Key Point About Q

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Key Point about Q # 2

Identifying limitations [2007 June 31]

(i) Relevant points must be underlined and ticked.
Some of these might be:
A Two sets of readings not enough (to draw valid conclusion)
B ard to !udge rebound height" with reason
# $aralla% (error in measuring h)
& &ifficult to release without appl'ing a force
( Rule ma' not be vertical ) perpendicular
* +nl' cm divisions on rule (if borne out b' readings)
, -nconsistent bounce
Suggesting impo!ements
(ii) Relevant points must be underlined and ticked.
Some of these might be:
A Take several d values and plot graph)compare e values
B .se video and pla' back slowl')position sensor
# Method of reducing paralla% problem (ad!ustable marker)drop man' times to refine
value of h)assistant to drop ball)ensure measurement taken at e'e level)
& /echanical method of release)hold ball against stop
( Method of making rule vertical
, .se flat surface)turn off fans
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Identifying limitations
(i) Underline and tick relevant point (one from each section):
A - two sets of readings are not enough (to draw a conclusion)
B - difficult to make accurate cylinder shape
- cylinder radius/circumference varies
C - cylinder doesnt roll straight
D - human reaction error (in timing)
- measured time is very short not difficult to release cylinder and start
E - difficult to judge end point
Suggesting impo!ements
(ii) Underline and tick relevant point (one from each section):
A - test many cylinders and plot a graph
- test many cylinders and find many values of k
B - method of making more accurate cylinder
D - time over longer distance
- use shallower angle ramp
- use light gates/pressure switches to measure time
- use freee-frame photography to measure time
- use motion sensor to measure time
not just use video
not repeated readings
not just use computer/data logger
E - mark distance with lines on ramp (to eliminate paralla!)
not use a pointer
X - new method (e"g" vernier calipers) to measure average diameter
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Identifying limitations
(i) Relevant points must be underlined and ticked.
Some of these might be:
A +nl' two readings (are not enough to draw a valid conclusion).
B ard to !udge)see (when)where) highest position with reference to movement.
&o not accept reaction time ideas.
C $aralla% (error) or good diagram demonstrating this.
D &ifficult' in release)keeping rule still prior to release (reference to force).
E (2uilibrium position changes with evidence shown in measurements.
X +ther additional source of error.
Suggesting impo!ements
(ii) Relevant points must be underlined and ticked.3
Some of these might be:
A Take more readings and plot a graph)calculate k values.
B igh speed (camera to take) photographs)film the motion and pla' back frame b' frame) slow
motion) use pause +R
motion)position sensor above) below mass +R
trial and error with light gate) hori4ontal marker.
C /easure at e'e level)repeat to get e'e in right place) place rule as close as possible to vertical
rule)use helper to release or measure)use mounted pin at end of rule (to help locate position on
D .se a named method to release the rule e.g. cotton and candle or scissors)electromagnet)end
stop or clamp.
X cm rule 5 use a mm rule. 6eed to see evidence in their previous measurements that their
readings are taken to the nearest cm or 7.8 cm.
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Y +ther additional solution" well e%plained.
&o not allow 9repeated readings" vacuum" draft free room:
&o not allow 9use a computer to improve the e%periment:
&o not allow 9increase range)change load on ruler)change length of ruler)changing 2ualit' of
Identifying limitations
(i) Relevant points must be underlined and ticked.
Some of these might be:
A Two sets of readings not enough (to draw valid conclusion).
B #one ma' have not reached terminal velocit'.
# ard to see when cone strikes floor.
& #one falls at an angle (due to draughts)imbalance of cone).
( uman error in timing)reaction time.
* &ifficult to measure diameter because cone fle%ible.
, $aralla% error (at reading positions).
; +ther source of error
Suggesting impo!ements
(ii) Relevant points must be underlined and ticked.
Some of these might be:
A Take more readings and plot a graph)calculate ratios.
B (nsure terminal velocit' b' increasing release height)measure velocit' at two intervals to check
terminal velocit' reached.
# .se pressure)other sensor (on floor) to stop timer)use assistant to !udge when it reaches the
& Turn off fans)balance the cone e.g. e%tra strip of tape.
(< .se light gate to trigger stopwatch)use video camera with slow motion repla')use multiflash
photograph')use high speed camera with known time intervals.
(= Time over greater distance.
* /easure diameter of cone in two directions and average.
, &rop in front of rule)read at e'e level.
> Another improvement" well e%plained.
&o not allow 9repeated readings: (unless 2ualified b' 9plot a graph:).
&o not allow 9use a computer to improve the e%periment:
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