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The word 'intrapersonal' means:

Within the person

Outside the person
Which of the following is the process of giving symbols meanings through the unique contents of
each persons mind
Which one of the following is an interpersonal need to e"ercise leadership and prove one's
%ll of the following are the barriers to communication' ()*(&T
*omposing message at proper level
Over communication
*onflicting information
Language differences
&artial or marginal listening can distort the intent of which of the following#
Which of the following is the first step in order to overcome communication barriers#
Which of the following process is the automatic psychological process of receiving aural stimuli#
Which of the following involves grasping what the spea!er means by seeing the ideas and
information from his,her point of view#
What does frequent eye contact show#
% presenter who spea!s too loudly may be perceived as which of the following#
' aggressive'
All of the given options
$n 0%' maintaining eye contact while tal!ing with elders show confidence' in &a!istan' it shows
disrespect1 What does this e"ample depict#
elect correct option:
The interpretation of body language is universal1
The interpretation of body language is not universal.
The interpretation of body language is same worldwide1
The interpretation of body language is global1
tudies show that .ob applicants are more li!ely to ma!e a favorable impression and get a .ob
offer when:
They let the interviewer do most of the talking.
2222222222222 itself is probably the most common barrier to effective communication1
While you plan to ma!e a good speech' you must be engaged in which of the following
Audiencecentered approach !"ot confirmed#
elf3centered approach
Theme or idea of the sub.ect
When should you leave your name and phone number in a voice mail message#
$n the end
%ll of the following statements are the purposes of forming an outline for a speech ()*(&T
one1 Which one is it#
$t helps to build confusion for the listeners. ! "ot confirmed#
Which of the following are the factors involved in nonverbal communication#
All of the given options
*onflicting information develops:
elect correct option:
%ental turbulence
4ood understanding
&sychological disorders
harp thin!ing
%ll of the following are the categories of feedbac!' e"cept:
elect correct option:
%n opinion' condition' value' attitude' or feeling all of the following characteristics are e"press in
which of the following#
Thesis statement
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left <:
5uestion ? 9 of 97 = tart time: 78:9::@A %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
On the average' how faster a person can thin! than the listener can tal!#
elect correct option:
Ten times
+ive times
Four times
Three times
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left <8
5uestion ? A of 97 = tart time: 78:9B:A< %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
Which one of the following pattern is especially effective if the audience already !nows that the
problem e"ists#
elect correct option&
'roblem(solution order
*ause,effect order
Ceductive order
$nductive order
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left <D
5uestion ? E of 97 = tart time: 78:98:7B %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
%ll of the following correct about rules of finding a topic of speech e"cept:
elect correct option:

