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I have dreamed about Japan since I was in primary school. At that time, my definition
about Japan was Doraemon, the main character in the famous Japanese manga. This manga
became a part of my childhood and taught me many precious lessons about life. As time goes by,
when I grow up, I understand the fact that we dont have Doraemons magical pocket in real life
to fix all the things; therefore, we have to work hard. And later on, I realize that I want to go to
Japan, not just because of Doraemon.
When I became a teenage, I played Tamagochi virtual pet during my leisure time, read
Ekuni Kaoris books every night and sang along to Japanese songs every time, even though I did
not understand the meaning of them. Japanese culture captivated me and I started feeling a
passion and desire that I have never felt in my life. I am conscious that I can merely reach the
dreams by pursuing my interest through education. One day, an opportunity has come to me
when I heard about Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University from a friend who is currently an APM
student. The first impression that came into my mind is that APU has international and
multicultural environment, which definitely benefit for students who desire to expand their
knowledge internationally. As my dream is being a global citizen, I can take this into realization
through APU experience. It would be a great chance for me to explore the unique culture of the
land of rising sun, accompanied with nearly other 100 countries in such a cross-cultural
Understanding what APU has achieved to contribute the best of it for students, it gives
me motivation to chase my dream of studying abroad. Through many videos about the university
on YouTube, I confidently believe that I am qualified for APUs requirements: from academic
training, career-orientation to extracurricular activities or AP House etc. Moreover, thanks to
APU's dual language education, I will be getting an amazing opportunity to learn and master

Japanese language skill in naturalistic environment. Additionally, the diversity of clubs and
societies run at APU help me expand my international networking while absolutely enjoying
many interesting activities.
Applying to APU as a second-year transfer student; along with basic economic
knowledge acquired in Foreign Trade University, I am going to give all my best on learning and
gaining knowledge in APU. My intended academic program is undoubtedly related to
International Management field, since I have given deep interest in learning about practical
business, as well as management knowledge which helps me start my own business in the future.
Also, I would like to major in Marketing because it opens up significant amount of interesting
areas such as advertising, business development, brand name, strategic planning, fundraising,
and PR etc. Furthermore, I would love to attend and obtain values of useful events such as Top
Executives Lecture Series and Business Contests that I might not have chances to experience
anywhere else, except in APU.
Studying abroad is absolutely not an easy decision to make, especially when it is an
important decision that could totally change ones life. But as Helen Keller had said: Life is
either a daring adventure or nothing at all. Someday in the future, it would the best feeling in
our lives when we look back at our journey of becoming an adult. The journey might be full
bumps and humps, but obstacles always create the best moments when one overcomes them to
be successful. At this moment, I cannot wait to witness Hanami in Beppu, colorful
Multicultural Week or Onsen Festival, as well as the upcoming spring of my life.
People become more realistic as they grow up. Thus, there is no Doraemons pocket to
help attain the goals. Instead, a creative and educated brain, as well as a passion in ones heart

can become a magical pocket that bring power and lead one to the final destination
successfully. For me, I do not choose APU as a final target. However, I strongly believe that
APU will help me to find out my own magic pocket to achieve my next goal in life.
(694 words)


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