2dmt1314 Brief t3.1

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Miskin Theatre Assignment

Assignment Cover Sheet

Assignment Reference: BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Music Technology Brief IVd By: Andrew Pettitt
Miskin Theatre Assignment

Title: Desert Island Discs PASSED /RETURNED
nits: nit !" # Listening S$ills for Musicians %&C!#"'

Timing (ithin Course: Yr 1 Ter! " #$1%
Miskin Theatre Assignment

Date Set: )
May *+!"
Su,mission Dea-lines: *3
May *+!"

Special Consi-erations. Inde&endent St'dy is essential/ Allo( yourself pro0ect stu-io time/
Resources: Access T( )(rd Pr(cess(r access t( internet*
Miskin Theatre Assignment

1ey S$ills 2utcomes: T+is &r(,ect will -( t(wards c(.erin- /ey S0ills ('tc(!es*
Tutors in charge of Assignment: Matt 3o(er
Relevant Departmental 4otes
Assess!ent t+r('-+('t t+is c('rse is essentially f(r!ati.e t+eref(re c(!&any !e!1ers can re2.isit (r elect criteria as stated wit+in t+is 1rief and fr(! &ast and f't're
1riefs t( arri.e at t+eir final assess!ent -rades*
Miskin Theatre Assignment

!st 5ear Diploma in Music Technology 6 TERM 3
The Brief
Miskin Theatre Assignment

Desert 7slan- Discs
Any(ne w(r0in- in !'sic needs t( +a.e -((d listenin- s0ills* T+is a1ility is essential in (rder t( &erf(r! c(!&(se (r t( D3* As s('nd en-ineers y(' need t( 1e a1le t(
rec(-nise and descri1e t+e 4'ality (f !'sical and (t+er s('nds s( t+at t+ey can 1alance and creati.ely ad,'st t+e!* T+is &r(,ect all(ws y(' t( disc'ss +(w certain
c(!1inati(ns (f s(nic and !'sical ele!ents can create &(siti.e (r indeed ne-ati.e res'lts*
T+('-+ analytical +earin- y(' will learn w+at t( listen ('t f(r w+en c(!&arin- and c(ntrastin- !'sic* Y(' !'st disc'ss t+ree s(n-s as if y(' were 1ein- inter.iewed (n
t+e radi(* T+e s(n-s are y('r c+(ice and can 1e (f any -enre wit+in t+e &(&'lar !'sic cate-(ry* T+is &r(,ect is &artic'larly +el&f'l as y(' will 1e disc'ssin- !'sic t+at
Miskin Theatre Assignment

is already (f +i-+ fidelity -i.in- y(' cl'es (f t+e ideals y(' !ay wis+ t( ac+ie.e wit+ y('r (wn rec(rdin-s* Use y('r .(ca1'lary t( all(w (t+er listeners t( +ear and
disc(.er t+e ele!ents t+at y(' find cr'cial t( t+e en,(y!ent y(' find in t+ese rec(rdin-s*
T+e f('rt+ s(n- y(' will descri1e will 1e (ne t( w+ic+ y(' 1elie.e +as s(nic and !'sical fa'lts* T+is c('ld 1e a li.e renditi(n (f a trac0 y(' +a.e &re.i('sly disc'ssed
(r indeed (ne (f y('r (wn 5(-ic rec(rdin-s* T+e i!&(rtant &(int t( t+e &art (f t+e &r(,ect is t+at it is clear y(' can +ear s(!et+in- w+en it isnt ri-+t and t+en (ffer
ways as t( c(rrect it*
Y(' will 1e w(r0in- in &airs and will ta0e it in t'rn t( 1e t+e interviewer and interviewee 1't will &r(d'ce tw( indi.id'al &r(-ra!!es* T+e inter.iewer will 1e -i.en s(!e
Miskin Theatre Assignment

s&ecific scri&ted 4'esti(ns f(r y(' t( answer 1ef(re after (r d'rin- eac+ (f y('r c+(sen trac0s* T+ere can 1e an ele!ent (f r(le2&lay in.(l.ed as y(' !ay wis+ t(
ta0e (n t+e &ers(nality (f a s'ccessf'l !'sician w+( is tal0in- a1('t t+e t+ree s(n-s t+at !(st ins&ired t+e!* 5'cid res&(nses and a wide .(ca1'lary are desired f(r
y('r answers* It !ay als( 1e ad.isa1le t( &ic0 t+ree different s('ndin- trac0s in (rder t( -i.e y(' !(re sc(&e f(r y('r disc'ssi(n*
Desert 7slan- Discs
Miskin Theatre Assignment

