Assignment Three Reflection

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Assignment Three Reflection

Assignment three was so much more fun to make then I first thought. When I heard we
had to make our own movie the first thing that popped up in my head was that it would take
forever, and be real hard to make. In the end it didnt take as long as I thought once Phillip got
the script together and we had the goal of our movie planned out. It also helped a lot to have a
storyboard which is what Dimpal made. It made it easier to just skim across and find out what
each scene would be about. Me and Mahmoud edited the film; I put together the 30 sec montage
in the beginning and title sequence, while he put together the bulk of the film. I also helped
record a little but the main people who recorded were Phillip and Mahmoud. All the members in
my group which includes, Phillip, Mahmoud, Dimpal and Garrett, played an important role in
making our film and carried their own weight. Phillip did a great job with getting the script done
in a timely matter, and also did great with the parts he recorded of himself on his own time.
Dimpal also got the storyboard finished fast which allowed a lot of time where we could record
and edit the video. Mahmoud did a great job with the overall editing of the film by putting
together both his part and mine. He also took time to record extra parts when he figured we
needed more. Garrett also gave great insight into how some of his classes were so we helped use
that in one of the scenes displaying how a gamer acts in different classes.
We received very valuable insight from our classmates after letting them watch our first
draft of our movie. Some helpful tips we got was to take out the F word, add a title sequence,
and more transitions. There were also comments about the sound level during the scene in class
when Garrett plays the teacher role, and also the scene where there is a gaming championship
playing in the background. We plan to use just about all the comments our classmates had.
Overall I think one of the strengths we had as a group was great group members who were
dedicated to making a good film. It was great that everyone helped out a lot and gave a lot of
time and effort. One weakness was trying to figure out a time that works for all of us to meet,
especially because of me taking classes throughout most of the day and other members having
work and to commute. I would of liked to meet with Mahmoud to help him edit his part of the
film but since we werent able to I was limited to just editing the montage part in the beginning.
Another weakness was time, although we did a great job not procrastinating and getting things
done, I still only had roughly two days to edit my part. It was more than enough time but it
would have been nice to have extra time to show our other members it to get their feedback since
we couldnt email the movie because of the size. Overall this was a great experience since I
never had to do a movie in other English classes, but it went real great.

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