Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography

Block, Molly. "College Athletes Should Not Receive Payment for Playing." The University Star.
N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. This source written by Molly Block states that she believes
that college athletes awarded scholarships should not be awarded additional payments for
playing college sports. The average amount of a full scholarship for in-state public
colleges is $15,000. This money covers tuition, room, board, and even textbooks. She
says awarding athletes additional money would be unfair for smaller colleges as players
will sign where they are offered more money. She says college scholarships are a form of
payment and no additional money should be awarded to college athletes. This source
covers great point and is reliable as it provides examples and detailed reasons as to why
paying college athletes are unfair. This source is a reliable source for those reasons.
Bondy, Filip. "Northwestern Labor Ruling: Paying College Athletes Should Not Be the Name of
the Game." NY Daily News. N.p., 26 Mar. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. This source written
by Filip Bondy states that he believes college athletes should not be paid more salary on
top of the housing, and tuition that they already receive. He believes that the goal is to
shrink college sports not expand them. He says that college athletics is already too large
and adding payment would just make it grow even larger. Adding pay to college players
would corrupt college sports. This source does not support paying college athletes and
provides examples of what could happen if they are paid. This source is a reliable source
for its great points and evidence to rely on.
Bowen, Fred. "Should College Athletes Get Paid?" Washington Post. The Washington Post, 09
Apr. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. This source written by Fred Bowen was shortly after the
NCAA national championship game. This source is unbiased and explains both why and
why not college athletes should be paid. Using factual evidence and opinion based off of
some of the NCAA basketball coaches this source serves its purpose. Basically this
source provides used with both sides of the story but makes it evident to me that college
athletes should not be paid. I believe this source is reliable and I like it because it proves
the point I had predicted all along. Only major college athletics makes a tremendous
amount of revenue therefore how can other college athletes be paid fairly as well.
Breech, John. "Vikings RB Adrian Peterson: College Athletes Should Be Paid."
N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Apr. 2014. This source written by John Breech is based off of NFL
superstar Adrian Peterson. Peterson supports the payment of college athletes. He goes on
to provide examples about how much he knows college sports are watched and how
much money they make. Although Peterson does give factual information I believe this
source is biased. Peterson played college football and now pro football. He plays one of
the big name sports that do make a lot of money. For those sports that do not make a lot
of money Peterson does not really speak on. I think that although this source is reliable
for my research it does not persuade me to believe college athletes should be paid.
Chiari, Mike. "Kareem: NCAA Athletes Should Be Paid." Bleacher Report. N.p., 21 Mar. 2014.
Web. 15 Apr. 2014. This source written by Mike Chiari was based off an interview. The
interview involved NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and he supported the payment of
college athletes. Abdul-Jabbar stated that college athletes bring out a tremendous amount
of revenue. He says basically because of the amount of money they generate they should
be paid. Although these are good points and this source is reliable I disagree. Big name
college sports such as football and basketball bring in a lot of money but the smaller ones
do not. Also female and both male sports would need to be paid or then it would be
considered unfair.
Edelman, Marc. "21 Reasons Why Student-Athletes Are Employees And Should Be Allowed To
Unionize." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 30 Jan. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. This source
written by Marc Edelman, is simply a list of 21 reasons why college athletes should be
treated as employees. Marc Edelman supports the payment of college athletes. He
provides good reasons such as the amount of time weekly and monthly college athletes
spend. He also points out that some athletes are required to miss classes especially with
nationally televised sports. Although this source is reliable and he points out great
reasons why college athletes should be paid, it still does not change my opinion. For
women sports that do not make as much money, or sports that are not nationally
televised, shouldnt they be paid as well? This source only covers the big name sports not
all of college sports.
Mitrosilis, Teddy. "A.J. McCarron: 'I Truly Believe College Athletes Should Be Paid'" FOX
Sports on MSN. N.p., 29 Jan. 2014. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. This source written by Teddy
Mitrosilis has to deal with an interview of recent Alabama quarterback, A.J. McCarron.
Although A.J. could not say much while he was in college now that he is out and off to
the NFL he has chosen to speak out. McCarron supports the payment of college athletes.
McCarron goes on to give examples of just how much his championship team at Alabama
happen to win each year. The revenue of his team was tremendous and he also provides
that college athletes are being used to make video games as well. Although this source is
reliable coming from a recent college player himself, he also played at one of the biggest
universities for football that made plenty of money. How could smaller colleges pay that
same amount of money to athletes? Many universities would be able to buy off college
athletes therefore changing the nature of the game.
Morganteen, Jeff. "Should Student Athletes Be Paid? No, Says NCAA President - NBC
News." NBC News. N.p., 25 Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Apr. 2014. This source written by Jeff
Morganteen supports that college athletes should not be paid outside of their
scholarships. This source says the goal of college is to set students up for a career by
earning a degree. For those few who have the opportunity to make it to the pro that is
fine, but for those who do not they must be given an education. This source goes on to
talk about how much college basketball and college football athletes earn in revenue.
This source also backs up that college athletes should not be paid by commenting that
only these big, nationally televised sports make that much money. How could all college
sports possibly be paid fairly? I think this source is reliable and I support what it has to
say because I agree that college sports makes a lot of money but only the big name sports
makes the tremendous amount of money.
"Should NCAA Athletes Be Paid." US News. U.S.News & World Report, n.d. Web. 15 Apr.
2014. This source is actually more like a debate. The author of this source is unknown
and this source provides both relevant information about why college athletes should be
paid, and why college athletes shouldnt be paid. This source gives examples such as how
much college sports makes and thats why they should be paid. This source also states
that the opportunity for further education and scholarships is a source of payment. I think
this is a reliable source because it keeps me open minded. It allows me to see the
viewpoints of both sides and therefore voice my own opinion without being persuaded or
biased from the source.
Staff, NPR. "Should The NCAA Change Its Rules To Pay For Play?" NPR. NPR, 3 Apr. 2014.
Web. 15 Apr. 2014. This source gives details on both why college athletes should be
paid but also why college athletes should not be paid. This source was a poll to the public
to get the peoples opinion. This poll was completed on both Facebook and Twitter.
Those supporting the payment of college athletes explained how much time college
athletes spend on their sport and how much money college athletics makes. Those who
did not support the payment of college athletes explained how scholarships and the
payment of basically free education was payment enough. This source is reliable and I
like it because it gives me support for both sides to the story. This source allowed me to
weigh my options and therefore voice my own opinion on the matter.

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