1 2 6+((se " s(n-s and &re&are n(tes a1('t t+e !'sical c(!&(nents wit+in eac+ -i.en -enre +i-+li-+tin- t+e i!&(rtant c(!&(nents (f eac+ !'sical ense!1le 7U1%
8619 U%$ 861: and t+e s(nics and &r(d'cti(n tec+ni4'es in.(l.ed 7U1% 86#:*
# 2 I!&(rt t+e s(n-s int( 5(-ic and set '& a !icr(&+(ne and &(&2s+ield and rec(rd y('r c(!!ents (f t+e s(n-s as if it was a radi( inter.iew*
" ; Edit and 1('nce t+e finis+ed &r(d'ctla1el it clearly and transfer t( t+e desi-nated it'nes f(lder* 7U1% 8612% P<D:
Evi-ence 6 Au-io Recor-ings
&ra-ing Criteria: 3ass8 Merit an- Distinction attaina,le
Su,mission Date: *3
May *+!"
Miskin Theatre Assignment

<is0in T+eatre 8radin- 6riteria S+eet 7Please see y('r 1rief:
Miskin Theatre Assignment

9ualification: E:ten-e- Diploma in Music Technology 4ame:
3ro0ect: nit Title: %$ )(r0in- and De.el(&in- as a <'sical Ense!1le
Miskin Theatre Assignment

Criteria: ! %of "' 7nitials: M3 7/;/: Date:
Miskin Theatre Assignment

To achieve a pass gra-e the
evi-ence must sho( the
learner is a,le to:
To achieve a merit gra-e the
evi-ence must sho( the
learner is a,le to:
To achieve a -istinction gra-e
the evi-ence must sho( the
learner is a,le to:

so far
3! E:plain the elements of Musical
M! 7llustrate the elements of Musical
D! Analyse the elements of Musical
Miskin Theatre Assignment

Miskin Theatre Assignment

Miskin Theatre Assignment

<is0in T+eatre 8radin- 6riteria S+eet 7Please see y('r 1rief:
Miskin Theatre Assignment

9ualification: E:ten-e- Diploma in Music Technology 4ame:
3ro0ect: nit Title: 1% 5istenin- S0ills =(r <'sic Tec+n(l(-ists
Miskin Theatre Assignment

Criteria: !#" 7nitials: M3 7/;/: Date:
Miskin Theatre Assignment

To achieve a pass gra-e the
evi-ence must sho( the
learner is a,le to:
To achieve a merit gra-e the
evi-ence must sho( the
learner is a,le to:
To achieve a -istinction gra-e
the evi-ence must sho( the
learner is a,le to:

so far
3! listen t( rec(rdin-s (r &erf(r!ances
and descri1e t+e !'sical c(!&(nents
M! listen t( rec(rdin-s (r &erf(r!ances and
e>&lain t+e !'sical c(!&(nents
D! listen t( rec(rdin-s (r &erf(r!ances and
critically c(!!ent (n t+e !'sical
* listen t( rec(rdin-s (r &erf(r!ances and
descri1e t+e s(nic c(!&(nents
M* listen t( a rec(rdin- (r &erf(r!ances
and e>&lain t+e s(nic c(!&(nents
D* listen t( a rec(rdin- (r &erf(r!ances
and critically c(!!ent (n t+e s(nic
33 +ear and descri1e s(nic and !'sical
fa'lts in rec(rdin-s (r &erf(r!ances
M3 +ear and e>&lain t+e s(nic and !'sical
fa'lts in rec(rdin-s (r &erf(r!ances
D3 +ear and c(!!ent critically (n t+e s(nic
and !'sical fa'lts in rec(rdin-s (r
3" descri1e t+e te>t'res (f !'sical
instr'!ents and t+e effect (f t+e ac('stic
en.ir(n!ent (n t+e!*
M" e>&lain t+e te>t'res (f !'sical
instr'!ents and s('nds and t+e effect (f t+e
ac('stic en.ir(n!ent (n t+e!*
D" critically c(!!ent (n t+e te>t'res (f
!'sical instr'!ents and s('nds and t+e
effect (f t+e ac('stic en.ir(n!ent (n t+e!*
Miskin Theatre Assignment

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