the ohmE k and M 'radio "uttons{. 5he colour code for 560 k is #i%enE "ut
560 M is outside the normal ran#e of resistor %alues and #enerates an error messa#e.
6. +inding t#e colour code corresponding to a particular resistor ,alue:
.uppose (ou want to find the colour code for a 30 ohm resistor. 5he pro#ram allows (ou to do this in
two wa(s. +lickin# on the drop down arrow ne/t to the result "o/ #i%es a list of E&6/E64 %alues from
which (ou can select "( scrollin# throu#h:
?nce (ou ha%e selected 30 from the
listE click on the ohm radio "utton:
4s soon as (ou click to select ohm!E the displa( chan#es to show the correct colour codeE in this case:
4s an alternati%eE (ou can enter a num"er directl( in the result "o/. Dum"ers with two si#nificant
di#its are allowedE that isE "#$E "$E "$0E "ut not "$" or %&3. Cf (ou want to know the code for " $00 ohm!E
enter "#$ and click k. Cncorrect entriesE or num"ers which do not correspond to E&6/E64 %alues
#enerate appropriate error messa#es.
3. Tolerance-
5olerance refers to the percenta#e accurac( of the resistor %alue. @ost resistors ha%e a gol' coloured
tolerance "andE indicatin# an accurac( of kE "ut other colours are possi"le and can "e selected from
the drop down list.
4. E12.E24 ,alues-
)esistors are manufactured in %alues which correspond to the E&6 and E64 scales. !etails are #i%en in
the )esistors +hapter. 5he pro#ram indicates whether a particular %alue is included in "oth scalesE or is
an E64 %alue onl(.
$esistor calculator for !"s
Dick writes $
/0ere1s great site t#at tells $ou t#e 2uantit$ and si3e of components $ou need depending on t#e
number of led1s $ou are planning on using4 and w#at 5ind of series $ou are planning on putting t#em
in6 it e,en #as an option to build t#e circuit la$out for $ou based on w#at $ou need-/ $ ,ink.
!" resistor calculator for FindoFs 264M
eosted on ul( &6E 60&0 "( !arius
5his is the %er( first and C hope not the last post of this "lo#. Gith this e%ent C want to share with (ou
,E! calculator. Ct is also m( first proect with Bisual + E/pression 6008E this software
de%elopment en%ironment is free for students.
+alculator is capa"le of findin# suita"le standard E&6 '&0* resistor %alue and power for one ,E!
desi#ns. 5here also some tips for user to find ,E! forward %olta#e:
+alculator works on Gindows eE BistaE 7E "ut (ou ha%e to install @icrosoft .DE5 ramework 3.k
!" resistor calculator 264M 'k6.& -i3E &ll hits*
5his entr( was posted in .oftware and ta##ed calculatorE downloadE freeE freewareE ,E!E resistorE
%isual cE windows. 3ookmark the permalink.
!" -oFer Nu==ly
!" -oFer Nu==ly and $esistor #alculator
4ll ,E!s reAuire current limitin#. 4ddin# a simple resistor is the easiest wa( to limit the current.
Githout a current$limitin# mechanismE the ,E! or ,i#ht Emittin# !iode will normall( "urn out in
under a second. Cn order for ,E!s can "e used with either !" =oFer su==ly needs to "e determinedE
amon# othersE determine the %alue of the desired %olta#e and current.
LoF to Ose a !"
irstl(E "e aware that an ,E! is a diodeE meanin# that it is polari0ed. 3( con%entionE current can onl(
#o from the anode 'positi%e end* to the cathode '#roundE or ne#ati%e end*. Cf the leads of the ,E!
ha%ent "een cutE the lon#est lead is usuall( 4node or positi%e lead.
Nchematic Nymbol of %he !"