/egin early
*hoose a topic you're interested in
elect a topic you !now about or easily research
)lectronic 'eriodical $nde*es
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left <<
5uestion ? @ of 97 = tart time: 78:98:<7 %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
Which one of the following is not a right tip to become a better listener#
elect correct option:
+on,t provide feedback
Feep an open mind
Cont .ump to conclusions
Con't let yourself be distracted by the environment
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left 9A
5uestion ? < of 97 =tart time: 78:9D:E@ %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
What does limited eye contact signal#
elect correct option:
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left 89
5uestion ? : of 97 = tart time: 78:A9:79 %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
%ll of the following you may want to carry' while doing your research e"cept one1 Which one is#
elect correct option:
-ideo games
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left B@
5uestion ? B of 97 = tart time: 78:A9:9: %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
%rticulate speech is characteri6ed by:
elect correct option:
Correct pronunciation and clear enunciation
Hocal trait
*ombination of pitch and strength
;ore clearly e"press or magnify meaning
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left B:
5uestion ? 8 of 97 = tart time: 78:A9:@@ %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
0nderstanding is the stage at which you learn:
elect correct option:
What the speaker means
How to .udge a message
%naly6ing the conversation
Gone of the given options
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left B@
5uestion ? D of 97 = tart time: 78:AA:7B %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
$n 0%' maintaining eye contact while tal!ing with elders show confidence' in &a!istan' it shows
disrespect1 What does this e"ample depict#
elect correct option:
The interpretation of body language is universal1
The interpretation of body language is not universal.
The interpretation of body language is same worldwide1
The interpretation of body language is global1
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left 8@
5uestion ? 97 of 97 = tart time: 78:AA:E9 %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
%ll of the following are the tips to become a better listener' ()*(&T:
elect correct option:
Con't tal! while listening1
Feep an open mind1
Con't .ump to conclusions1
Creating interruptions
.uestion / 0 of 01
Which one of the following pattern is especially effective if the audience already !nows that the
problem e"ists
&roblem,solution order
*ause,effect order
+eductive order
$nductive order
.uestion / 2 of 01
Which type of communication it would be when co3wor!ers decide to meet to deal with a
.uestion / 3 of 01
When using visuals in a presentation' which of the following should be avoided#
Taking time to e*plain the visual.
+itting the visual to the material being discussed1
Tal!ing to the visual1
Gone of the given options
.uestion / 4 of 01
/usiness associates can be a helpful source for:
$dentifying probable questions and ob.ections
Can reveal 5uestions and concerns
$t is helpful to recall the questions
Gone of the given options
.uestion / 6 of 01
When centering on the audience' you start by finding 222222222222222that enable you to
identify with them1
-are traits
*ommon traits
)*traordinary character
0nusual quality
.uestion / 7 of 01
Which of the following method is generally preferred when presenting positive or good3news
+irect method
$ndirect method
upporting method
ustaining method
.uestion / 8 of 01
%ll of the following are the elements of communication process1 ()*(&T:
.uestion / 01 of 01
Types of media used to direct information upward are:
-eports' interoffice memos and supervisor subordinate conferences
Letters9 newspapers and radio
Gewspapers' boo!s and interoffice memos
TH' radio and wall chal!ing
5uestion ? 9 of 97
The success of many of our business activities depend on which of the following#
How fast we tal!#
How rude we tal!#
How well we ma!e fool of others#
How well we listen#
5uestion ? A of 97
Which type of communication occupies the most amount of time#
5uestion ? E of 97
&artial or marginal listening can distort the intent of which of the following#
%ll of the given options
5uestion ? @ of 97
Which one of the following is an interpersonal need to establish identity with others
5uestion ? < of 97
On the average' how faster a person can thin! than the listener can tal!
Ten times
+ive times
+our times
Three times
5uestion ? : of 97
Which type of communication it would be when subordinates update their superiors by telling
them about problems at the wor!place
5uestion ? B of 97
Iumps to conclusions1 This is an e"ample of:
Listener barrier
ender barrier
&hysical barrier
5uestion ? 8 of 97
$n order to listen more effectively' you should:
;inimi6e distractions
Tal! less
&ay attention to verbal and nonverbal cues
%ll of the given options
5uestion ? D of 97
While you plan to ma!e a good speech' you must be engaged in which of the following
%udience3centered approach
elf3centered approach
Theme or idea of the sub.ect
5uestion ? 97 of 97
Which one of the following statement defines situational conte"t of interpersonal
$t concerns your reactions to the other person1
$t deals with the psycho3social JwhereJ you are communicating1
$t is who you are and what you bring to interaction1
$t deals with the physical JwhereJ you are communicating1
Legible and unobtrusive
5uestion ? 9 of 97
The entire following are the main points that are !ept in mind while developing thesis' ()*(&T:
(qual in value
5uestion ? A of 97
Which of the following statement has biased language
;ost 4ermans are direct in their communication1
Iews generally ma!e good businesspeople1
ome Iapanese businesspeople cannot spea! (nglish1
Older people generally have lower energy levels1
5uestion ? E of 97
%ll of the following are the types of periodical e"cept:
5uestion ? < of 97
%ll of the following show the qualities of effective spea!er e"cept one1 Which one is
0nderstands the nature of audiences and adapts speeches to audiences
To !eep in mind the audiences care
+ind the common traits
To avoid the audiences choice
5uestion ? : of 97
% presenter who spea!s too loudly may be perceived as which of the following
$nsensitive to listeners
%ll of the given options
5uestion ? 97 of 97
pea!ing notes for speech should be:
Legible and unobtrusive
5uestion ? 9 of 97 = tart time: 7B:<<:9D &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
The entire following are the main points that are !ept in mind while developing thesis' ()*(&T:
elect correct option:

5uestion ? A of 97 = tart time: 7B:<::EE &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
+arah was doubtful about amans intentions when she was trying to convince her to
invest in the new pro.ect1 Which form of listening it is#
elect correct option:
(mpathic listening
*ritical listening
%ctive listening
&referential listening
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:<< &; Time Left A7

5uestion ? E of 97 = tart time: 7B:<8:9< &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
%udience information such as age' gender' education' and socioeconomic status falls into a
category !nown as
elect correct option:


