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Semester 2

2.1 History
1.The nature,scope and purpose of History, History & Law.

2. Ancient Period

a) Polity in Ancient India- kingship, popular assemblies,

provincial administration and administration of justice
b) Political, Economical, Social and Religious life in
Vedic Period
c) Later Vedic age- Political Conditions
d) Maurya’s Administration- central, provincial and local
administration, judicial administration,
e) Chola administration- Local self government
f) The administration of the Gupta age
g) Republics in Ancient India
h) Ancient Law givers
Manu, Brihaspati, Yajnavalkya, Narada, Kautilya.

i) Administration of justice in Ancient India- Judicial

institutions, types of courts, role of the village panchayats.
j) The position and status of women in Ancient India

3. Medieval Period
a) The coming of Muslims and its impact on Indian society
Impact of Islam on Hinduism, impact of Hinduism on
Muslim society-- Social transformation, the Bhakti
movement, social reforms of Akbar, Jahangir
b) Muslim Rule and the system of administration in
Medieval India-
Delhi Sultanat- Central and provincial administraion
Ala-ud-din Khilji- Revenue and Fiscal administration
Mughal administration- Central and provincial
administraion, Judicial administration
c) Status and position of women in medieval India.

4. Modern India

a) Socio-religious reform movements and their impact-

The Brahmo Samaj, the parthana Samaj, the Arya Samaj,
Ramkrishna Mission, Swami Vivekananda, Theological Society.
b) The attitude of the East India Company towards
Prevalent practices- Sati, remarriage of widows, Caste
disabilities, slavery, Polygamy, Child marriage
c) Growth of Indian National Movement- causes
2.2 General English – II

1. Grammar and Usage

- Reported Speech (10 Marks)

- Punctuation (5 Marks)

2. Composition Skills

- Paragraph Writing (10 Marks)

- Formal / Informal Correspondence (2x10=20Marks)
- Précis-writing, Summarizing and briefing (10 Marks)
- Translation from English into Bengali or Hindi (10 Marks)

3. Composition Skills

- Comprehension passage (15 Marks)

4. Speech Training

- Reading Aloud (Knowledge of Proper Pauses)

- Key Sounds - their discrimination and accent / Phonetics


2.3 Political Science - II

1. Classical Liberal Thought- Bentham and J.S. Mill

2. Liberalism defamed: Karl Marx ( with particular reference to his concept of
Historical Materialism, Class and revolution)
3. Neo-liberal thought: Rawls and his concept of justice.
4. Liberalism in India: Raja Rammohon Roy.
5. Critique of Liberalism : Vivekananda
6. Post-Liberalism: Gandhi (with particular reference to his concept of Swaraj
and Sarvodaya)
7. Nation-State defamed: Rabindranath Tagore
8. Nation-State reviewed: Development politics of Jawaharlal Nehru.

2.4 Law of Contracts – I

General principles of law of contracts

The Contract Act, 1872 (60 marks)
1. General
- Definitions
2. Elements of contract
- Agreement
- Proposal and Acceptance
- Offer and invitation to an offer
- Communication and revocation of proposal and
- Consideration
- Definition
- Requirement of Consideration in a contract
- Exceptions of consideration u/s 25
- Inadequacy of consideration
- Views of the Law Commission of India
- Capacity to contract
- Minor
- Person of unsound mind
- Person disqualified by law
- Free consent
- Factors vitiating free consent
- Coercion
- Fraud
- Undue influence
- Misrepresentation
- Mistake
- Legality of object
3. Contingent contract
4. Discharge of contract – breach of contract, Doctrine of Frustration
5. Damages

The Specific Relief Act

- Nature of specific reliefs
- Recovering possession of property
- Specific performance of contracts
- Contracts which can and which cannot be specifically performed
- Rescission of contract
- Cancellation of instruments
- Rectification of instruments
- Declaratory Decrees
- Injunction
- Preventive relief- temporary and perpetual injunctions
- Mandatory injunction
2.5 Family Law – I
Hindu Law
1. Introduction
- Nature and scope of Hindu Law
- Applicability of the Hindu Law – Who are Hindus?
- Sources of Hindu Law
2. Marriage and Matrimonial Causes
(a) Marriage
- Nature of Marriage among Hindus – sacrament or contract
- The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955
- Conditions of a valid marriage (S-5)
- Ceremonies (S-7)
- Registration (S-8)
- Void and voidable marriage - children of void and voidable
marriage (Ss-11, 12,
- Restitution of conjugal right (S-9)
- Judicial separation (S-10)
(b) Divorce (Ss- 13, 13A, 13B, 14, 15, 16, 17)
- Grounds of divorce
- Divorce by mutual consent
(c) Maintenance and alimony (Ss-24, 25)
3. Adoption and Maintenance
The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956
- Requisites of valid adoption (Ss- 6-11)
- Effects of adoption. (S-12)
- Maintenance of wife, widowed daughter-in-law, children and
aged parents and dependants (Ss-18-22)
- Amount of maintenance (Ss-23-25)
4. Minority and Guardianship

The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956

- Natural guardians – Powers (Ss- 6-8)
- Testamentary guardians – Powers (S-9)
- De facto guardian (S-11)
- Incapacity (S-10)
5. Succession
The Hindu Succession Act, 1956
- Rules of succession in the case of males (S-8-12)
- Rules of succession in the case of females. (S-15)
- General provisions relating to succession
Full blood preferred to half blood (S-18)
Right of child in womb (S-20)
Presumption in case of simultaneous deaths (S-21)
Special provisions respecting dwelling houses (S-23)
Disqualifications for succession (Ss.25-28)
The Special Marriage Act, 1954
- Condition for solemnization of marriage (S-4)
- Procedure for solemnization of marriage (Ss-5-14)
- Registration of marriage solemnized in other forms (Ss-15, 18)
- Consequence of marriage under the Special Marriage Act

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