,E! .(m"ol and .chematic
!" #olor and -otential "ifference
+olor eotential !ifference
Cnfrared &.6 B
)ed &.8 B to 6.& B
?ran#e 6.6 B
ellow 6.4 B
ureen 6.6 B
3lue 3.0 B to 3.k B
Ghite 3.0 B to 3.k B
gltra%iolet 3.k B
#urrent imiting $esistor
,E! can "e operated on almost an( %olta#e as lon# as the( are used with the proper current limitin#
resistor. @ost ,E!s reAuire a forward "ias %olta#e of around 6 Bolts and consumes a current of a"out
60m4. gsin# ,E!s on %olta#es a"o%e 3 Bolts without an appropriate resistor will pro"a"l( cause
them to "urn out Auickl(E if not immediatel(.
Cf (ou dont know the e/act specs for the ,E! (ou are usin#E (ou can usuall( use 6 Bolts 60 m4 as
a startin# point to calculatin# the reAuired resistor. i#her "ri#htness ,E!s and specialt( ma( reAuire
%olta#es and currents. Cf the ,E! appears too dimE use a sli#htl( lower resistance: its too "ri#ht raise
the resistance.
%o calculate the resistance use .hms aF4
)esistor +alculator
,ulti=le !"
ou can put ,E!s in series with one resitor for the whole strin#. 4dd up the %olta#es of the all the
,E!s in the strin#. 5his should not e/ceed 80 percent of the suppl( %olta#e. 5o calculate thr resistance
reAuiredE the dropped %olta#e will "e the suppl( %olta#e minus the total %olta#e of the ,E!. in the
strin#. .eries strin#s can "e paralleled if each strin# has its own droppin# resistor.
+lick to calculate resistor automaticall(.
ou ma( "e interested in readin# m( other #uide on $I Gireless and VLI $adio.
http://powersuppl(circuit."lo#spot.com/600l/04/circuit$power.html (qua hay*
!" #ircuit -oFer and Neries $esistor #alculator
5his calculator reAuires the use of Pa2ascri=t enabled and capable browsers. 4 Auestion that often
comes up in proects usin# !"s is ~what resistor should C use with m( !"1~ 5his calculator #elps
determine t#at for $ou. Enter the data reAuired for )uppl$ *atter$ oltage in the ran#e of 3 to 64 %oltsE
the !iode orward Bolta#e in the ran#e of 6 to 4 %oltsE and the !iode )ated +urrent in the ran#e of &0
to k0 milliamps 'm4*.
Clic5 on Calculate for the results which assume for =oFer calculationsE the use of the standard %alue
current$limitin# resistor indicated. 5his calculator rounds the resistance up to the ne/t standard
resistor ,alue. ou should actuall( "e a"le to "u( a common k resistor with the %alue returned "(
the calculator. or more detailed !" information %isit these two sitesE which ha%e #ood information
and lead to others also misti.com and also ledmuseum. or identification purposesE the ne#ati%e side
of the !" is the flat side and the shorter lead.
or the purposes of this howtoE (ou onl( need to know that there are two leads comin# out of (our
!". 5he one which is sli#htl( longer than the other is known as the anode. 5he s#orter is the
cathode. 4node is '* and cathode is '$*.
5he longer lead must "e facin# the anode'* of the circuit. ailin# to do this will not do an( dama#e in
the currentl( discussed circuitE "ut ma( do so on later proects of (ours. +heck (our 7E' pac5age for
the ma/imum "ackward %olta#e. ?ur first instict as children is to attach a wire from the 'plus* end of
the batter$ to the anode of the !"E and then another from the cathode to the 'minus* side of the
batter$. 5his is almost correctE "ut still missin# some details.
,et{s first #i%e an e/planation of how (our circuit will work in ,a(man{s terms. 5o start out on (our
first !" circuitE (ou will ha%e one resisitor and three !"s in series. {Cn series{ means that the({re
dais( chained.