5ui6 tart Time: 7B:<< &; Time Left :D

5uestion ? @ of 97 = tart time: 7B:<D:EE &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
&oor retention either on the part of the sender or on the part of the receiver can create problems
or lead to222222222222221
elect correct option:

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:<< &; Time Left <:
5uestion ? < of 97 = tart time: 78:77:7A &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
% presenter who consistently spea!s at a rapid rate may be perceived as:
elect correct option:
To be nervous
All of above
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:<< &; Time Left <B
5uestion ? : of 97 = tart time: 78:77:@8 &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
/roadly classifying the barriers' how many !inds of communication barriers#
elect correct option:
more than seven

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:<< &; Time Left B

5uestion ? B of 97 = tart time: 78:79:E@ &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following is not a demographic characteristic#
elect correct option:

*ultural bac!ground

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:<< &; Time Left B7

5uestion ? 8 of 97 = tart time: 78:7E:9< &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
% simple sentence that ma!es a statement or e"presses an attitude' opinion' condition' position'
or feeling about the sub.ect1 $t is called which of the following1
elect correct option:

Thesis statement
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:<< &; Time Left <9
5uestion ? D of 97 = tart time: 78:7@:<A &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following pattern is most appropriate when you used the problem,solution
elect correct option:
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:<< &; Time Left @@
5uestion ? 97 of 97 = tart time: 78:7<:E8 &; > Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following is=are> the e"ample of public=s> that organi6ations communicate with' in
e"ternal communication#
elect correct option:
4overnment agencies
All of the given options
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left <:
5uestion ? 9 of 97 = tart time: 78:9::@A %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
On the average' how faster a person can thin! than the listener can tal!#
elect correct option:
Ten times
+ive times
Four times
Three times
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left <8
5uestion ? A of 97 = tart time: 78:9B:A< %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
Which one of the following pattern is especially effective if the audience already !nows that the
problem e"ists#
elect correct option:
'roblem(solution order
*ause,effect order
Ceductive order
$nductive order

5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left <D
5uestion ? E of 97 = tart time: 78:98:7B %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
%ll of the following correct about rules of finding a topic of speech e"cept:
elect correct option:
:egin early
*hoose a topic you're interested in
elect a topic you !now about or easily research
(lectronic &eriodical $nde"es

5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left <<
5uestion ? @ of 97 = tart time: 78:98:<7 %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
Which one of the following is not a right tip to become a better listener#
elect correct option:
+on,t provide feedback
Feep an open mind
Cont .ump to conclusions
Con't let yourself be distracted by the environment
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left 9A
5uestion ? < of 97 = tart time: 78:9D:E@ %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
What does limited eye contact signal#
elect correct option:
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left 89
5uestion ? : of 97 = tart time: 78:A9:79 %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
%ll of the following you may want to carry' while doing your research e"cept one1 Which one is#
elect correct option:
Hideo games
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left B@
5uestion ? B of 97 = tart time: 78:A9:9: %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
%rticulate speech is characteri6ed by:
elect correct option:
Correct pronunciation and clear enunciation
Hocal trait
*ombination of pitch and strength
;ore clearly e"press or magnify meaning

5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left B:
5uestion ? 8 of 97 = tart time: 78:A9:@@ %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
0nderstanding is the stage at which you learn:
elect correct option:
What the speaker means
How to .udge a message
%naly6ing the conversation
Gone of the given options
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left B@
5uestion ? D of 97 = tart time: 78:AA:7B %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
$n 0%' maintaining eye contact while tal!ing with elders show confidence' in &a!istan' it shows
disrespect1 What does this e"ample depict#
elect correct option:
The interpretation of body language is universal1
The interpretation of body language is not universal.
The interpretation of body language is same worldwide1
The interpretation of body language is global1
5ui6 tart Time: 78:9: %;
Time Left 8@
5uestion ? 97 of 97 = tart time: 78:AA:E9 %; > Total ;ar!s: 9
%ll of the following are the tips to become a better listener' ()*(&T:
elect correct option:
Con't tal! while listening1
Feep an open mind1
Con't .ump to conclusions1
Creating interruption
0st .ui;
5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left AB
5uestion ? 9 of 97 = tart time: 7::<E:E: %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
How can the credibility of a presenter be
elect correct option:
/eing well dressed and well groomed
*omplimenting the audience
Cemonstrating your sincerity
All of the given options
5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left :@
5uestion ? A of 97 = tart time: 7::<@:<@ %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
What is involved in communication process#
elect correct option:
$dea3information3 channel3 receiver
5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left B@
5uestion ? E of 97 = tart time: 7::<<:A8 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
0nderstanding is the stage at which you learn:
elect correct option:
What the speaker means
How to .udge a message
%naly6ing the conversation
Gone of the given options
5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left E@
5uestion ? @ of 97 = tart time: 7::<<:<9 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
*onflicting information develops:
elect correct option:
%ental turbulence
4ood understanding
&sychological disorders
harp thin!ing
5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left BA
5uestion ? < of 97 = tart time: 7::<B:79 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following involves grasping what the spea!er means by seeing the ideas and
information from his,her point of view#
elect correct option:

