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STAGE 1 (Personal information)

My name is George Quiroga Angarita, I am thirty-two years old. I'm from the Playn Santander,
but I live in Armenia city with my son and my wife; I study industrial engineering, belong in
cead Dosquebradas Risaralda, in English course, 90030_69 group.
My address is pine forests residential, block 5 apartment 204.

STAGE 2 (Writing process)
Places to visit Salento city
Places to stay and buy

The viewpoint of Salento Hotel, Cocora palms ecohotel, Salento Real

People: likes, routines
and description

People friendly and hardworking, dedicated to agriculture,
ecotourism, handicrafts, tourist services, and other activities
Invite people to come

Disfrite Come to one of the most beautiful and exotic scenery in the

Small, generous, nice, pleasant

STAGE 3 (Text)

Salento is a small town in the Quindo located northeast of the city Armenia, about 30 km by
paved road. It is characterized by the generous people, many of whom are engaged in the
manufacture and sale of nice crafts.
Among its major natural attractions is the National Park Los Nevados and pleasant Cocora
Valley, in terms of services offered, ecotourism, horseback riding, selling coffee and great
homemade trout with fried plantain.



The Mirador Hotel Boutique Cocora is built on the banks
Cocora Valley. Love at first sight is what you feel when you
discover the charms of this unique place. Come and enjoy the
most special of all Hotels in Salento. The dream scenario for
your great moments.

The Cocora Valley belongs to the Los Nevados Natural Park
and is between 1800 and 2400 meters above the sea level.

The climate makes the area even more attractive, since the
Western vors from the Pacific Ocean are slowed by the
mountains, and this makes the Valley presents a cloud forest

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Los Nevados National Park offers one of the
most beautiful scenery in Colombia for
trekking, with altitudes of over 5000 meters
above sea level, 5-neck or volcanic craters
mostly inactive, countless wildlife and water
tributaries .

In this park you will find eternal snow on
some peaks, as well as extreme weather,
therefore it is essential to take the time to

acclimate if the plan is to spend the night in
the park.

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