5his is #ow we calculate this circuit:
(Nource Voltage Q !" Voltage "ro=) R /m=s S .hms
.ource oltage %ower )uppl$ 2 &6 Bolt
Bolta#e !rop 2 l.3 Bolt '3.& t(pical for a "lue or white ,E!*
!esired +urrent 2 60 milli4mps 'a#ainE a t(pical %alue*
.o the resistor we need is:
(6K Q T43) R (KM R 6MMM) S 63U ohms
Bisit this site for !" #ircuit -oFer #alculator
ou ma( "e interested in readin# Variable Voltage $egulator ,36V%
la(out/ 'da( lam mach dien tu*
ste= U $esistors
or the purpose of this instructa"le i will onl( "e connectin# one led to a 6% source and use resistors to
protect the led from "urnin# up. i ha%e some &00ohm resistors l(in# around that will "e perfect for this
or resistors in series their %alues alwa(s addE meanin# 6 &00ohm resistors in series would #i%e a total
resistance of 600 ohm howe%er in parallel this is not the case.
Cn parallel the %alue of resistors decrease the more (ou add . Cf usin# the same %alue resistors then the
eAuation is simple
%alue of one resistor / num"er of resistors e.#. k/&00ohm in parralel 2 &00 / k $ 60ohms total
howe%er if usin# resistors with %ar(in# %alues this eAuation is easier 'this eAuation can "e used in the
upper e/ample "ut it is faster when usin# the same %alue resistors to use the a"o%e method*
ok so sa( i ha%e a &0ohmE &00ohm and 30ohm resistors in parallel. 'in series these would #i%e a total
resistance of &40ohms*.
&/rt 2 &/r& &/r6 &/r3 ect.. 'this can #o on for howe%er man( resistors (ou ha%e*
rt is the total resistance and r& and r6 ect. are resistorsE so for our e/ample we will use this
&/&0 &/&00 &/30 2&/rt
0.&4332 &/rt so &/0.&433 2 rt
rt 2 7ohms 'rounded*
ok so now we know the "asics of resistors in circuits we can start workin# out how man( we will need
to power this led
ste= W%he led and resistors needed to =rotect it
5he led i am usin# toda( is a "ri#ht "lue led. this led runs on 3.3% and at 60ma 'milli amps*.
the power pack i{m usin# is 4aa "atteries. with each "atter( "ein# &.k% that #i%es a total of 6%
howe%er i don{t want m( led to "e #ettin# the whole 6% and that would "urn it up and cause it to heat
up. C don{t e%en need the full "ri#htness so for the purpose of this instructa"le i will "e runnin# the led
at 3% 60ma.
so so how do we #et 3% and 60ma from a 6% source. its simpleE use resistors. how man( depends on a
num"er of thin#s.
the suppl( %olta#e
the %olta#e ratin# of the component 'for us its 3%*
and the current (ou want across the component. 'for us its 60ma*
the eAuation is simple %olta#e 2 current / resistance or %2ir
we can rearan#e this to #et resistance 2 %olta#e / current or ) 2 B / C
howe%er the %alue of % in this case is the %olta#e we need to drop from the suppl( to #et 3 %.
so % 2 Bsuppl( $ Bled 2 6$3 2 3%olts
and we know the current needs to "e 60ma so the final eAuasion is as follows.
) 2 3 / 0.06 'or 60/&0 to the power of 3*
) 2 &k0 ohms
'this eAuation is pictured "elow on m( dust( calculator*
now we know the resistance needed lets mo%e onto the circuit
!lectro"roid "escri=tion
Electro!roid is a simple and powerful collection of electronics tools and reference.
Ct includes:
$ resistor color code
$ ohm{s law
$ %olta#e di%ider
$ resistor ratio
$ resistor %alue/series/parallel
$ operational amplifier
$ ,E! resistor calculator
$ %arious port pinout
$ support EC4 resistor series
!lectro"roid Ncreenshots
!ownload +ircuit @a#ic .(m"olic Electrical +ircuits 4nal(sis for electrical en#ineerin# students
)ead more: !ownload +ircuit @a#ic .(m"olic Electrical +ircuits 4nal(sis for electrical en#ineerin#
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+ircuit @a#ics ad%anced anal(sis capa"ilitiesE allow (ou to anal(0e "asic electronic circuits usin#
-irchhoffs ,awsE Dode Bolta#e @esh +urrents methods.
