PTA Minutes May 2014

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Sligo Creek PTA Meeting Minutes

7:00-9:00 pm
Sligo Creek Elementary School Gym


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April 2014 Minutes: Approved by voice vote

Real Food for Kids: reviewed PTA pledge. Approved to sign the pledge on behalf of
the PTA.

Budget: Treasurer provided an update on income and expenses. A request for folding
tables for Building Services (5 Tables) approved - $500 under Ofce Furniture. Mr.
James still has his $300 in staff reimbursement as well. Mr. Brinson reimbursed for
tents under Salamander Stride budget. Increase Salamander Stride budget from
$1700 to $2000. Amendments to the budget approved.

PTA Overview and open volunteer positions. The PTA Secretary reviewed the PTA
positions, events & programs, and identied areas that we need new volunteers to
lead next years events. Open positions include: PTA President, PTA Treasurer, VP
for Academic Affairs, VP for Communications, Financial Review Committee, After-
school Programs, Directory, Website, Membership, MCCPTA Liaison, SSIMS
Liaison, Grades 3-5 social, 5th Grade Promotion, Staff Gift Fund. In addition to these
open positions, we have many volunteer opportunities. The PTA will update the
Volunteer information on the website to share more information on open positions
and how to volunteer. Please consider helping, and co-chair are encourage so sign
up with a friend!

Planning for the 2014-15 school year. The consensus from the meeting was that the
Nominating Committee should also work on a preliminary budget for the 2014-15
school year, to be considered at the June meeting. The PTA scal year ends
6/30/2014 and no money can be spent until a budget is approved for the school
year. In the past, this has meant the PTA cannot spend any money until after the rst
meeting in September; however there are bills and expenses that accrue over that
time period. Approving a budget in June allows the PTA to spend money in July,
August and early September, and allows next years PTA to benet from the
collective experience on the PTA this year. The PTA budget can be amended at ANY
time. The PTA wants to be clear that this is a way we can help next years PTA get
off to a solid start, and the budget can always be modied in September. We will
continue to emphasize this in our communications about planning for next year.

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