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RIO+ Centre Newsletter - No.

4 - February | 2014

Rio Dialogues to heat up the sustainable
development debate once again

Building upon the legacy of the Rio+20 Conference, the RIO+ Centre relaunched the Rio Dialogues
( platform with a new, redesigned layout and with the renewed goal of engaging
the civil society and the general public into the sustainable development debate.

One of the first objectives of the relaunched platform will be to convene the contribution of the civil
society around the post-2015 agenda, as part of a RIO+ initiative with the Brazilian government.

Read more about it.

RIO+ and Brazil government to discuss
post-2015 agenda with civil society
- Brazils Secretariat-General of the Presidency and RIO+
will hold a key meeting on February 11 to engage with
civil society actors and their ideas and recommendations


- Intergovernmental Committee
of Experts on Sustainable
Development Financing (ICESDF)
- RIO+ will attend an international
high level meeting about
on what shoud be the countrys position regarding the
post-2015 agenda and the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). Know more.

RIO+ addresses violence monitoring in
UNDP, OAS and Fiocruz event
- Access to justice and the measuring of crime and
violence will be key in the post-2015 agenda, but
countries have to shape their objectives and select the
best ways to monitor and compare violence indicators,
said Dr. Romulo Paes de Sousa, diretor of the RIO+
Centre, during event in Rio de Janeiro. Details here.
New on board
Marcio Pontual is the most recent staff member of the
RIO+ Centre, working as Sustainable Development Goals
Advisor. He started in the beginning of February.
Marcio was previously at Brazil's CGEE - Center for
Strategic Studies and Management Science, Technology
and Innovation. He also worked at Oxfam International
and the Brazilian government, and is a former intern at
UNDP. He hold a Msc in Environmental Change and
Management from the University of Oxford and a
Bachelor in International Relations from Brasilia

financing sustainable
development, from 13 to 15 of
February, in Rio de Janeiro.

RIO+ has been invited by Brazil's
Ministry of Environment to make
contributions and
recommendations on the subject.

- Expert Group Consultation On
Gender and Environment: RIO+
Centre policy specialist Leisa
Perch will take part in an
international Expert Group
Consultation on the gender-
environment nexus, as part of the
preparation for the first Global
Gender and Environment Outlook.

The consultation will be held
in Switzerland and is organized
by the United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP).

It will gather a group of highly
qualified especialists to inform
the framework for the report,
relevant issues and trends to be
included as well partnerships.

- RIO+ has opened its social
media channels. Follow us on
Facebook and Twitter! Soon on
Youtube, Flickr and LinkedIn.

In the picture: Sebatian Haug; Mara Sacasa, Marcia de Castro, from UNDP Mexico; Romulo Paes de Sousa and Ione
Nascimento, from RIO+
UNDP Mexico visits RIO+ Centre - UNDP Mexico Resident Coordinator Marcia de Castro visited
the RIO+s offices, on January 10, Rio de Janeiro, seeking to know more about the centre's governance and
mandate. She was accompanied by the Deputy Resident Representative Mara del Carmen Sacasa and UNDP
Mexico's Policy and Research Specialist Sebastian Haug.

The World Centre for Sustainable Development (RIO+ Centre) is a legacy of the Rio+20 Conference on
Sustainable Development and was set up to inspire and inform policies and practices that lead to
greater social, environmental and economic justice. It works with governments, civil society and the
private sector to stimulate dialogue and action on alternative development pathways. As a global
Centre based in the South, RIO+ aims to bolster South-South Cooperation and facilitate the
participation of the global south in international efforts on sustainable development.

RIO+ Centre team:
Director: Romulo Paes de Sousa
Deputy Director: Layla Saad
Policy Specialist: Leisa Perch
Laura Hildebrandt: Rio Dialogues, on assignment
Communications Officer: Srgio Spagnuolo
Program Associate: Ione Nascimento
SDGs Advisor: Marcio Pontual
Administrative Clerk: Wilians Alves

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