Eas( to use electrical schematics editorE helpin# to make an eas( task of circuit desi#n
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current and %olta#e lawsE node %olta#e and mesh current method
E/tended te/t editor
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dia#ram annotations
)ead more: !ownload +ircuit @a#ic .(m"olic Electrical +ircuits 4nal(sis for electrical en#ineerin#
students tronic circuits and informations for electronic http:///tronic.or#/download/circuit$ma#ic$
5^i %X Edison k phn# thQ n#hiJm ;a ph8Nn# tiJn ;\ khRm phR ;iJn tK %L ;iJn
Edison phi:n "^n k lL mMt mZi tr8cn# hnc tbp mfi nh]t %X ;iJn %L ;iJn tK. uiRo %i:n %L hnc sinh cS
th\ sK d`n# mLn hOnh ;a ph8Nn# tiJnE d`n# c` ^oE =m thanhE %L hOnh ^nh ;Mn# ;\ txoE thK n#hiJm %L
sKa chYa mMt cRch an toLn mxch. 5hci #ian thPc ;T hna 3! %L cRc thLnh phin 3! sjn# ;Mn# nh8 thbt
sz lZi cujn hnc sinh caa "xn nh8 hn /=( dPn# cRc mxch tron# th[ #ifi 3! thPc sP. Edison cn# ;i km
%fi tr:n &00 thQ n#hiJm %L cRc %]n ;X mL cRc #iRo %i:n %L hnc sinh cS th\ sK d`n# n#a( lbp t_c.
+hnn thPc t[ pinE ;iJn trUE ;ijtE ;n ,E!E cRc "Sn# "Rn dnE chn# lo#icE$dvpE %L thbm chQ %i ;iXu khi\n
%L mxch tQch hHp t]t c^ dw dLn# cS sn tr:n kJ caa phn# thQ n#hiJm ;a ph8Nn# tiJn caa "xn. -vo
chn# %Lo ~"read"oard~ caa "xn %L d=( chn# lxi %fi nhau "}n# chuMt. mxch caa "xn "rt ;iu lLm %iJc
n#a( lbp t_c ;\ "xn cS th\ ki\m tra %L khrc ph`c nS %fi cRc nhxc c` ^o. D#oLi raE Edison tP ;Mn#
chun "m mMt "i\u ;T ti:u chun sN ;T %L hi\n thm nS cdn# mMt lc.
@Mt khi "xn ;V trU n:n Auen thuMc %fi sN ;T sN ;TE "xn cS th\ sK d`n# trOnh soxn th^o ;T caa Edison
%L ph=n tQch mxch ;iJnE t8Nn# thQch %fi cRc ch8Nn# trOnh ti:n ti[n hNn 5CD4 ph=n tQch mxch. Edison
cun# c]p mMt cKa sh nhL n8fc caa n#hJ thubt cRc k[t Au^ ph=n tQchE th:m %Lo cRc nhxc c` ^o caa nS.
.K d`n# cKa sh k[t Au^E "xn cS th\ trOnh "L( ph=n tQch mxch %fi toLn Au(Xn ki\m soRt tr`cE phon#
cRch dn#E mLu src %L phZn# chY. 3xn thbm chQ cS th\ in cRc "i\u ;T trPc ti[p to Edison hoqc crt %L
dRn chn# %Lo trOnh /K lI (:u thQch caa "xn.
@Mt tron# nhYn# tQnh nWn# h]p dn nh]t %L sRn# txo caa Edison mfi lL nS cS th\ khZn# chs tQnh toRn
;iJn Rp %L dn# ch^(E mL cn ;ji %fi cRc mxch tu([n tQnhE hi\n thm nh8 th[ nLo nhYn# k[t Au^ nL( cS
n#uTn #jc hoqc toRn hnc mZ t^. BQ d`E "xn cS th\ hnc cRch sK d`n# caa phRp lubt ?hmE lLm th[ nLo
;iu ra caa mMt "M lnc khRc nhau %fi tin sjE %L lLm th[ nLo ;iJn Rp caa mMt t` ;iJn sxc khRc nhau nh8
lL mMt hLm caa thci #ian.
