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Erika Velazco April 8, 2014

If men can, WOMEN can too!
Bill Clinton has a very interesting idea for education internationally which is to:
Put every single girl in the world in school(Clinton 2008). It's unbelievable
that there are places in the world where girls can't go to school. Clinton
believes that putting all the girls in the world in schools and in the labor
market will delay marriage and child labor. Clinton also mentions that his big
idea will help control energy, climate change, population control, poverty, and
food security. Overall, education makes the world a better place not only for
girls, but for everyone.

"One of the most effective ways to ght poverty and bolster poor communities
is through investing in education, particularly that of girls. Schooling not only
Michele Asselin for
The New York Times
An all-girls class of
fourth-graders at Foley
Intermediate School.
Erika Velazco April 8, 2014
can be a precursor for women and girls to stand up
to the injustices they witness, it can also help foster
economic growth and stability."

Did you know...

Today more than 75 million children are not in
primary school. Worldwide, over half of these
children out of school are girls. Of all the primary-
school age girls in the world, 20 percent are not in
school, compared to 16 percent of boys in this age
group. That means that 1 in every 5 girls worldwide
are not attending to primary school.

Furthermore, worldwide only 30 percent of all girls
attend secondary school. "In many countries, less
than one third of university students are women. The
average sub-Saharan African girl from a low-income,
rural household gets less than two years of schooling
and never learns to read and write, to add and

The devastating facts revealed, would begin to change implying Clinton's "big idea." Clinton is right,
the high rate of child marriage in many countries especially affects girls. Girls affected by child
marriage; never have the opportunity to go to school and are forced to drop out of school. Applying
Clinton's big idea would help many girls. "Education drastically reduces child marriage. On average,
a girl with 7 years of education will marry 4 years later and have 2.2 fewer children. Children born to
educated mothers are two times more likely to survive past the age of 5."

In poor communities, the school situation is worse for girls as they are more likely than boys deprived
of an education. Several reasons for this disagreement include: families wanting the girls's help in the
house, the cost of education, and that girls tend to drop out of school at higher rates.

Education is signicant and needed in this time period. The impact of
girls education has been shown to have a casual sequence of
opportunity that impacts generations. "Girls who pursue secondary
education are also at a signicantly lower risk of engaging in crime or
falling victim to human trafcking. Educated women have also been
shown to marry later and have fewer children."

Educating girls changes communities and societies in many ways.
Education helps girls become knowledgeable and learn skills that are
necessary in life. Educational skills are not only necessary for life, but
can be passed on to families and communities. Education allows girls
to introduce new ways of thinking and fosters critical thinking skills.
The critical thinking skills educate women to become effective leaders and democracy. Education is
needed for a strong economy. "One extra year of school boosts a girls future wages by 10-20

"Girls who pursue
education are
also at a
lower risk of..."
Bill Clinton
Erika Velazco April 8, 2014
"More women are needed to solve global problems!" Education makes women become better.
Education is needed for the empowerment of girls and women. I am grateful to be where I am today,
to have the opportunity to attend school. I am truly fortunate to be allowed the opportunity to attend a
university. I seek the same opportunity in education for me, but most importantly for my daughter. Be
a part of making Clinton's big idea successful and let's help send girls all over the world to school!

Learn more watch video: Educate Girls. Change the World.


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