Bloa Erq Ib 1 5-14

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Psychology, 2013-14 - BLOA

ACS Cobham

Genetics & Behavior Assessment ERQ

DUE: Wednesday, 21 May 2014 @ 10am

This essay will involve research, as well as demonstration of analysis and evaluation skills.

The essay should be between 1500-2000 words per the format explained in class and on the homepage of the class
website. Not adhering to the format will result in you losing points.

It should be submitted via Late essays will lose points, including weekends. If you have any valid
excuse for lateness, you must speak to me 24 hours beforehand for any consideration of being excused.

Respond to the below statement per the marking rubric below. Pay careful attention to the command
term used.

Discuss ethical considerations in research into genetic influences on behaviour.

Genetics & Behavior ERQ Marking Rubric

A. Knowledge and comprehension

Level Descriptor
The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The answer demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding that is of marginal
relevance to the question. Little or no psychological research is used in the respone.
The answer demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding relevant to the
question or uses relevant psychological research to limited effect in the response.
The answer demonstrates detailed, accurate knowledge and understanding relevant to
the question, and uses relevant psychological research effectively in support of the

B. Evidence of critical thinking: application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation


Level Descriptor
The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.
The answer goes beyond description but evidence of critical thinking is not linked to
the requirement of the question.
The answer offers appropriate but limited evidence of critical thinking or offers
evidence of critical thinking that is only implicitly linked to the requirements of the
The answer integrates relevant and explicit evidence of critical thinking in response to
the question. There is a clear argument with evaluation.

C. Organisation

Level Descriptor
The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.


The answer is organised of focused on the question. However, this is not sustained
throughout the response. Some issues with structure of the essay.
The answer is well organized, well developed, and focused on the question.


D. Research and citations


Level Descriptor
The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below.


Basic research using only class resources from the textbook or class handouts is used.
Citations are done improperly or inconsistently. Research is done beyond class
resources but uses poor sources (e.g. only Wikipedia). IB Study Guides online made by
teachers or students cannot be used. There are no in text citations or a works cited at
the end of the essay.
Basic research with 1-2 additional sources is done. At least one of these sources is not
Wikipedia, Simple Psychology,, or Quizlet and is from an academically
appropriate source. IB Study Guides online made by teachers or students cannot be
used. There are minor errors in the citations in text and/or at the end of the piece.
There is a high level of creative research done with 3-5 sources outside of those used in
class. No Wikipedia, Simple Psychology,, Quizlet, or IB Study Guides online
(by teachers or students). There is a good mix of resources, including some print media
(i.e. books), and it is or almost is all academically challenging (i.e academic journals).
Citations are consistent and correct, using MLA or APA format, and are in text and at the
end of the essay.



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