"oFnload !dNimU6 XMU6 mY =hCng 2i (iZu khi[n mi\n =h]4 #Ec Nimulator XMU6 dDnh cho giEo
2in 2D h9c sinh
^;n cA mu7n t_m hi[u 2Z 2i (iZu khi[n 2D h) th7ng nh`ngH
^;n nghin cau 2i (iZu khi[n XMU6H
^;n cA mu7n ki[m tra mb cca b;n ([ giao ti:= 2@i thi:t bd ngo;i 2i mD khYng =h>i (eu tin Jfy
dgng cEc =hen cangH
^;n cA gi>ng d;y mht khAa h9c cEc h) th7ng nh`ng 2D mu7n h9c sinh cca b;n ([ cA quyZn truy
ci= 2Do mht bh (Do t;o >o XMU6H
D[u c=u tr^ lci cho "]t k hoqc t]t c^ cRc ":n tr:n lL ;n# sP thbtE sau ;S "xn ;V ;[n ;n# nNi.
+Rc mZ phyn# Ed.imk& cho "M %i ;iXu khi\n 80k& phh "i[n chQnh lL cZn# c` "xn cin.
BL ;S lL miwn phQF
@Mt ^o 80k& lL #iao ti[p %fi thi[t "m n#oxi %i ^o nh8 mMt "Ln phQmE ;Mn# cNE hi\n thmE g4)5E %%
nc sinh cS th\ %i[t mV 80k&E lrp rRpE "8fc Aua mV n#uTn %L thPc hiJn cRc hiJu _n# mti dn# cS tr:n
"M nhf ":n tron# %L cRc thi[t "m n#oxi %i ":n n#oLi.
#Ec >o %hi:t bd ngo;i 2i1
58Nn# tP$to$!i#ital +on%erter '4!+*
.o sRnh
4 @ultiple/ed 7$ph=n ;oxn i\n thm
4 3 3Ln phQm
8 ;n ,E!
!+ @otor
8 chu(\n mxch
!i#ital$to$4nalo# +on%erter '!4+* $ hi\n thm tr:n mR( hiJn sSn#
5xi sao Ed.imk& caa .imulator %L khZn# mMt sj tron# nhYn# mZ phyn# khRc mL cS sn1
DhiXu mZ phyn# cho 80k& lL "xn sz tOm ;8Hc ti:u chun cZn# n#hiJp. +hn# ;8Hc sK d`n# "Ui
chu(:n n#hiJp 80k& dPa tr:n thi[t k[ hJ thjn# nhn#. 5ron# khi chn# hi\n thm trxn# thRi caa cRc
thanh #hiE "M nhf %L cRc ch=n chn# tron# khi mV nL( ;an# ;8Hc # rjiE hn khZn# cS ;xi diJn ;T hna
caa cRc thi[t "m n#oxi %i cS th\ ;8Hc sK d`n# t8Nn# tRc ;\ #iao ti[p %fi 80k&. Ed.imk& ;V ;iXn cin.