5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left :E
5uestion ? : of 97 = tart time: 7::<B:A8 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
elf3confident individuals usually stand more erect than those:
elect correct option:
who lack confidence
who are over3confident
who are submissive
who are arrogant
5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left E8
5uestion ? B of 97 = tart time: 7::<8:7E %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Gonverbal messages are e"tremely important because 222222222222221
elect correct option:
They comprise well over half of our communication in face3to3face settings1
They are often more reliable because they are hard to fa!e1
$n a number of situations' we rely on them more than on verbal cues1
all of the given reasons
5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left <7
5uestion ? 8 of 97 = tart time: 7::<D:98 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which one of the following defines
interpersonal communication as communication that occurs between people who have !nown
each other for some time#
elect correct option:
+evelopmental view
*onte"tual view
-elative view
Hirtual view
5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left :D
5uestion ? D of 97 = tart time: 7B:77:7< %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
% presenter who spea!s too loudly may be perceived as which of the following#
elect correct option:
$nsensitive to listeners
All of the given options

5ui6 tart Time: 7::<E %;
Time Left :8
5uestion ? 97 of 97 = tart time: 7B:77:E@ %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following pattern is not a specific organi6ational pattern#
elect correct option:
2nd .ui;
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left AD
5uestion ? 9 of 97 = tart time: 7B:79:<D %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which one of the following statement defines situational conte"t of interpersonal
elect correct option:
$t concerns your reactions to the other person1
$t deals with the psychosocial <where< you are communicating.
$t is who you are and what you bring to interaction1
$t deals with the physical JwhereJ you are communicating1

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left B:
5uestion ? A of 97 = tart time: 7B:7E:7D %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
The word 'communication' is derived from a Latin word Lcommunico' which means:
elect correct option:
To share
To respond
To give
To tell
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left :<
5uestion ? E of 97 = tart time: 7B:7E:AD %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following barriers are most often the hardest to identify and reduce or eliminate#
elect correct option:
&hysical barriers
Listener barriers
ender barriers
Gone of above
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left A<
5uestion ? @ of 97 = tart time: 7B:7@:7A %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Thesis statement is a 22222222222222222of your speech1
elect correct option:
Core idea or bottom line
(nd of the speech
$ndirect statement
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left BE
5uestion ? < of 97 = tart time: 7B:7<:9< %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
2222222222222is a process which demands that full attention be paid to the spo!en material1
elect correct option:
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left E8
5uestion ? : of 97 = tart time: 7B:7<:ED %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
What does frequent eye contact show#
elect correct option:
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left E7
5uestion ? B of 97 = tart time: 7B:7::E8 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following statement has biased language#
elect correct option:
%ost =ermans are direct in their communication.
Iews generally ma!e good businesspeople1
ome Iapanese businesspeople cannot spea! (nglish1
Older people generally have lower energy levels1
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left BB
5uestion ? 8 of 97 = tart time: 7B:7B:@< %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
&oor retention either on the part of the sender or on the part of the receiver can create
problems or lead to222222222222221
elect correct option:
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left EA
5uestion ? D of 97 = tart time: 7B:78:7@ %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
What do the clothes we wear communicate#
elect correct option:
Affection not sure
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:79 %;
Time Left 87
5uestion ? 97 of 97 = tart time: 7B:7D:A8 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
%ll of the following are the categories of feedbac!' e"cept:
elect correct option:
3rd .ui;
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left BD
5uestion ? 9 of 97 = tart time: 7B:97:AB %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
%rticulate speech is characteri6ed by:
elect correct option:
Correct pronunciation and clear enunciation
Hocal trait
*ombination of pitch and strength
;ore clearly e"press or magnify meaning
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left 8B
5uestion ? A of 97 = tart time: 7B:97:@E %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
&oor retention either on the part of the sender
or on the part of the receiver can create
problems or lead to222222222222221
elect correct option:

