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Workflow Steps

Symbol Step Name Function

Activity Activity is used to execute the methods of
Business Objects. At runtime it does the
execution of a task or sub workflow
Web activity The content of container elements is sent to
a UR unchan!ed or in the form of a
!enerated "# document. The ste$ can
wait for a re$ly. %ommunication with a
$rocess started by a Web activity is
$ossible. A $rocess started by an "#
messa!e can communicate with its caller.
&end mail This is used to send mails to &A'( )nternet
mail addresses. The text entered in this
ste$ ty$e is sent as an e*mail.
+orm The data in a container element that refers
to a structure can be dis$layed( $rocessed(
or a$$roved as a form.
The actual a!ent will be !iven choices to
execute the workitem with different
decisions. The $rocess flow of the current
workflow is controlled on the basis of a
decision made by the current a!ent.
A document is created from a document
%ondition One of two branches defined in the
workflow definition is $rocessed. The
system makes the decision based on
defined conditions. When doin! this( this
system takes account of information from
the context of the workflow or the
a$$lication objects $rocessed.
One of several branches defined in the
workflow definition is $rocessed. To do this(
the system checks the value of a container
element in the workflow container.
An event is created.
Wait for
The system waits for a s$ecific event. The
work item is only com$leted if the ex$ected
event occurs. The event can also be
tri!!ered by the occurrence of an "#
-lementary arithmetic o$erations or value
assi!nments are a$$lied to individual

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