nc sinh cS th\ tOm hi\u lLm th[ nLo ;\ Auvt mMt "Ln phQmE #hvp k:nh 7$ph=n ;oxn hi\n thmE ;iXu
khi\n ;Mn# cN %L tQnh cRch mxn# caa nSE %%
jiZu khi[n tk Ja thgc t: th* nghi)m 2@i mEy >nh kl thuit s7
ho?c J7=
jA lD mht cEch thgc hDnh th* nghi)m mht (iZu khi[n hmng ngo;i tk Ja cca hDng may m?c bnt ko
nA lD "V", %V, h) th7ng 2i mY, bpng cEch s* d<ng mht mEy >nh kl thuit s7 ho?c may mht cca
di (hng
D[u mMt ;iXu khi\n to /a lL khZn# %]n ;X tron# ;S cS th\ lL anh ]( ;8Hc ;iXu khi\n to /aE nS th8cn#
cS th\ cS n#hpa lL cnc ;8Hc tron# in ]n. D[u "xn tha( ;hi cRc cnc cho mfi %L thbm chQ nh8 %b( khZn#
ph^i ;\ #i^i Au([t. !8fi ;=( lL mMt cha ;X %]n ;X lL tron# ;iXu khi\n to /a hoqc tron# thi[t "m mL
mujn ki\m soRt. BO chn# ta Auan sRt cRc ;ji t8Hn# cN "^n nh8 cnc %fi ph=n cPc n#8Hc hoqc "xn
c8fp %fi khu([t tbt. DS %n cn "=( #ic ;\ ki\m tra ki\m soRt nS tru(Xn t^i mMt sj d]u hiJu. +hn#
tZi th8cn# sK d`n# mMt n#8ci lbp di chc caa |CE dw dLn# nhbn ;8Hc %fi mMt "Sn# "Rn dn hOnh ^nh.
Dh8n# ;S lL loxi thi[t "m th8cn# #qp txi phn# thQ n#hiJm caa chn# tZi. |=( lL #i^i phRpE "=( #ic
chn# tZi cS th\ sK d`n# mMt mR( ^nh k thubt sj hoqc di ;Mn#. +S sn tron# hiu h[t tron# mti thci
khrcE %fi sP chrc chrn %fi "xn r}n# lL ;nc mL ;iu mjiE cS mMt sj hLn# ma( mqc caa nhYn# n#8ci
th=n caa "xnF 5heo cRch ;S cho phvp ;\ /Rc minh mMt ;iXu khi\n to /aE nNi "xn cS ;\ ;Rp _n# mMt
cRch nhanh chSn#.
oxt ;Mn#
DS hoxt ;Mn# theo cRch sauE khi chn# ta nh]n mMt phQm caa ;iXu khi\n to /a
;i lxi cho cRc c^m "i[n caa mR( ^nh chn# ta sz th]( tr:n mLn hOnh mMt rPc r Rnh sRn#E cS n#uTn #jc
to ,E! to uo caa ;iXu khi\n to /a. D[u lVnh ;xo khZn# ;jt chR( chn# tZi cS th\ chrc chrn r}n# ;iXu
khi\n to /a lL cS khi[m khu([t. |S lL lI do /^( ra cRc c^m "i[n caa thi[t "m nhYn# n#8ci mL hn r]t
nhx( c^m %fi Rnh sRn# nhOn th]( %L cn# ;\ cRc tia hTn# n#oxiE trOnh "L( tron# cRc ;iXu khi\n to /aE
;S lL nhYn# #O cho phvp loxi "y hOnh ^nh tron# ;:m.
!8fi ;=( chn# tZi cS hOnh ^nh caa cRc tha t`cE hOnh ^nh th %m hoLn toLn nhbn ;8Hc tron# mMt "iu
khZn# khQ "Sn# tjiE cS % nh8 cho ;[n khi ;iXu khRc.
in k:t Febsite
|\ du( trO ;iXu khi\n to /a tZi khu(:n h8fn# dnE thZn# minh caa cRc thi[t "m ;iJn tK 3ur#os. '3T |Lo
Dha n#Zn n#Y*
!atasheet 5Om ki[m +Zn# c` ;\ ht trH tron# tOm ki[m cRc "^n# dY liJu caa cRc "Sn# "Rn dn ;ijt %L
mxch tQch hHpE cdn# cRc chi ti[tE sz ;8Hc tOm th]( tron# cRc cN sU dY liJu lfn nh]t caa cRc thZn# tin
caa cRc thLnh phin ;iJn tK caa n#hi:n c_u Cnternet %L thPc hiJn t^i %X cRc "^n# dY liJu cho cRc thLnh
phin ;iJn tK caa "xn tron# nhYn# n#8ci %p ;xi cN sU dY liJu %fi r]t nhiXu thZn# tin.

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