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Adiwena Swardhani Rahayu

1. Nutrition is important for all stages of life cycle. Please explain wy first 1!!! "ays of life is
$. Iron re%uirement is increase" "uring pregnancy. Please explain ow woul" you a"&ise a marrie"
woman to prepare to meet iron re%uirement for er pregnancy#
'. (at is te )est time to intro"uce te complementary fee"ing to te infant# *riefly mention
a)out te energy an" nutrient gap.
+. *riefly "escri)e wy "ietary assessment is important#
,. (ic )iomar-ers will you measure for &itamin . sur&ey in a community were malaria
infection is common#
1. Te 1/!!! "ays )etween a woman0s pregnancy an" er cil"0s $
)irt"ay offer a uni%ue win"ow
of opportunity to sape ealtier an" more prosperous futures. Te rigt nutrition "uring tis
1/!!! "ay win"ow can a&e a profound impact on a childs ability to grow, learn, and rise out
of poverty. It can also sape a societys long-term health, stability and prosperity.
To"ay/ un"ernutrition is still a lea"ing cause of "eat of young cil"ren trougout te worl". 1or
infants an" cil"ren un"er te age of two, te conse%uences of un"ernutrition are particularly
se&ere/ often irreversible/ an" reac far into te future. In examples :
2uring pregnancy/ un"ernutrition can a&e a "e&astating impact on te ealty growt an"
"e&elopment of a cil". *a)ies wo are malnourise" in te wom) a&e a iger ris- of "ying in
infancy an" are more li-ely to face lifelong cogniti&e an" pysical "eficits an" cronic ealt
1or cil"ren un"er te age of two/ un"ernutrition can )e life3treatening. It can wea-en a cil"0s
immune system an" ma-e im or er more suscepti)le to "ying from common illnesses suc as
pneumonia/ "iarrea.
$. (en you4re pregnant/ you may "e&elop anemia an" tat normal 5fisiologis6. (en you a&e
anemia/ your )loo" "oesn4t a&e enoug ealty re" )loo" cells to carry oxygen to your tissues.
2uring pregnancy/ your )o"y pro"uces more )loo" to support te growt of your )a)y. If you4re
not getting enoug iron or certain oter nutrients/ your )o"y migt not )e a)le to pro"uce te
amount of re" )loo" cells it nee"s to ma-e tis a""itional )loo". .nemia can lea&e you feeling
tire" an" wea-. If significant an" untreate"/ it can increase your ris- of serious complications li-e
preterm "eli&ery. Its )etter for you to consume foo" wic a&e ig iron/ li-e meat/ spinac/
cic-en. .n" you suppose" to consume it e&ery"ay/ as long as you a&e a pregnancy plan until
you a&e a )a)y.
You need about 1-2 mg/day irons when youre not pregnant. And if you pregnant woman,
during the pregnancy, you should consume about mg/day of irons.
'. Te )est time to intro"uce te complementary fee"ing to te infant is wen 7 monts/ wy/
)ecause wen te )a)y )orn until 7 mont/ )reastmil- from moter is enoug to fulfill energy for
infant/ )ut wen te )a)y 7 monts 3 8 monts/it was start energy gap from a moter4s )reastmil-/
an" "uring te course of te growt of te infant/ tat more energy gap of )reast3fee"ing.
+. 2ietary assessment is te process of e&aluating wat people eat )y using one or se&eral inta-e
in"icators. It is te )est approac for i"entifying nutrients tat are li-ely to eiter )e un"er3or
o&erconsume" )y te in"i&i"ual or groups of interest. It also can )e use" to i"entify foo" patterns
an" preferences. 2ietary status is relate" to )ut not necessarily reflecti&e of nutritional status.
Nutritional status is a more compreensi&e term/ referring to ealt status as it is affecte" )y
nutrition. It is measure" not only )y assessing "ietary status/ )ut also )y antropometric/
)iocemical/ an" clinical measures.
,. Serum retinol )in"ing protein/ 93reacti&e protein/ .lfa 13glycoprotein

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