2 Way Stop Controlled Intersection Tutorial 10132011

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Disclaimer: The objective of the tutorial is not to create an expert in VISSIM modeling but to get a new user

sufficiently (and quickly) up to speed so they can use the manual and other resources when they have questions on
model development. That is, helping a new user past the frustrating which button do I press part of the learning
curve. These tutorials should not be considered as official methods or guidance in any way. It is certainly possible
other modeling experts may disagree with portions of the tutorial or there is an outright error in the tutorial.
However, it is hoped, the tutorials provide a good start on the process of model development. If you find any errors
or issues please feel free to let us know at michael.hunter@ce.gatech.edu so we can update the material.

2 Way Stop Controlled Intersection VISSIM 5.10 Tutorial Add-On

This tutorial will guide you through creating a two-way stop controlled intersection. This tutorial will
build onto the model built in the VISSIM 5.1 Tutorial 6-1-10.

You should currently have a network that looks similar to Fig 1 below.

1. Create Links and Connectors for new intersection

- Click on the Link icon in the left toolbar.
- Create a one lane EB and WB road about 750 ft South of the first intersection
- You will need to extend the NB and SB roads South through the new intersection
o Left click on the NB/SB link , left click on the end of the link and drag down
o Try to keep the link as straight as possible
- Create the turning movements with the connectors as shown in the first tutorial
- Figure 2 displays the new network

Figure 1. Network created in VISSIM 5.1 Tutorial 6-1-10

2. Define Routing Decisions for the new Intersection

- Select the Routing Decisions icon from the left tool bar
- Left click and then right click in the first half of the approaching link to place the red bar
- Left and right click after the right turn movement would be completed
- Left and right click after the through movement would be completed
- Left and right click after the left turn movement would be completed
- Repeat for each approaching movement

3. Define Relative Flow

- Repeat the process from the initial tutorial and enter 20 for each turning movement and 50 for
each through movement

4. Place Stop Signs

- Select the Stop Signs icon from the left tool bar
- Place a stop sign on the EB and WB link
i. Left click on the link
ii. Right click directly in front of where the connectors meet the link (you want traffic
to stop before reaching the connectors)
iii. The Create Stop Sign window will appear, leave all defaults and click OK
iv. Repeat for opposing movement. (Fig. 3)

Figure 2. New Network

Figure 3. Stop Sign Placement
5. Define Conflict Areas

- Select the Conflict Areas icon from the left tool bar
- Define the conflict areas as shown in the initial tutorial
i. If your having trouble selecting the correct zone, use the TAB key to toggle between
all zones in that area
ii. Reminder:
1. Green = main road (Right of Way)
2. Red = minor road (Yield)
3. Both Yellow = Passive (No priority rules defined)

NOTE: Not all of the conflict zones need to be defined for this intersection to function
properly. Use common driving sense to determine which movement has priority. In total, 28
conflict zones will be defined for this model. See below for full solution.

1. Start by defining the four quadrants in the intersection as shown.

Each of the following step displays the conflict of a specific movement for each direction
NOTE: Your screen will show overlap of all defined conflict zones as you put them in. This
tutorial has each separated out so that you can see the different zones without confusion.

Note: See exaggerated
lines in 2
image show
that NB/SB has priority
(green) over EB/WB (red)
2. ft Turn movement in conflict with Left Turn movement: (4)

3. Left Turn movement in conflict with Right Turn movement: (4)

4. Right Turn movement in conflict with Through movement: (4)

5. Left Turn movement in conflict with Through movement (Merging): (4)

6. Left Turn movement in conflict with Through movement (Crossing): (8)

NOTE: This concept with the conflict areas can be easily translated to a 4-way
stop model by adding the two other stop signs and redefining the conflict areas
to follow right of way rules such that no one has priority by placing ALL RED on
conflict areas.

NOTE: In total you should have 28 Conflict Areas defined for the 2-Way Stop Controlled Intersection

6. Define Traffic Volumes

- Select the Vehicle Inputs icon from the left toolbar
- Since most of the traffic volume was defined in the initial tutorial you only need to define
traffic for the new EB and WB roads at the two-way stop controlled intersection
i. Input 200 vehicles for both the EB and WB traffic

7. Testing your model

- Your model should now be ready to test. Hit play and see if your intersection works correctly. If
you find problems with a specific movement go back and check the conflict areas involved.

NOTE: If cars from the same direction are running over each other, create a conflict zone where both
movements are red.

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