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Emily Mora
Loreen Bessire
English 1010
May 6, 2014
Herbs Should be the Replacement of Pharmaceutical Drugs
Mary, a breast cancer patient at the Southwestern Medical Center, was diagnosed with
breast cancer at the age of 58. Mary had been going through every treatment possible the doctors
recommended and not only did she start to feel worse, nothing seemed to work. She searched for
different methods and came across a physician who prescribed herbs. The herb physician put
Mary on a very strict diet which consisted of organic foods, vegetable juices, and vitamins that
were to be consumed in a routinely matter. Herbs can be explained as a strict diet of organic
foods, nutrition, vitamins, and natural sources of plants. This turned Marys life around. Herbs
have been found by Gersons Therapy that not only can they reverse cancer but also make
patients with cancer feel better and live longer; therefore we need to be looking into taking herbs
not pharmaceutical drugs.
Mary had practiced all of the pharmaceutical drugs that her doctors were recommending
to her, and none of them seemed to work. As a result of the pharmaceutical drugs her tumor got
bigger, and her symptoms became worse. She became worried because she was very weak and
tired after treatment. Her doctor state that, these are side effects of the treatment (Food
Matters). After Mary was well enough to go home she decided that she never wanted to go
through chemotherapy again, this is when she found a physician who prescribed herbs. The
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physician wanted to practice Gersons Therapy on Mary. Gersons Therapy is performed from
taking herbs through nutrition by being on a strict diet with organic foods, vegetable juices, and
consuming vitamins in a strictly manner (Food Matters).
Using herbs through Gersons method changed Marys life. Max Gerson, a physician
proved that his studies, also known as Gerson Therapy, could help reverse cancer and other
chronic diseases. Studies, also known as Gerson Therapy, could help reverse cancer and other
chronic diseases. Studies have shown that Gersons health recommendation provide large
amounts of vitamins from the vegetable juices, and the natural sources that come from mother
earth reversed cancer from the patients he examined on (Food Matters). Some other treatments
that were recommended were plants such as: ashwagandha, calendula, cats claw, ginger, and
gohi (Johnson). Doctors fail to treat cancer patients with the Gerson Therapy because
researchers have found government documents that in most countries the Gerson Therapy are
illegal (Food Matters). This Therapy had a big effect towards Marys health. Practicing
Gersons Therapy has made her not feel as weak and actually made her feel more active. No
other side effects were occurring like throwing up, the pain in her breast was slowly decreasing
and brought great joy to her life.
Some doctors argue that all of their studies help their patients as much as possible
through pharmaceutical drugs. Performing the Gerson Therapy is illegal and that is why doctors
dont practice it. Doctors pharmaceutical drugs have shown great outcome because they contact
the human body faster than herbs do. Doctors would not go through all of the trouble in school if
pharmaceutical drugs did not work. Every individual is different and will be vulnerable to certain
types of pharmaceutical drugs; that is why there are different kinds of pharmaceutical drugs for
those who are sensitive (Balch).
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Statistics have even revealed that herbs are better than pharmaceutical drugs. Medical
doctors practice another type of method than herb physicians do, less than 6% of graduating
physicians in the USA dont receive any formal training in nutrition (Food Matters). The
reason for this is because doctors go to medical schools to learn about medicine and not
nutrition. With that kind of attitude statistics show that, with pharmaceutical medication
2,438,000 people die within a 23 year period as opposed to vitamins only 10 people died in a 23
year span (Food Matters). This statistics proves that herbs have a great impact on our health.
Pharmaceutical drugs are doing more harm than good by the study of how many deaths in 23-
year span.
At times if doctors dont know or cant find any solution to the patients symptoms they
will send them home with a prescribed medication even though it might not be the fix. The one
thing that doctors fail to realize is that every individual is different and having a generic danger
line for everyone can be past the danger point for one patient and not for another. If doctors
testing is off the result many become worse because doctors wont give immediate care. The
body wants to be in homeostasis, being balanced, one problem can cause another problem, which
can cause another problem. In order for the body to work everything needs to be balanced so the
point is to find the problems source. (Arellano).
In many ways, herbs have been prescribed by experts like any other pharmaceutical drug.
Studies show that the reason why they have better outcomes is because of their natural state. By
the looks of the outcomes the herbs have shown that they are working better than pharmaceutical
drugs. The moral of the story is that herbs are better than pharmaceutical drugs because they
dont always work. Herbs have a lower rate of death and can make people live longer lives. Who
wouldnt want to live longer and a healthier to enjoy lifes wonders? Herbs are the answer!
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Works Cited
Arellano, Marisol. Personal interview. 19 April 2014.
Balch, Phyllis. Prescribed for Herbal Healing. Ed. Stacy J Bell. New York: Penguin Group
(USA) Inc, 2012. xi-486. Print.
Food Matters. Dir. Carlo Ledesma. Perf. Andrew Saul, Charlotte Gerson, Dr. Dan Rogers. David
Wolfe, Prof Ian Brighthope, Jerome Burne, Phillip Day, Dr Victor Zeines. Outpost post
production services. 2008. Documentary.
Johnson, Rebecca., et al. Guide to Medical Herbs the worlds most effective healing plants.
Washington D.C.: Andrew Weil. 2012. 7-349. Print.

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