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left @B
5uestion ? E of 97 = tart time: 7B:97:<A %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following pattern is most appropriate when you used the problem,solution method#
elect correct option:

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left A7
5uestion ? @ of 97 = tart time: 7B:99:@B %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Where does immediacy come from during a presentation#
elect correct option:
Loo!ing at your notes
Cressing with authority
%aking eye contact
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left BE
5uestion ? < of 97 = tart time: 7B:9E:9: %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which one of the following is a method of arranging informaMtion by dividing it into
elect correct option:
patial pattern
*hronological pattern
Topical pattern
Logical pattern
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left 8E
5uestion ? : of 97 = tart time: 7B:9E:E8 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
%ll of the following are the levels of communication1 ()*(&T:
elect correct option:
$ntrapersonal *ommunication
$nterpersonal *ommunication
;ediated *ommunication
Frame Communication
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left 8B
5uestion ? B of 97 = tart time: 7B:9E:<E %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
0nderstanding is the stage at which you learn:
elect correct option:
What the speaker means
How to .udge a message
%naly6ing the conversation
Gone of the given options
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left A@
5uestion ? 8 of 97 = tart time: 7B:9@:7A %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following is the first step in order to overcome communication barriers#
elect correct option:
To recogni;e the most common barriers and then9 understand their negative
impact on communication
To recogni6e the most common barriers and then' find the positive aspects
To find the rare barriers and understand their negative impact
%ll of the given options

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left <9
5uestion ? D of 97 = tart time: 7B:9<:EE %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which type of communication it would be when subordinate updates their superior by telling
them about problems at the wor!place#
elect correct option:
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:97 %;
Time Left 8<
5uestion ? 97 of 97 = tart time: 7B:9::98 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
%udience information such as age' gender' education' and socioeconomic status falls into
a category !nown as
elect correct option:
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
Time Left <<
5uestion ? 9 of 97 = tart time: 7B:9B:9@ %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Iumps to conclusions1 This is an e"ample of:
elect correct option:
Listener barrier
ender barrier
&hysical barrier
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
Time Left 9<
5uestion ? A of 97 = tart time: 7B:9B:<< %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
;ediated communication occurs through:
elect correct option:
Letters9 reports9 forms and interoffice memoranda
Letters' newspapers and radio
Gewspapers' boo!s and TH
TH' radio and wall chal!ing

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
Time Left BB
5uestion ? E of 97 = tart time: 7B:9D:98 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
$t is always easier to communicate at the 2222222222222222221
elect correct option:
'eer level
Ciffering status
Cifferent position
Cifferent class
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
Time Left :@
5uestion ? @ of 97 = tart time: 7B:9D:E8 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
% presenter can prepare effective responses by which of the following#
elect correct option:
All of the above
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
Time Left 99
5uestion ? < of 97 = tart time: 7B:A7:99 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which one of the following is a planned and rehearsed speech that uses different words during
elect correct option:
;anuscript speech
;emori6ed speech
$mpromptu speech
)*temporaneous speech

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
Time Left <@
5uestion ? : of 97 = tart time: 7B:A9:E< %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
%ll of the following are correct about maga6ines e"cept:
elect correct option:
%aga;ine articles tend to be shorter
and more general.
;aga6ines are a type of periodical1
;aga6ines publish articles written for a general audience1
%rticles in maga6ines usually include bibliographies
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
Time Left BA
5uestion ? B of 97 =tart time: 7B:AA:98 %;>
Total ;ar!s: 9
222222222222222can also seriously impede the transmission of ideas1
elect correct option:
5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
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5uestion ? 8 of 97 = tart time: 7B:AA:@E %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
Which of the following involves grasping what the spea!er means by seeing the ideas and
information from his,her point of view#
elect correct option:

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
Time Left @A
5uestion ? D of 97 = tart time: 7B:AE:78 %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
When using a story' the presenter should:
elect correct option:
Tell the story first9 and then show how it illustrates the thesis
tate the thesis first' and then show how the story supports the thesis
(ither option is acceptable
Geither option is acceptable

5ui6 tart Time: 7B:9B %;
Time Left <A
5uestion ? 97 of 97 = tart time: 7B:A@:7: %; >
Total ;ar!s: 9
(ffective internal communication helps to increase the .ob 222222222222221
elect correct option:
%bsenteeism and depression
Ce.ection and output
4rievances and sadness
Aatisfaction and productivity

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