Settlement Leads To Clashes Between Fighters.: ISIL Controls Al-Kair Denies

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2014/5/1 -NO.

ISIL controls al-Kair denies.
Al-Mujahedeen Army: international decision prevents coast front supporting.
Labwani..conflict with
Assad is not political,
it is criminal.
E u p h r a t e s`
tribes call to
stop fighting.
Daraa fighters
Settlement leads
to clashes between
Page NO.2 The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (464) 2014/5/1
Clashes between ISIL , al
Nusra front and Islamic
Front fghters have been re-
newed between yesterday in
vicinity of al-Jafa oil feld
and Koniko gaz feld, Deir
al-Zour countryside, where
Islamic Front captured al-
Jreja and al-Fdeen villages,
as a source said, asserting
that Deir al-Zour al-Khair
ISIL controls al-Kair denies.
Al-Nusra exploded in
Euphrates` tribes call to stop fghting
Daraa fghters advance
Some of the tribes of Deir
ez-Zor call for stopping the
fghting in Deir al-Zour be-
tween Islamic State in Iraq
and the Levant and Jabhet
Al-Nusra and the Islam-
ic Front, which called for
which to pander and bow to
the law of God and the estab-
lishment of a Shariah court.
In the wake of Yarmouk Battle - Khalid Ibn Walid , fght-
ers dominate on 508-battaltion in Daraa countryside, taking
over al-Taira town and its surrounding orchards.
State is in the way to be the
second state which is fully
controlled by them after
Rakka State. On the other
hand, al-Nusras source de-
nied ISILs control on vil-
lages in Deir al-Zour .Nusra
Front has announced killing
of Abo Usama al-Sharai ,
as well as killing of Zyad
al-Shlash, press offcial in
eastern countryside, while
Islamic Front announced ar-
resting secret cell affliated
to ISIL.
Numbers of Jabhet Al-Nus-
ra gunmen were dead after
bombing two cars in one of
the headquarters of the Syr-
ian army in Zrazoor hill in
Aleppo countryside, while
clashes taken place between
armed opposition and the
Syrian army in the vicinity
of Sheikh Yusuf hill and the
area around Aleppo Central
Prison. The Syrian army
controls on Bureij round-
about in Sheikh Najjar.
Page NO.3
The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (464) 2014/5/1
Labwani..confict with
Assad is not political, it is
Assassination member of
political offce of Socialist
Settlement leads to clashes between fghters.
Al-Mujahedeen Army: international decision
prevents coast front supporting
Syrian dissident Kamal Al-
Labwani said, Our dispute
with Assad is not political.
Its criminal, considering in a
talk with The Times of Israel
Newspaper that Syrian up-
rising has devastated several
Arab taboos, including the cul-
tural Arab taboo on engaging
Israel, pointing out that there
is a chance now for a hope to
cooperate between Israel and
Syrian people , but this oppor-
tunity will not remain forever.
Labwani asserted that west-
ern and Arab countries disap-
pointed Syrian peoples hope,
and deprived moderate op-
position forces from toppling
president Assads regime by
preventing them to use essen-
tial weapons.
Unoffcial media source re-
ported that clashes have been
taken place since several days
between fghters from Mes-
raba town, Damascus coun-
tryside and Islamic armys
fghters in Douma after Mes-
rabas residents delegation
went out accompanied with
dozens of fghters to demand
Islamic army fghters to agree
on settlement with the army
in their town, not thwarting
it, but Islamic army fghters
fred on the delegation where
clashes start.
al-Mujahedeen Army recap-
tures several regions in Alep-
po ,including al-Jabas mar-
ket, al-Lairamoun and half of
al-Ramousa region, progress-
ing to liberate Air Intelligence
Center , al-Mujaedeen Army
leader Muhammad Abdul
Qadir claimed. International
decision was behind stopping
support of coast front, he
Opposition sources talked
about assassination of Mo-
hammad Said Fletani (abo
Adnan), member of political
offce of Socialist Union in
Syria in front of his house in

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